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Tuesday, September 24, 2019



CBSE Merit Scholarship

CBSE Merit Scholarship Scheme  for Single Girl Child of Class X - 2020  application form 2020, Apply by 10/12/2020 .CBSE Merit Scholarship Scheme for Single Girl Child of Class X passed in 2020 and Renewal of 2019: CBSE Merit Scholarship for Single Girl Child: The objective of CBSE merit scholarship scheme is to provide scholarships to the meritorious Single Girl Students, who are the only child of their parents; and have passed the CBSE Class X Examination with 60% / 6.2 CGPA or more marks/ grades and are continuing their further school education of Class XI and XII. The Central Board of Secondary Education, HQ Delhi invites 'Online applications' from the students who have passed Class X Examination 2019 for the award of under Merit Scholarship Scheme for Single Girl Child.The scheme is aimed to recognize the efforts of the parents in promoting education among girls and to provide encouragement to meritorious students.

CBSE MERIT SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME FOR SINGLE GIRL CHILD APPLYONLINE @ /2019/09/CBSE-Merit-Scholarship-Scheme-for-Single-Girl-Child.html
The Board has invited applications from eligible candidates to avail the benefit of the scholarship scheme. Interested and eligible candidates are expected to file their applications online through the official website of the board i.e. The last date to apply for CBSE Scholarship Scheme 2020 is on 10/12/2020 . For renewal of scholarship reward scheme, candidates need to submit the physical scholarship forms by 10/12/2020
Scholarship Benefits
As per the scholarship notification, the beneficiaries of the Scholarship scheme will be rewarded with Rs 500 per month. The scholarship award period would be of maximum two years from the date of its commencement. The scholarship benefits or monetary reward will be transferred to the candidate through ECS/NEFT.

The last date for submission of online applications is 10/12/2020

Selection Procedure :
  1. Student should have passed Class X Examination from the CBSE and secured 60% or more marks.
  2. Pursuing Class XI & XII from CBSE affiliated Schools.
  3. Student(Girl) should be ONLY CHILD of their parents.
  4. Original Affidavit duly attested by the First Class Judicial Magistrate/ SDM/ Executive Magistrate/Notary as per prescribed format available on the Board’s website. (Photocopy of Affidavit will not be accepted).
  5. Undertaking should be attested by the School Principal from where the student is pursuing Class XI after passing Class X from Board’s Examination.
  6. Tuition fee should not be more than Rs. 1,500/- per month in Class X and 10% enhancement for Class XI & XII.

Conditions for scholarship

  1. Financial assistance will be given to pursue graduate level or post graduate level technical and professional courses from a recognized institution. Course fee and Maintenance allowance will be credited/transferred directly into the bank account of selected students.
  2. Students who get admission to a college to pursue technical /professional courses, on the basis of a competitive examination will be eligible for the scholarship.
  3. Students who get admission in technical / professional courses without taking any competitive examination will also be eligible for scholarship. However, such students should have not less than 50% marks at higher secondary/graduation level. Selection of these students will be done strictly on merit basis.
  4. 30% scholarship is ear marked for girls students of each minority community in a State /UT which is transferable to male student s of that community in case of non - availability of female students in that community in the concerned State /UT. 30% is the floor and not the ceiling for eligible girl students.
  5. Continuation of the scholarship in subsequent years will depend on successful completion of the course during the preceding year.
  6. A scholarship holder under this scheme will not avail any other scholarship/stipend for pursuing the course.
  7. The annual income of the beneficiary/parent or guardian of beneficiary should not exceed Rs.2.50 lakh from all sources.
  8. The Income Certificate would remain valid for One Year.

How to apply

The candidate needs to visit the CBSE site and click on the 'CBSE Scholarship Portal' box located at the bottom. Here, the applicant has to click on the ‘Guidelines and Application Forms/ Apply Online’ option and follow the steps mentioned below.
  1. Candidate needs to enter her roll number and date of birth (as printed on the Class X mark sheet) to submit the online application form.
  2. Enter all particulars carefully and submit the form.
  3. Note down the 'registration number' shown on the page. This will be used while uploading documents and also for all other future communications.
  4. Print the undertaking as provided in the 'Guidelines Document', fill it, paste the photograph and get it attested from the school.
  5. Prepare the affidavit according to the format provided in the ‘Guidelines Document’.
  6. Scan the above two documents, i.e. 'affidavit' and 'undertaking' to create PDF file of up to 1MB size. The PDF should contain all the pages (in case of multiple pages).
  7. Go to the 'upload document' option and upload both the above-mentioned documents.
  8. Go to print 'confirmation page' option and generate the confirmation page.
  9. Only applicants who have completed the application process properly will be able to generate a confirmation page. Applicants who could not generate confirmation page are not successful, and their application will not be processed.
  10. In case of any query, you may write to
