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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

District Medical and Health Officer (DM&HO) Ananthapuramu Recruitment of Certain Posts on Outsourcing Basis Online Application Form

District Medical and Health Officer (DM&HO) Ananthapuramu Recruitment of Certain Posts on Outsourcing Basis Online Application Form

DM&HO- ATP – Recruitment of 17-MNO, 15-FNO, 02-PMOO and 03-Radiographers to work on outsourcing basis under the control the DM&HO, Ananthapuramu

Applications in the prescribed proforma are invited from the eligible candidates for recruitment of posts noted in the annexure to work on Outsourcing basis Under the Administrative Control of DM&HO, Ananthapuramu. The Applicants can download the Application & the details of vacancies available & eligibility particulars through Ananthapuramu District Website address

District Medical and Health Officer (DM&HO) Ananthapuramu Recruitment of Certain Posts on Outsourcing Basis Online Application Form /2020/07/dmho-anthapuramu-recruitment-of-certain-posts-on-outsourcing-basis-online-application-form-ananthapuramu.ap.html

Filled Applications shall be submitted in the O/o District Medical & Health Officer, Ananthapuramu during office working days at 10.30 AM to 05.00 PM along with all required certificates and requisite application on or before 27.07.2020 by 5.00 PM.

The Director of Public Health and Family Welfare, AP, Vijayawada has permitted for filling up of the following posts to work on outsourcing basis with the consolidated pay mentioned against each as per G.O.Ms.No.69 HM&FW(A1) Dept. dated 16.06.2020. The payment will be made through Andhra Pradesh Corporation for Outsourced Services (APCOS)

Vacancy details :
MNO : (Only Male Candidates -eligible for the post) - 17 Posts
FNO : (Only Female Candidates - eligible for the post) - 15 Posts
PMOO - 02 Posts
Radiographer - 03 Posts

Educational Qualification :
10th class or its equivalent examination Must have First Aid Certificate.

(a) Intermediate with Biology and physics or Maths and Physics.
(b) Two year Diploma in Para Medical Opthalmic Assistant Course from Government Recognized Institute With respective Council / Board registration

Pass in the CRA examination; provided that preference shall be given to a candidate who in addition possesses a degree of BA, BSC, MSC, MA, BSC (Hons) of any recognized university with Physics as main subject With respective Council / Board registration

Age Limit:
1). OC Candidates should not have completed 42 years as on 01.07.2020.
2). SC/ST/BC Candidtes should not have completed 47 yers as on 01.07.2020.
3). Ex-Servicaemen and PH Candidates should not have compleed 50 years as on 01.07.2020. Reservation: Rule of Reservation will apply as per State Govt. rules in force.

The filled application should be submitted in person duly enclosing the following certificates with self attestation at O/o DISTRICT MEDICAL & HEALTH OFFICER, ANANTHAPURAMU from 22.07.2020 to 27.07.2020 during the working days from 10.30 AM to 05.00 PM. The filled application without signature of the candidate or without any of the following enclosures will be summarily rejected.
  1. Filled prescribed application form.
  2. S.S.C or Equivalent examination Marks Memo.
  3. Intermediate or 10+2 examination Marks Memo.
  4. Qualifying Examination Pass Certificate.
  5. Marks memos of all the years (qualifying examination).
  6. Registration certificates from the respective councils / Board.
  7. Internship / Apprentiship / Clinical training Certificate if applicable.
  8. Latest Caste certificate issued by the Tahsildar concerned. 
  9. Study certificate for the years from 4th class to 10th Class. In case of Private study candidates, the residence certificate obtained from the Tahsildar concerned for 04 to 07 years prior to SSC and its equivalent.
  10. PH certificate (SADAREM CERTIFICATE) in respect of candidates Claiming reservation under PH Quota.
  11. Sports certificate in respect of candidates who claiming under Sports quota.
  12. Relevant Certificates in respect of candidates who claiming Ex Service man Quota.
  13. The candidates who are working on contract / Outsourcing basis under earmarked Govt institutions / State and Central Govt. Schemes should enclose Service certificate signed by competent authorities along with attested copy of appointment order to allowing for service weight age.
  14. First Aid Certificate in respect of candidates applying for the post of MNO / FNO.

Last date for submission of filled applications is 27.07.2020 at 5.00 PM

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Official Website

Also Read : Andhra Pradesh Corporation for Outsourced Services (APCOS) Jobs Registration Apply Online