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Thursday, October 13, 2022

Central Bank of India (CBI) Recruitment 2023 - Apply for 5000 posts

Central Bank of India Apprentice Recruitment 2023, Apply For 5000 CBI Vacancies

Central Bank of India, leading Public Sector Bank invites application from candidates for Engagement of Apprentices, under Apprentices Act, 1961 and as per Apprenticeship policy of the Bank. Selected candidates will be engaged in branches/offices in the respective districts at the discretion of the Bank.

CBI Apprentice Vacancy 2023/Details of the vacancies region wise are as follows:-

Post Name :  Vacancy

Gujarat : 342

Dadra & Nagar Haveli & Daman & Diu : 03

Madhya Pradesh : 502

Chattisgarh : 134

Chandigarh : 43

Haryana :m 108

Punjab : 150

J&K : 26

Himachal Pradesh : 63

Tamil Nadu : 230

Puducherry : 01

Kerala : 136

Rajasthan : 192

Uttarakhand : 41

Delhi : 141

Assam : 135

Manipur : 09

Nagaland : 07

Tripura : 06

Karnataka : 115

Telengana : 106

Andhra Pradesh : 141

Odisha : 112

West Bengal : 362

Andaman & Nicobar : 01

Sikkim : 16

Uttar Pradesh : 615

Goa : 44

Maharastra : 629

Bihar : 526

Jharkhand : 46

Total : 5000

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA (As on 31.03.2023):-

A candidate must be either

i) A Citizen of India or

ii) A subject of Nepal or

iii) A subject of Bhutan or

iv) A Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or

v) A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) above shall be a person in whose favor a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India. 

Age : Minimum 20 years and Maximum 28 years as on cut-off date.

However, relaxation in upper age limit for categories like SC/ST/OBC/PWBD etc. as per Govt. of India guidelines is applicable. (mentioned in Point 3.(a )

Qualification Graduate degree in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualifications recognized as such by the Central Government.

Physical/Medical Fitness

Engagement of Apprentices will be subject to his/her being declared medically fit as per the requirement of the Bank.

Registration Candidate need to register himself/herself on the apprenticeship portal – , before applying for apprenticeship in the Bank. Candidate with 100% completed profile on the apprenticeship portal only is eligible to apply to the Bank for Apprenticeship.

No. of Vacancies 5000 ( Five Thousand Only ) [Tentative]

Training Hours The apprentice shall be imparted On Job Training as applicable to the clerical staff.

Selection Process

Selection for engagement of candidates who apply for apprenticeship in the Bank after paying requisite online fee shall have to undergo the selection process, which would comprise the following :

1. Online Written Test (objective type)

 The online written examination will consists of five parts i.e.

1. Quantitative, General English, & Reasoning Aptitude and Computer Knowledge 2. Basic Retail Liability Products 3. Basic Retail Asset Products 4. Basic Investment Products 5. Basic Insurance Products

The duration of exam will be published along with the call letters.

 Candidates up to 4 times of vacancies will be called for the interview for checking their suitability for the post. It will be at the discretion of the bank to conduct the interview or dispense with it.

 Merit List will be drawn district wise and category wise.

Candidates qualified in the test will be placed according to their aggregate marks in descending order in respective districts and Categories.

In case more than one candidate scores same marks in the Merit List, such candidate will be ranked in the merit list according to their age in descending order.

2. Local Language Proof

 The candidate should be proficient in local language

 Candidate will be require to produce certificate of VIII/X/XII or Graduate level having studied local language as one of his/her subject.

Bank reserve the right to conduct any other test or follow any other selection criteria at its discretion.

Reservation Reservation guidelines as laid down by Government of India from time to time for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PWBD etc. shall be followed. 


Application/Examination/Intimation fee to be remitted by all eligible applicants only on demand by the scrutinizing/examining body deputed by the Bank is as under (GST @ 18% extra will be charged on application fee):

1 PWBD candidates Rs.400/-+GST

2 Schedule Caste / Schedule Tribe / All Women candidates Rs.600/-+GST

3. All Other Candidates Rs. 800/-+GST 

How to apply:

All applicants will have to apply online from 19.03.2023 to 03.04.2023 by clicking the link

If the Applicant has his/her profile created on (apprenticeship portal) then he/she will be prompted to Login & Apply.

If the Applicant has not created his/her profile then he/she will be prompted to first create his/her profile and then Login & Apply.

All applicants’ post successfully applying for apprenticeship will receive email communication from

BFSI SSC containing bank details for payment of examination fee.

All applicants will have to provide their personal information, category, name of scribe for PwD candidates and they also need to give their preference of 1/2/3 districts for their engagement, if selected.


Branches - Stipend - Diem Allowance

Rural/Semi-Urban branches - Rs 10000-  Rs. 225

Urban branches - Rs 12000- Rs. 300

Metro branches - Rs 15000-  Rs. 350

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Central Bank of India (CBI) Recruitment 2022 - Apply for 110 posts

Central Bank of India (CBI) has invited applications from the eligible candidates for recruitment for the post of Officer. Candidates who are looking for Central Bank of India Vacancy 2022 can use this opportunity and get a job based on the eligibility criteria and qualifications for Central Bank of India vacancies 2022. The online application starts on 28th September 2022 and will close on 17th October 2022.

Central Bank of India (CBI) Recruitment 2022 - Apply for 110 posts

Important Details:

Name of The Organization Central Bank of India
No. of Posts 110
Name of the Posts Economist, Data Scientist, IT, Risk Manager,....
Online application starting date 28th September 2022
Online application Last date 17th October 2022
Application Mode Online Process
Official Website

Important Dates:

  1. Starting Date for CBI application submission: 28 September 2022
  2. Last Date for CBI application submission: 17 October 2022

Age Limit:

  1. Age limitation as on 01 July 2022
  2. Maximum age limit for Candidates to apply CBI Jobs 2022 application: 35 to 50 Years

Pay Scale:

  1. Pay salary for CBI Officer Posts: Rs. 36000-63840/-

Application Fees:

  1. The application submission fees for Aspirants: Rs. 850/-
  2. The submission submission fees for Candidate: SC, ST, PWBD - Rs. 175/-

Educational Qualifications:

For more details about educational qualifications, refer the official notification given below.

How to apply online:

  1. Candidates are first required to go to the Ban's website and click the option “CLICK HERE TO APPLY ONLINE” to open the On-Line Application Form.
  2. To register their application candidates will be entering their basic information in the online application form. After that a provisional registration number and password will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen. Candidate should note down the Provisional registration number and password.
  3. An Email & SMS indicating the Provisional Registration number and Password will also be sent in the specified e-mail id & mobile numbers. They can reopen the saved data using Provisional registration number and password and edit the particulars, if needed.
  4. Candidates are required to upload their photograph and signature as per the specifications given in the Guidelines given here under for Scanning and Upload of Photograph and Signature.
  5. Prior to submission of the online application candidates are advised to use the “SAVE AND NEXT” facility to verify the details in the online application form and modify the same if required. No change is permitted after clicking on “COMPLETE REGISTRATION” Button.

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