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Wednesday, July 3, 2019

TS SCERT ABC Attainment of Basic Competencies Programme: Guidelines & Daywise Schedule

TS SCERT ABC Attainment of Basic Competencies Programme: Guidelines &  Daywise Schedule  
Implimentation of Basic Competencies(ABC)/3Rs Programme in all Govt/Local Body and Aided Schools-Instructions and Daywise Schedule. ABC Attainment of Basic Competencies introduces in Telangana by SCERT as per the orders of TS School Education Department Commissioner and Director of School Education. This ABC Programme is intended for the students from classes 3rd to 9th Classes to achieve basic Competencies in Telugu English and Mathematics. Here are the clear Guidelines and Action Plan to Implement the Attainment of Basic Competencies ABC Programme at School Level and related Proformas Pre Test Base Line Test Question Papers Download ts-scert-abc-attainment-of-basic-competencies-guidliens-action-plan-pre-test-question-papers-proforma-download
TS SCERT ABC Attainment of Basic Competencies Programme: Guidelines & Proformas /2019/07/ts-scert-abc-attainment-of-basic-competencies-guidliens-action-plan-pre-test-question-papers-proforma-download.html
SCERT ABC Attainment of Basic Competencies Programme Guidelines Proformas
As per the Instructions issued by the Commissioner and Director of School Education Telangana State, ABC Attainment of Basic Competencies Programme is going to implement in Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools from Classes 3rd to 9th. This Programme duration will be 45 Days  as per the necessary. Teachers have to conduct subject wise Telugu English and Mathematics Pre Test and divide the children into groups. After conducting the Pre Test, Results should be collected by the CRPs from Schools and upload the same Online at Child info Website. For every 10 Days Slip Tests should be conducted for the assessment of Progress. Headmasters School Complex Headmasters have to Supervise the ABC Programme an Give guidance to teachers. You may Download here Pre Test Question Papers Proformas

Latest Shcedule of Pre Test:

1.  Maths Pre Test on  or 27.09.2021

2.  Telugu Pre Test  on  or 27.09.2021

3.  English Pre Test  on  or 27.09.2021

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