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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

AAI Recruitment 2024: Apply for 119 Junior and Senior Assistant Posts Online at

AAI Recruitment 2024: Apply for 119 Junior and Senior Assistant Posts Online at

AAI Recruitment 2024:

AAI has announced 119 JA, SA, and Jr Executive positions for Recruitment 2024. AAI Recruitment Notification 2024 has been published on the Airport Authority of India's official website, for a total of 119 positions. The roles listed here are for Junior Assistants, Senior Assistants in many fields. Applications can be submitted online using the AAI Recruitment 2024. Apply online link will be active between 27th December 2023 and 26th January 2024. Vacancies, Important dates, Selection process, How to apply online can be checked by the candidates here.

Candidates are being hired for the posts of Junior Executive, Jr. and Sr. Assistants by the Airports Authority of India (AAI). By visiting the official website at, Interested candidates can apply for the vacant positions.  26th January 2024 is the last date to submit the application form. Through this recruitment drive, a total of 119 vacant posts will be filled. Vacancies, Important dates, Selection process, Apply Online can be checked by the candidates here.

AAI Recruitment 2024: Apply for 119 Junior and Senior Assistant Posts Online at

AAI Recruitment 2024 Important Details:

Organization name

Airports Authority of India (AAI)

Name of the post

Junior Assistant, Senior Assistant

No. of vacancies


Starting Date to Apply

27th December2023

Last Date to Apply

26th January 2023

Job Location

All over India

Mode of Application


Official website

AAI Recruitment 2023 Vacancy Details:

Name of the post

No. of vacancies

Junior Assistant

Senior Assistant


What are the Important Dates:

Opening Date for Online Registration of Application

27th December 2023

Last Date for submission of Online Registration of Application

26th January 2024

What is the Age Limit (as on4th September ):

  1. Minimum Age : 18 years
  2. Maximum Age : 30 years

What is the Educational Qualification:

  1. Junior Assistant : Candidates should have completed their Graduation.
  2. Senior Assistant : Candidates should have completed their Graduation 2 years’ relevant experience

What is the Application Fee:

  1. The application submission fees for Aspirants of All Other candidates is Rs. 1000/-
  2. Form submission fees is NIL for SC, ST, PWD, Female Candidates

What is the Salary:

  1. Junior Assistant Rs.40000-3%-140000
  2. Senior Assistant Rs.36000-3%-110000

What is the Selection Process:

  1. A computer literacy test in Microsoft Office will be conducted after the online examination for the positions of Jr. Assistant and Sr. Assistant.
  2. Following the online examination, there will be application verification, a physical measurement test, a physical endurance test that involves running, carrying heavy objects, climbing poles, ladders, and ropes, and a driving test.

How to Apply Online:

1. First visit the official website

2. Then, on the homepage, click on the “Careers” tab

3. Next, look for the registration link.

4. Now, Register yourself and proceed to fill out the application form

5. Candidates must pay the application fee and submit the form.

6. You can Download the application form and take a printout of it for future reference.

Click Here


An advertisement no. SR/ 01 /2022 has been issued by the Airport Authority of India for the recruitment of various posts in AAI, Southern Region in India, and inviting applications from the domicile of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala, Pondicherry, and Lakshadweep Islands. You apply online from 01.09.2022 to 30.09.2022 and can get all details on this job page

Starting date to apply: 1st sep 2022

What is the last date to apply: 30 sep 2022

Airport Authority of India recruitment of Junior and Senior Assistants in Southern Region of India:

Employer: Airport Authority of India

Address: Regional Executive Director, Airport Authority of India, Southern Region: Chennai 600 027

Email: not mentioned

URL:Refer to the job description for URL

Phone: not stated

Skills: Refer to job description due to many posts

Experience: Refer to job description due to many posts

Education: Refer to job description due to many posts

Total No of the Posts: 156

Reservation: UR 100, EWS 15, OBC NCL 16, SC 23, ST 02 (ESM 22, PWD 08)

1. Junior Assistant (Fire Services) NE-4 - 132 Posts - INR 31000 - 92000

Candidates must possess 10th + 3 years approved regular Diploma in Mechanical or Automobile or Fire with 50% marks OR 12th regular study with 50% marks and also must have a valid Heavy Vehicle Driving License.

2. Junior Assistant (Office) NE-4 - 10 Posts - INR 31000 - 92000

Candidate must possess a Graduation with typing speed of 30 wpm in English OR 25 wpm in Hindi with two years of related experience.

