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Monday, September 16, 2019

Developing the School as Swachh Patashala- Instructions Issued

Developing the School  as Swachh Patashala- Instructions Issued

All the DEOs and EO-DPOs  ,SS in the State are informed that all the Government  and Local body
schools in the state are to be developed as Swacch Patashala to promote quality education ,Inculcate good habits among school children , proper maintenance of infrastructure , neat maintanance of toilets and to ensure hygienic atmosphere in school premises

Developing the School as Swachh Patashala- Instructions Issued/2019/09/CSE-Telangana-Developing-the-School-as-Swachh-Patashala-Instructions-guidelines-Issued.html

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Developing the School  as Swachh Patashala- Instructions, Checklist to be maintained in the School and also Operational  Guidelines