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Monday, September 16, 2019

AP TS SMC/School Management Committee Formation Guidelines and Election Process

AP TS SMC/School Management Committee Formation Guidelines and Election Process

AP TS SMC/School Management Committee Formation Guidelines and Election Process: School Management Committee/SMC means School Management Committee. SMC has a very crucial role in actualizing the goals of RTE. It has tremendous potential to transform the existing system of education, characterized by cynicism and a defeatist outlook of the system functionaries and stakeholders, including teachers and parents. Through its positive action and a constructive dialogue with other stakeholders the SMC can work towards reinstating a well functioning school system. Consistency of positive actions by SMC will change the dynamics and solutions will begin to take shape, first at local levels and then at the larger systemic levels.

AP TS SMC/School Management Committee Formation Guidelines and Election Process /2019/09/ap-ts-smc-school-management-committee-formation-guidelines-election-process.html

Guidelines for the conduct of election for School Management Committee(SMC) in A.P. Guidelines for the conduct of election of Chairman, Vice Chairman and members of School Management Committees in the Schools (except unaided private schools) in the state.

SMC-School Management Committee Elections Norms and Guidelines: SMC-School Management Committee Elections Norms and Guidelines 

  1. The HM shall conduct meeting of all the parents/guardians of children in each class to elect 3 members, of whom at least one person is parent/guardian of a child from the socially disadvantaged group, one person is a parent/guardian of a child belonging to weaker sections, and another from general category. From among them, two members shall be women. 
  2. All the sections and all the mediums of a particular class in a school shall be treated as one class only. 
  3. The school having both primary and upper primary classes shall have one SMC for the entire school. 
  4. In case of schools having classes for both elementary and secondary education, separate School Management Committee shall be constituted for the elementary section, which may be styled as ‘upper primary School Management Committee’ of the corresponding school. 
  5. Child belonging to socially disadvantaged group means and includes a child belonging to the Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Orphans, Migrant and Street Children, Children With Special Needs and HIV affected/infected children. 6. A child belonging to weaker sections means a child belonging to BC, Minorities and includes OCs whose parents income does not exceed Rs 60,000/- per annum. 

The following are the details of members to be elected as per the classes running in a school

SMC Members in Primary School for Classes I to V

School Management Committee Elections Members in Upper Primary School for Classes I to VIII

SMC Members in High School for Classes VI to VIII

  1. The School Management Committee (SMC) shall elect the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson from among its elected members. Provided that at least one among them should be a parent/guardian of a child from the disadvantaged group or the weaker sections and another should be a woman candidate. 
  2. In case, the number of children in a class is less than 6, the same shall be combined with the next lower or higher class, such that the number of electors in the combined class is 6 or more. 
  3. The parent/guardian having children in different classes shall be eligible to Participate in the election process of each class. At least 50% of the parents/guardians should be present for conducting the Elections. 
  4. HM shall conduct the election. Elections shall ordinarily be by show of hands or voice vote. In extra ordinary Situations of unresolved contention, secret ballot procedures may be adopted. 
  5. The HM shall conduct meeting of parents/guardians to elect the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Members of the SMCs. 
  6. This process shall be completed before 29th June 2013 without fail. They must conduct SMC meeting with the elected members of SMC on the eve of SMC Dinotsavam on 29-6-2013 as a part of Education Fortnight. 
  7. The term of an elected member will be for two years, or the date of leaving-from-the-school of the member’s child/ward, whichever is earlier. 
  8. New parent/guardian members from entry class will be inducted into the SMC to replace those parent members who will move out of the SMC when their children leave school. 
  9. Electors of respective classes shall elect new parent/guardian members of SMC from entry class and also to fill in any casual vacancy.

"The new relationship between teachers and community has to be based not on the power of control but on the power of mutual trust

SMC: Key Functions:

1. Making School Development Plan (SDP) as per the RTE guidelines/norms
2. Management of school
3. Supervising and supporting implementation of SDP
4. Supervision/monitoring of finance, management, academic progress, distribution of entitlements & other functions
5. Ensuring accountability and transparency in the system through the social audit mechanism
6. Keeping proper accounts of the fund available and sharing its deployment and utilization with the ‘Grama Sabha’
7. Creating and maintaining an educational database
8. Coordinating with the local authority, generating funds from other sources for development of schools
9. Monitoring academic progress of the children
10. Instituting social audit mechanism and processes to bring transparency in the system and ensure universal participation

Guidelines for formation of School Management Committee

1. The SMC shall be constituted in every school, except unaided schools, within its jurisdiction, within six months of the commencement of the Act and reconstituted every 2 years.

2. A primary school consists of 27 members committee from which 24 members shall be from the mother / father or guardian of the children enrolled in the school. One member will be the elected representative one member may be the nominee of the Mahila Samaikyas of the village concerned.
The Head Master or the in charge of the school shall be ex-officio member /convenor of the committee

3. A school, other than a school specified in sub-clause (iv) of clause (n) of section 2, shall constitute a School Management Committee consisting of the elected representatives of the local authority, parents or guardians of children admitted in such school and teachers

4. Three-fourth of members of such Committee shall be parents or guardians proportionate representation shall be given to the parents or guardians of children belonging to disadvantaged group and weaker section fifty percent of Members of such Committee shall be women shall perform the following functions
 - Monitors the working of the school;
- Prepares and recommend school development plan;
- Monitors the utilization of the grants received performs such other functions as may be prescribed.

5. Every School Management Committee, constituted under sub section (1) of section 21, shall
prepare a School Development Plan

6. Maintain regularity and punctuality of teachers in attending school

7. No teacher shall engage himself in private tuition of private teaching activity

8. SMC shall identify children requiring special training and organize such trainings

9. School Management Committees may involve Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Self Help Groups (SHGs) in mobilization and identification of Out-of-School children (see in Right To Education Act rule) Chairperson of the SMC shall maintain a list of the children belonging to disadvantaged groups and weaker sections.

SMC Members Formation Process:

Sl.NoDesignationPositionElection Process
1ChairpersonStudent's Parent or GuardianElected from Parents or Guardian
2Vice-ChairpersonStudent's Parent or GuardianElected from parents
3Member convenerHMAutomatic
4Elected MembersParents or GuardiansWill be elected from parent members by majority from each class by show of hand / voice vote / secret ballot
5Ex Officio MembersTeacher,
Ward Member/Councillor/ Coorporator , Anganwadi Teacher,
Multi Purpose Health Worker – Female ( ANM ),
President Mahila Samakhya
6Coopted MembersEminent educationist / philanthropist / Office Bearer of NGO/Voluntry Organization, an Alumni or such other supported of the schoolCo-opted by the elected Parent/Guardian members