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Sunday, January 15, 2023

TS BC Study Circle TSPSC Group II Free Coaching

 TS BC Study Circle TSPSC Group II  Free Coaching

Applications are invited from eligible candidates belonging to BC, SC and ST for the free coaching TSPSC Group II for period of 90 days from Hyderabad.

What are the Important Dates:

Opening of Online Registration : 12-01-2023

The Last Date of Online Application : 20-01-2023

Selected Candidates List : 21-01-2023

The Coaching  staerts from : 23-01-2023

Qualification : Degree

TS BC Study Circle TSPSC Group II  Free Coaching

What is the Eligibility Criteria:

1.  The Candidates maximum family income shall be Rs 5.00 Lakhs perannum.

2. Reservation for women, it is 33  1/3 %  fof the total trainees se;ected om each centre and ROR as per G.O.Ms No.13 BCW(B) Dept. dated 23-06-2018 ( Backward Clases 75% BC-A-18%) BC-B-26% 

BC-C 3%  BC-D 18%  BC-E 10%  Scheduled Casts 15% Scheduled Tribes 5%  Others 5% (EBC Orphans)

3. The Candidates must upload SSC, Intermediate and Degree Certificate , Caste Certificate, Income Certificate , Aadhar Card.

4. Person who is regular student in any course or already working in any post in any cadre is not eligible for this coaching.

5. The candidates who availed  the free coaching previoulsly in any of the 12 TS BC Study circle are not eligible.

What is the Mode of Application:

The Final Selection will e based on thr marks obtianed in the Degree Examination/ reservaions and availability of seats(Disrict wise) in that particular study Circles. For further details and registration guidelines , the candiates are advised to visit the official website: The Candidate may contact to the TS BC Study Circle, Hyderabad phone Number 040-24071178

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TS BC Study Circle TSPSC Group II  Free Coaching Notification

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Official Website