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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Official login for AP CCE FA/SA Marks Entry Online

Official login for AP CCE FA/SA Marks Entry Online SCERT- Instructions to School Headmasters

AP School Education Dept SCERT Andhra Pradesh Instructions to High School Headmasters on Uploading Formative / Summative Assessment Marks online at School Education Dept Official Website for the Academic year 2020-21. The link to CCE Marks entry Online is available on the website of Commissionerate of School Education Department Anhdra Pradesh from the classes VI to X Classes
6-10th CCE, FA1 మరిà°¯ు FA2 à°®ాà°°్à°•ుà°²ు à°…à°ª్à°²ోà°¡్ à°šేà°¯ుà°Ÿà°•ు CSE Websitelo screen enable à°šేà°¸ిà°¯ుà°¨్à°¨ాà°°ు.
CCE link is open for all Classes. Site is working now
Official login for AP CCE FA/SA Marks Entry Online SCERT- Instructions to School Headmasters AP School Education Dept SCERT Andhra Pradesh Instructions to High School Headmasters on Uploading Formative / Summative Assessment Marks online at School Education Dept Official Website for the Academic year 2017-18. The link to CCE Marks entry Online is available on the website of Commissionerate of School Education Department Anhdra Pradesh from the classes VI to X Classes
Official login for AP CCE FA/SA Marks Entry Online SCERT- Instructions to School Headmasters

CCE FA/SA Marks Entry Online Instructions

  1. CCE Marks entry for FA I and FA II is enabled only through the individual school logins already given to schools. Marks Entry through APOnline franchises is not available from this Academic year
  2. As per the guidelines issued on implementation of CCE by CSE, the possibility of ensuring  timely entry of marks is entrusted to the Headmasters
  3. Headmasters are requested to first complete the language mapping of students on the portal before proceeding to the marks entry
  4. Any request for data entry beyond the deadline will not be entertained and will be considered seriously
  5. Headmasters are therefore requested to start the data entry process well in advance and complete within the prescribed time
  6. In case of any queries issues the Headmasters are requested yo Contact APOnline either on the Helpline Number 7032901380
  7. Every Registered ticket on marks entry from Headmasters will be resolved by APOnline within a maximum of 2 working days to enable easy data entry
  8. The data entry work should be completed on or before 30.09.2017 without fail

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 Enter Online CCE FA/SA Marks