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Friday, July 17, 2020

PM Svanidhi Scheme Apply Online@

PM Street Vendor’s AtmaNirbhar Nidhi (PM SVANidhi) PM Svanidhi Scheme Apply Online

Hi friends, here we have a good news for you. Central Government has brought a new scheme.Through this scheme, these people are going to get a loan of Rs.10,000/-. few documents required to get this loan. In this page, now we are going to give a clear information on what is this scheme about and what are the documents required to get the loan. Kindly go through  the information given in this page till the end. So. till now the central government has given many schemes to the people of India during this lockdown days. So, in the same way a new  scheme has been introduced by the name "PM Svanidhi Yojana".

PM Svanidhi Yojana apply online @

Central govt. has aimed to give a loan of Rs.10,000/- to street vendors. Street vendors, small shop owners can apply for this loan. So, through this scheme, the street vendors and small shop owners can get the loan for less interest. For these street side vendors, vegetable sellers, fruit sellers, the central  govt. has declared Rs. 5000 crores to help them in the form of loan. Through this scheme, these people like street vendors, small shop owners will be benefited. To get this loan, there  are no hard core instructions or rules through this PM Svanidhi Yojana Scheme. So, these people can get a loan of Rs. 10,000 with a rebate in interest. So not only that, if the vendors  take interest and pay it in the regular intervals, they can get more rebate in interest.

Who are eligible for this PM Svanidhi Yojana Scheme?

Street side vendors, vendors selling fruits and vegetables on vehicles, laundry people, fruit sellers, vegetable sellers, pan shop(pan sellers) can apply for this loan through the Official website
Through this PM Svanidhi Yojana Scheme, more than 50 lakhs of people will be benefited.

PM SVANidhi Yojana Scheme Video watch ere
This is  a beautiful video which gives complete information on PM Svanidhi Scheme. Who are eligible for this PM Svanidhi Yojana Scheme? and how to apply for this PM Svanidhi Scheme at

How to Apply for thisPM Svanidhi Scheme  Loan? this is the official website to apply for PM Svanidhi scheme
Planning to APPLY for Loan?
Follow 3 STEPs before starting the online Application Process:
1. Understand the loan application requirements
Properly understand the information & documents required to fill the Loan application form (LAF) for the Scheme. Keep all the information ready before you start the application process.
2. Make sure your mobile number is linked to your Aadhaar
You are requested to make sure that your mobile phone is linked to your aadhaar number. This will be required for your e KYC/Aadhaar validation during online application process. It will also help you to get letter of Recommendation from ULB (in case required). It will also help you avail future benefits under Government welfare schemes.It is understood from UIDAI officials that for updating mobile numbers, only a form has to be filled and no additional document is required. A link to UIDAI portal where you can find details of the nearest Aadhaar centre is provided below.
3. Check your eligibility status as per scheme Rules ion to be kept ready
You will fall in one of the following 4 categories of Street vendors. Check your status and the documents/ information which you need to keep ready
CategoryVendor StatusAction required by Vendor
A.Vendor has been covered in the survey of Urban Local Body (ULB) and have been issued Certificate of Vending (CoV) or Identity card (ID Card) by ULB or the Town Vending Committee
  • Check your name in the survey list on the portal and note your Survey reference Number (SRN).
  • Keep a copy of your CoV or ID card ready for uploading during application process
B.Vendor has been covered in the survey of Urban Local Body (ULB) and has not been issued Certificate of Vending or Identity card by the ULB or the Town Vending Committee
  • Check your name in the survey list on the portal and note your Survey reference Number (SRN).
  • A Provisional CoV shall be generated for you by the system while making online application
C.Street vendors, left out of the ULB-led identification survey or who have started vending after completion of the survey.
2 sub categories will be there :
C1 : Vendor has been issued Letter of Recommendation by ULB/ TVC
  • Keep a copy of LoR ready for uploading
C2 : Vendor has not been issued LoR
  • Vendor to declare one of the followings:
    i. Vendor has received One Time assistance during Covid lockdown
    ii. Vendor is a member of the vending/ Hawkers association.
D.Street vendors of surrounding development/ peri-urban / rural areas vending in the geographical limits of the ULBs (not covered in Survey).
2 sub categories will be there:
D1 : Vendor has been issued Letter of Recommendation by ULB/ TVC
  • Keep a copy of LoR ready for uploading
D2 : Vendor has not been issued LoR
  • Vendor to declare one of the followings:
    i. Vendor has received One Time assistance during Covid lockdown
    ii. Vendor is a member of the vending/ Hawkers association.
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