3. Senior Assistant (Accounts) NE-6 - 13 Posts - INR 36000 - 110000

Candidates must possess a Graduation B.Com preferred with a computer training course of three to six months and also two years of experience in the concerned discipline.

4. Senior Assistant (Official Language) NE-4 - 01 Post - INR 31000 - 92000

Cndidate must possess a Master's in Hindi with English as a subject a Graduation level OR Master's in English with Hindi as a subject at Graduation Level and also two years of experience in the concerned discipline.

What is the Age Limit: 18 - 30 years as of 25.08.2022 and relaxation in upper age as per rules.

What is the Application Fee: 

INR 1000 for UR, OBC, EWS and no application fee for Women/ SC/ ST/ ESM / PwD / Candidates done one-year apprenticeship training at AAI. INR 90 extra to be paid by all candidates as charges of health and hygiene arrangement for Covid 19. The fee can be paid only b Netbanking, and Credit/Debit Cards.

How to apply:

At the AAI website the eligible and interested candidates should need to apply online. The opening date for online registration of application is 01.09.2022 and the last date of submission of online application with a fee is 30.09.2022. Before applying please read the instructions carefully.

Click here for Official Website

Click here for Official Notification

Click here to apply online

About Employer

The Airport Authority of India is a Government undertaking.


Airports Authority of India Recruitment Notification 2020 

Airports Authority of India (AAI), a Government of India Public Sector Enterprise, constituted by an Act of Parliament, is entrusted with the responsibility of creating, upgrading, maintaining and managing civil aviation infrastructure both on the ground and air space in the country. AAI has been conferred with the Mini Ratna Category-1 Status.

Airports Authority of India invites applications from eligible candidates to apply ON-LINE through AAI’s Website for the following posts. No application through any other mode will be accepted.

Airports Authority of India Recruitment Notification 2020

Age Limit:

  1. Manager: Maximum age 32 years as on 30.11.2020
  2. Junior Executive: Maximum age 27 years as on 30.11.2020

Important Dates:

  1. Opening date for On-line Applications - 15.12.2020
  2. Last date for On-line Application - 14.01.2021
  3. Tentative Date of On-line Examination (Discipline wise) - Will be announced on AAI Website

Pay Scale(IDA):

  1. Manager (E-3) :- Rs.60000-3%-180000
  2. Junior Executive (E-1) :- Rs.40000-3%-140000

Education Qualification:

  1. Manager (Fire Services) :  B.E / B. Tech Degree in Fire Engg./ Mechanical Engg./ Automobile Engg.
  2. Manager(Technical) :  B.E / B. Tech Degree in Mechanical or Automobile.
  3. Junior Executive (Air Traffic Control) :  Bachelor’s Degree of Three Years in Science (B. Sc.) with Physics and Mathematics OR Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering in any discipline (Physics and Mathematics should be subjects in any one of the semester curriculum).
  4. Junior Executive (Airport Operations) :  Graduate in Science and MBA of 2 years duration. OR Bachelor’s degree in Engineering.
  5. Junior Executive (Technical) :  B.E / B. Tech Degree in Mechanical or Automobile.

Important Instructions:

