Telangana Government Green Signal to Recruit 1000 Jobs in Irrigation Department
Government of Telangana
Irrigation & CAD Department
Irrigation & CAD Department : CM KCR announced that the government is ready to sanction one thousand new posts for the Irrigation Department. He said the system of irrigating 25 lakh crore acres should be a management armory. He said that the Department of Irrigation would be renamed as the Department of Water Resources (Water Resources Department) from now on. The Department of Water Resources should be under a single umbrella. The different sections no longer continue. The state should be divided under as many territorial areas as possible. Each CEO should be appointed in-charge for each regional area. All projects, canals, ponds and lifts should be within the CE. The work of filling the ponds must be done in an armored manner.
Chief Minister KCR was held a review meeting with senior officials on the scope for overhaul of the Irrigation department to ensure that the government’s vision of irrigating 1.25 crore acre of land in the coming days would come to fruition as soon as possible. The officials led by Irrigation Secretary Rajat Kumar and Special Secretary in the CMO Smitha Sabharwal submitted draft of the outlines encompassing the measures that would be need to restructure the department in line with the changing requirements.
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