Thursday, August 29, 2019

Selection of Upadyaya Shikshana Nestham Teacher Educator

Selection  of  Upadhyaya  Shikshana  Nestham Teacher Educator

Notification for Selection of Upadhyaya Shikshana Nestham (Teacher Educators) And Sankethika Sikshana Nestham (Digital/E-content Resource Persons) by SCERT through Computer Based Test.

 It  is  proposed  to  put  in  place  a  strong  resource  pool  of  about 3500  Teachers  under  three  categories,  through  Systematic  Selection  System  from  out  of interested   Teachers   with   aptitude,   subject   understanding,   appropriate   pedagogy   skills, commitment,  etc.  The  two categories  are :

Selection of Upadhyaya Shikshana Nestham Teacher Educator /2019/08/Notification-for-Selection-of-Upadyaya-Shikshana-Nestham-Teacher-Educators.html

 i. Upadhyaya  Shikshana  Nestham  (USN),
 ii. Sankethika  Shikshana  Nestham  (SSN). iii.Deputation  of teachers  into  SCERT,  DIETs,  CTEs, IASEs  Lecturer  posts, District Assessment  Cells, Details  are  given below  and in the  Annexures.

1. Upadhyaya Shikshana Nestham  (USN)

 1.  SCERT  conducted  the  Training  Needs  Identification  (TNI) Survey and received  feedback  from  over  26,000 teachers.  Student  learning  outcomes  gaps are  identified  by National  Assessment  Survey (NAS), State  Level  Achievement Survey (SLAS), Summative  Assessment  Analytics  and Annual  Status  of Education  Report  (ASER),etc.  School  Education  Department  aims  to  build a strong resource  pool  of Teacher  Educators. 

2.  The  selected  Teacher  will  be  called  Upadhyaya Shikshana  Nestham.  These USN will  function as  Teachers  Trainers  (SRPs  /  DRPs) in Induction  and Inservice  Teacher  trainings  conducted  at  State/District/Mandal  levels.  USN  will be  part  of the  SCERT  Resource Group/Pool  who will  develop  training modules, conduct  teacher  trainings  at  different  levels,  etc.

Inviting applications for Computer Based Test

SCERT వారు RP లను ఎంపిక చేయడానికి CBT పరీక్ష నిర్వహిస్తున్నారు
దరఖాస్తులు:27.08.19 నుండి 06.09.19 వరకు
ఎంపిక కాబడినవారిని DIET, SCERT , జిల్లాలలో శిక్షణకు వినియోగిస్తారు
3 కేటగిరీ లలో అభ్యర్థులకు పరీక్ష నిర్వహిస్తారు

3.  The  USN  will  be  selected  under 8 Resource  Groups are as follows :

1. SGT  Group, Subject specific  School  Assistants  (2) Telugu,  (3)  English,  (4)  Mathematics,  (5) Physical  Sciences,  (6) Biological  Science,  (7)  Social  Science,  (8) Hindi .

iv.Annexure  1  details  out  the  Qualifications,  Selection  Process, Post  Selection Trainings,  incentives/benefits,  Expected  Deliverables,  Roles  and Responsibilities,  etc. 
 iii.The  USN  will  be  selected  under 8 Resource  Groups  -
 (i) SGT  Group, 
Subject specific  School  Assistants  (ii) Telugu,  (iii)  English,  (iv) Mathematics,  (v) Physical  Sciences,  (vi) Biological  Science,  (vii)  Social  Science,  (viii)  Hindi 
iv.Annexure  1  details  out  the  Qualifications,  Selection  Process, Post  Selection Trainings,  incentives/benefits,  Expected  Deliverables,  Roles  and Responsibilities,  etc. 

2. Sankethika Shikshana Nestham  (SSN)

 i. Sankethika  Shikshana Nestham  (SSN)  will  work as  e-Content  Developers  in the  e-Content  Cells  located  at  DIETs, develop  e-Content  for energizing textbooks  (ETBs),  Digital  Classrooms, Virtual  Classrooms, curate  and Map existing  content  and state  curriculum  and  support  e-Lesson Planning,  digital education  training  resource  persons  to  cover effective  use  of ICT  Labs, APEKX-DIKSHA  utilization,   etc.(GO  No. 141)
 ii. Annexure  2  details  out  the  Qualifications,  Selection  Process, Post  Selection Trainings,  incentives/benefits,  Expected  Deliverables,  Roles  and Responsibilities,  etc. 

3. Deputations  into  SCERT, DIETs, CTEs,  IASEs  and District  Assessment  Cells

i. These  selected  teachers  will  work in the  vacant  positions  of the  DIETs, CTEs and IASEs  at  district  Level  and  in SCERT  at  state  Level. 

ii. They will  be  performing  the  work endorsed  by the  principal  of DIETs,  CTEs and IASEs  and  Director  of SCERT. 

iii.Basing on the  qualification  and Performance  in  CBT  these  deputations  will  be taken  up. iv. For District  Assessment  Cells  the  short  listed  candidates  will  be  called  for an in-person screening.  This  will  include  face  to face  interview  and serious practical  tests  to check  the  abilities  of candidates.  The  interview  will  focus  on understanding  the  attitude,  motivation  and over all  competency  of the candidate.  

4. Application  Process :

i. Interested  teachers  can apply  for Upadhyaya  Sikshana  Nestham  (Resource Persons), Sankethika  Sikshana  Nestham  (E-Content  Cell)  , Deputations  or all three 
ii. Candidates  can apply  for  any one  subject  of their  choice.  (See  Annexure  -3  for List  of Subjects) 

5. Candidates  are  requested  to apply  online  for CBT  from  27th  August  2019  to  6th September  2019 through 

6. The  computer-based test  shall  be  conducted  in all  the  districts.

7. Hall  tickets  will  be  issued to the  candidates  based on the  data  furnished Online.  Hence mere  issue  of Hall  tickets  or writing  of examination  does  not  confer any  right regarding  eligibility. 

8. Candidate  applying  must  be  fully  qualified  for the  post  applied  for and in  possession of all  Certificates  as  on the  last  date  prescribed  in the  notification  for submission of applications. 

9. Eligibility  for each  category  of the  post, mode  of selection,  pattern  of examination including  duration, total  marks  and qualification  marks  and other  procedure  will  be indicated  separately. 

10.The  syllabus  /  topic  given are  only suggestive/indicative  but  not  exhaustive. 

Important  Dates for Notification, CBT  Dates :

1.   Availability  of application  form  – 29th  August  2019
2.   Last  date  for application  –6th  Sept, 2019
3.   Date  of Computer  Based Test–22ndSeptember-2019, Sunday
4.   CENTA  Micro-Credentials–To  be  announced  after  CBT
5.   Diksha  Digital  Content  Development  Course  – To  be  announced  after CBT
6.   Interaction  with Panel  of Departmental  Officers  –To be  announced  after  CBT.


Download detailed Notification
Online Application for RPs