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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences Admission Notification for Post Basic B.Sc, BPT B.Sc Nursing 4YDC, B.Sc (MLT) and P.B.Sc (N) 2YDC Courses Apply Online

Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences Admission Notification for BPT,B.ScNURSING 4YDC, B.Sc (MLT)& P.B.B.Sc (N) 2YDC Courses Apply Online

Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences (KNRUHS) B.Sc (Nursing) 4YDC, B.Sc (MLT) and P.B.Sc (N) 2YDC Courses Admission Notification: Government of Telangana State has issued a Notification for Admission into the BPT,B.ScNURSING4YDC, B.Sc (MLT)& P.B.B.Sc (N) 2YDC courses for the academic year 2020-21. The University invites applications from the eligible interested candidates for admission into into B.Sc (Nursing) courses through Computer based online Entrance Test and B.P.T. B.Sc  courses  for the year 2020-2021.under Competent Authority Quota into Government and Private Colleges affiliated to KNR University of Health Sciences, Warangal of Telangana State.

The Post Basic B.Sc., Nursing Course is 2 years in Government Colleges is for Women Candidates only. The Seats in Government Colleges are only for Women Govt, Service Candidates.

What are the Educational Qualifications:
A). Candidates seeking admission into post Basic B.Sc, (Nursing) Course should have passed Intermediate or any other equivalent examination (10+2 Pattern) recognized by the University in Telangana or Board of Intermediate Education Telangana or NIOS, TSOSS-Indian Nursing Council Regulations.

B). Candidates should have passed General Nursing and Midwifery from any institution by Govt, recognized of Telangana or Nursing Council of India and shall be registered with the State Nursing Council.

What is the Age Limit:
Candidates age should have completed 21 years and should not be more than 45 years as on 31st December of the year of admission.
In case of SC/ST Candidates the maximum age shall be relaxed by 3 years.

Educational Qualifications:
Candidates seeking admission into B.Sc, (Nursing) 4 YDC Course should have passed 2 years Intermediate examination (10+2 Pattern) with 45% aggregate of marks in Science (Biology, Physics, Chemistry) and English is also compulsory subject in 10+2 or any other examination of (10+2 Pattern) from recognized Board under AISSCE/CBSE/ICSE/SSCE/HSCE/NIOS/TOSS of other equivalent Board with Biology, Physics and Cemistry recognized as equivalent by the Board of Intermediate Education, Telangana State.

Age Limit:
Candidates age should have completed 17 years as on 31st December, 20201.

What is the Application Fee :
For P.B.Sc, (Nursing) 2 YD Course :
For SC/ST Candidates Rs. 1600/- and other candidates Rs. 2,000/-
For B.Sc, (Nursing) 4YD Course :
For SC/ST Candidates Rs. 1600/- and other candidates Rs. 2,000/-

B.Sc (Nursing) Course: Application forms through online are invited from the eligible candidates for admission into MSc (Nursing) courses for the academic year 2020-21 in Colleges affiliated to Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, Telangana State, Warangal based on merit in the qualifying examination B.Sc., (N) 4YDC / Post BSC (N) 2YDC Course under Competent Authority Quota

BPT Course: Application forms through online are hereby invited from eligible candidates for admission into B.P.T. courses for the academic year 2020-21 in Colleges affiliated to Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, Telangana, Warangal Under Competent Authority Quota.

The candidate can apply for admission into B.Sc(Nursing) Courses through online on the Website / / http://tspgparamed.tsche.infrom 10 AM on 06-12-2021 to 15-12-2021 upto 5.00 PM only. The online application canbe filled through any computer with internet connection (home/internet café/net center) with internet Explorer 11 version.`

For other details read the Regulations & Prospectus carefully. The Prospectus of the courses, Instructions for filling online application is available on the University Website / /

How To Apply-:
  1. The student can apply online on the official website of Kaloji Narayan Rao University of Health Sciences.
  2. Register on Website.
  3. Login to the website and open the application form.
  4. Fill up the application form properly.
  5. Click On "Submit Button".
  6. Students have to select Payment mode to pay the application fee of Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences (KNRUHS) Admission 2021-22.
What are the Required Documents 
  1. 10th Mark-sheets
  2. Passing certificate
  3. 10+2 Mark-sheets
  4. Passing certificate
  5. Income Certificate
  6. Category Certificate
  7. Admit card/Scorecard
  8. Transfer Certificate
  9. 3-4 Passport Size Photograph

What are the Important Dates:

1. Submission of online applications start from : 06-12-2021
2. Last date for submission of Applications thruogh online:  15-12-2021
3. Schedule for Certificate Verification : To be notified
4. Display of final merit list on website of KNR University : To be notified
5. Date of Counseling : To be notified
6. The candidates shall download the Hall-tickets for M.Sc. (Nursing) courses from 10.00 AM onwards ........ from the website: