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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Students Safety Guidelines for all School Going Students and Teachers

Students Safety Guidelines for all School Going Students and Teachers  

పాఠశాల భద్రత-మార్గదర్శకాలు
బడి నుండి ఇoటికి, ఇoటి నుండి బడికి" నినాదం 

Important Guidelines to the School going students to know some important points to avoid such type of incidents occurs in their future. Here is the few important guidelines issued by AP SCERT. students are facing some problems in their daily life while they going to school, if they face any emergency incidents how they could react and solve the problems in such any case here are the information to follow.

పాఠశాల భద్రత-మార్గదర్శకాలు,

బడి నుండి ఇoటికి, ఇoటి నుండి బడికి" నినాదం, 
బడిలోనూ, ఇoటిలోనూ మార్గమధ్యంలోనూ బాలలు అనేక ప్రమాదాలు గురయ్యే అవకాశం ఉoదనీ ఆయా సందర్భాలలో తగిన ముందు చర్యలు చేపట్టడం, సూచనలు చేయడం, అవగాహన కలిగించడం పై AP SCERT వారు గైడ్లైన్స్ విడుదల చేశారు. 

పూర్తి వివరాలు క్రింది వెబ్‌సైట్ లో.

Students Safety Guidelines for all School Going Students and Teachers /2019/12/students-safety-guidelines-for-all-schools-teachers-students.html

The School Teachers also should take care of children and  bring awareness to students that in any emergency cases some times they are facing some problems, in this case they should be taught the safety plans that how should they can escape and solve the problems.

A Student of aged 8 years who's name is Master K.Pavan Kumar studying in Municipal Primary School, Dharmavaram, Ananthapuram District has died due to Snake Bite. For this incident Constitution of team has prapared a draft guidelines for students to avoid such type of incidents in future. 

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