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Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL) Recruitment for 1074 Jr. Manager and Executives Posts Apply Online

 Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL) Recruitment for 1074 Jr. Manager and Executives Posts Apply Online

DFCCIL Recruitment 2021 :  Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Limited (DFCCIL) has released the notification for recruitment 1074 various posts. Candidates those who are eligible and inerested can go through the below given detailed notification Link and apply Online.  The last date for registration of online applications is 23rd May 2021. In view of the unprecedented situation due to Covid -19  when lockdown has been declared in many parts of the country, it has been decided that the last date of the On-line Registration and submission of on-line has been extended up to 23.07. 2021.
DFCCIL INVITES applications for recruitment through ON-LINE MODE to the posts of Junior Manager, Executive and Junior Executive in various disciplines, as per the details given below.

DFCCIL Vacancy Details :
  1. Junior manager Civil - 31 Posts
  2. Junior Manager (Operations & BD) - 77 Posts
  3. Junior Manager (Mechanical) - 03 Posts
  4. Executive (Civil) -73 Posts 
  5. Executive (Electrical) - 42 Posts
  6. Executive (Signal & Telecommunication) - 87 Posts
  7. Executive (Operations & BD) - 237 Posts
  8. Executive (Mechanical) - 03 Posts
  9. Junior Executive (Electrical) - 135 Posts
  10. Junior Executive (Signal & Telecommunication - 147 Posts
  11. Junior Executive (Operations & BD) - 225 Posts 
  12. Junior Executive (Mechanical) - 1Total No. of Posts - 1074 Posts
Educational Qualification:
Junior manager Civil : Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized institute with not less than 60% marks in aggregate

Junior Manager (Operations & BD) : Two (02) years MBA/PGDBA/PGDBM/PGDM in Marketing/Business Operation/Customer Relation/Financefrom a recognized institute with not less than 60% marks in aggregate.

Junior Manager (Mechanical) : Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical
Engineering /Electrical Engineering /Mechatronics Engineering /Industrial
Engineering /Production Engineering /Automobile Engineering /
Manufacturing Engineering/

Executive (Civil)  : Diploma (3 years) in Civil Engg/ Civil Engg. (Transportation)/ Civil Engg. (Construction Technology)/ Civil Engg. (Public Health)/ Civil Engg. (Water Resource) from a recognized institute with not less than 60% marks in aggregate. 

Executive (Electrical) : Diploma (3 years) in Electrical / Electronics
/Power Supply/ Instrumentation and Control/ Industrial Electronics/Electronic
Instrumentation/Applied Electronics/ Digital Electronics/Power Electronics from
a recognized institute with not less than 60% marks in aggregate. 

Executive (Operations & BD) : Graduation with not less than 60% marks in
aggregate from a recognized University/Institute.

For more details and information like eligibleity, age, salary and application process
Click On below given detailed notification Link

1.  Jr. Manager -18-27 years
2.  Executive -18-30 years
3.  Jr. Executive -18-30 years

Salary Details :
Junior manager : Rs.50,000 - Rs.1,60,000
Executives : Rs. 30,000 - Rs. 1,20,000
Junior Executives : Rs.25,000 - Rs. 68,000

Selection Process :
a). The selection of the candidates will be based on computer test.
b). Document verification
c). Followed by an interview
d). Medical test

Application Fee :
For Junior Manager (UR/OBC-NCL/EWS) Rs.1000.00
For Executive (UR/OBC-NCL/EWS) Rs.900.00
For Jr. Executive (UR/OBC-NCL/EWS) Rs.700.00

How to Apply :
Candidates should have a valid personal e-mail ID & Mobile No. and must ensure that it is active during the entire recruitment process. Application sequence number, User ID, Password and all other important communication will be sent on the same registered e-mail ID (please ensure that email sent to this mail box is not redirected to your junk/spam folder) & mobile No.
STEP-I Registration/Sign-Up
a). Candidates agreeing Terms & Conditions of the recruitment may apply by clicking Checkbox & press 'START' button.
b). Sign-up by Post Applied, Candidate Name, Mobile No. and E-mail ID.
c). On completion of Step-I candidates will receive User ID & Password on their registered email ID & Mobile No..

STEP-II- Filling up of Application
After registration, candidate may click on “Go To Application Form” icon at top right corner ,select his category and other mandatory details and complete Personal Details, Qualification Details, Upload photo/signature and other documents, submission of Fee through Online mode via Debit card, Credit cards or Internet Banking through SBI MOPS

For any Technical queries/ clarifications relating to the filling up of ON-LINE APPLICATION, please feel free to contact the Helpdesk at Or Helpdesk No .:022 61087590

Important Dates:
Last date for on-line registration (Step - I) : 23rd July 2021 up to 23:45 hrs
Last date for filling up of on-line application and submission of fees (Step - II) : 23rd July 2021
Tentative Dates for Computer Based Test (CBT) : September/ October 2021.

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