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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Rc 4102 Rationalization of PS, UPS, High Schools and Staff Under Various School Managements

Rc 4102 Rationalization of PS, UPS, High Schools and Staff Under Various School Managements

Rc 4102 AP Schools, Staff Rationalization Norms Has been Released

Rc.No.4102 is regarding the rationalization of Schools under various managements Govt, ZIlla Prishad, Mandal Parishad, Teaching Staff Rationalization as per the norms stipulated. The complete Rc.No.4102/Estt-III/2015 Dt:13/05/2016 is as follows.
Rc 4102 Rationalization of PS, UPS, High Schools and Staff Under Various School Managements AP Schools, Staff Rationalization Norms Has been Released /2016/05/rc-4102-rationalization-of-ps-ups-high-schools-staff-norms-released.html

Rationalization of Schools, Posts and Staff , Rationalization Norms ,Rc 4102 Rationalization of Various School Managements Govt, ZIlla Prishad, Mandal Parishad Proposals, Information .

All the District Educational Officers are informed that the proposal for rationalization of Schools is submitted to Government after extensive consultation with Teaches MLCs, Unions/ Association Representatives. The same is under consideration by the Government, before issued of Government Order. A copy of the

Rationalization proposals submitted to Government is enclosed.

All the District Educational Officer are instructed to undertake the Rationalization exercise applying the proposed norms and submitted potential scenarios of school rationalization in the district. Aadhar seeded integrated U-DISE Data with cut off date 31/03/2016 ay be utilized for arriving justification of staff.
The DEOs are further instructed to consult the DyEO/MEO who will be aware about the filed level situation. The District status report as per the norms of staff proposed on the Table I-A, I-B, II-B, III-A and III-B may be submitted by mal 14/05/2016, 5 PM positively.

AP School Rationalization 2016 New Norms

  1. At Least Minimum Strength in Model Primary Schools should be 100.
  2. Model School with 80 Strength may continue for this year i.e 2016-17
  3. Primary School having more than 30 students shall be provided second teacher.
  4. Under various managements 5690 Primary Schools which have less than 19 students may be consolidated with nearby Primary School within 1 Km.
  5. Only two Tier System of schools i.e. Primary and High Schools may be implemented.
  6. Upper Primary schools may be consolidated with nearby High school which is within 3 Km Radius. Required subject teacher will be provided.
  7. Upper Primary School having strength above 60 in VI and VII will be upgraded as High School.
  8. Upper Primary Schools VI, VII and VIII which are running less than 40 and 50 respectively may be downgraded as Primary School.
  9. High School running with less than 50 Strength can be consolidated with nearby High School within Radius 3Kms.
  10. Exemption may be given where there is no scope to have High Schools within 3Kms Radius.
  11. As per RTE Transport facility provided to students.

Submit specially the following in the their report

  • Primary Schools that are to be consolidated
  • Resultant Number of Model Primary Schools
  • Number of SA/SGTs/LPs/PET that will be rendered surplus/deficit
  • Number of Upper Primary School that are likely to be upgraded as High Schools.
  • Number of Upper Primary Schools that are likely to be downgraded as Primary Schools.
  • Potential additional Model Primary Schools that will emerged due to downgrading Upper Primary Schools.
  • Number of Unviable High Schools.
  • Number of exclusive English Medium High Schools that are to be established
  • Number of Success Schools that are to run with parallel Medium.

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