  • (i) Only Indian Nationals fulfilling eligibility criteria can apply for the above posts.
  • (ii) Candidates whose result for final year examination is awaited are allowed to appear in the on-line examination, subject to the condition that they will produce the final result at the time of documents verification.
  • (iii) Age, Experience and all other eligibility criteria shall be reckoned as on 30.11.2020.
  • (iv) Vacancies reserved for OBC (NCL) category are available to OBC candidates belonging to Non-Creamy Layer (NCL) only as per the Govt. of India Guidelines.
  • (v) OBC Certificate: - The candidates applying against vacancies reserved for OBCs should note that they have to produce a valid OBC (NCL) certificate at the time of documents verification/interview in support of their belonging to OBC community in the Central list of OBC, issued by the Government of India, in the prescribed format for this purpose so as to prove that they do not belong to “Creamy Layer” of the OBCs. A declaration shall also be submitted by the candidate before his/her appointment that he/she does not belong to the Creamy Layer of OBC. OBC (Non Creamy Layer Certificate) for admission to educational purposes will not be considered.
  • (vi) SC/ST Certificate:- Candidates belonging to SC/ST category shall have to submit the Caste certificate issued by the Competent Authority at the time of documents verification/interview.
  • (vii) EWS Certificate:- Candidates belonging to EWS category shall have to submit the EWS certificate in prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority so as to prove that they belong to “EWS Category”at the time of documents verification/interview.
  • (viii) The SC/ST/OBC (NCL)/EWS/Disability certificate issued by the Competent Authority should either be in Hindi or English. Any Variation in the caste name will not be accepted.
  • (ix) Where a specialization is required in the qualifying degree in the essential qualification, candidate is required to submit a certificate from the University / Institution clearly specifying the specialization in the qualifying degree.
  • (x) In the case of Integrated Master’s Degree in Engineering, candidate will have to produce a certificate at the time of documents verification/interview in support of possession of Graduate degree and statement of marks in Engineering issued by the University / Institution.
  • (xi) Candidate must specifically indicate the percentage of marks obtained [calculated to the nearest two decimals] in the relevant column of the application. Where percentage of marks is not awarded by the University but only CGPA/OGPA/DGPA/CPI etc. is awarded, the same shall be converted into percentage in terms of conversion norms of University in this regard. Candidate will have to produce the equivalence certificate / document issued by the University / Institution evidencing equivalent percentage of marks, when called for documents verification.
  • (xii) Rounding off the percentage of marks will not be acceptable under any circumstances for consideration for appointment i.e. 59.99% will be treated as less than 60%.
  • (xiii) The date of declaration of result / issuance of Marks Sheet shall be deemed to be date of acquiring the qualification and there shall be no relaxation on this account.
  • (xiv) Candidates can apply for multiple numbers of posts with separate registration for each post, subject to the condition that they fulfil all other eligibility criteria required for the post and deposit the fee separately for each post as applicable.
  • (xv) In case of employees coming from PSUs (following IDA Pay-Scales): Pay protection upto a maximum of 3 (three) increments in the form of Personal Pay will be given to all eligible employees who have been recruited in AAI through Direct Recruitment and that the initial basic pay of the candidate will be fixed at the starting level of the scale to which he/she has been selected. Pay for this purpose means Basic Pay. The said component of personal pay will be absorbed during fixation of pay in higher scale/pay revision. Personal pay will be shown as a separate component and will not count for any purpose including DA.
  • (xvi) In case of employees coming from Central/State Government Ministries/ Departments (following CDA payscales): Pay protection upto a maximum of 3 (three) increments in the form of Personal Pay will be given to all eligible employees who have been recruited in AAI through Direct Recruitment and that the initial basic pay of the candidate will be fixed at the starting level of the scale to which he/she has been selected. Pay for this purpose means Basic Pay + DA. The said component of personal pay will be absorbed during fixation of pay in higher scale/pay revision. Personal pay will be shown as a separate component and will not count for any purpose including DA.

How To Apply:

Before applying for the post, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibility and other norms mentioned in the Advertisement. Furnishing of wrong/false information will be a disqualification and AAI will not be responsible for any consequence of furnishing of such wrong/false information.
Candidates are advised to read the following instructions carefully before applying on-line and also all the instructions given on main instruction page of the on-line application:
  • i) Candidates are required to apply On-line through the link available on under tab “CAREERS”. No other means/mode of submission of applications will be accepted under any circumstances.
  • ii) Incomplete application will be summarily rejected.
  • iii) Candidates should have a valid personal e-mail ID and mobile Number. It should be kept active during the currency of this recruitment process. The candidates are requested to check regularly their e-mail/AAI’s website for any communication from AAI.
  • iv)Before starting to fill up the on-line application, the candidates should keep at hand the following details/documents/information:-
  • (a) Valid E-mail id: The E-mail id entered in the online application form should remain active until the recruitment process is completed. No change in E-mail id will be allowed once registered. All correspondence regarding this recruitment shall be made on the registered E-mail id including Admit card for On-line examination and Call Letter for Documents Verification / Interview, if shortlisted.
  • (b) Scanned copy of latest passport size coloured photograph (not more than 03 months old) and scanned signature in digital format (as per dimensions given below) for uploading in the application.
  • (c) All relevant documents/details relating to eligibility criteria viz Educational Qualification, Caste Certificate [SC/ST/OBC(NCL)], EWS Certificate, Experience Certificate, Disability Certificate, Discharge Certificate in case of Ex-Servicemen, Apprentice Certificate from AAI etc.
  • v) Candidates are advised not to respond to unscrupulous advertisements appearing in any newspaper/websites/mobile apps etc. For authenticity of the any information, candidates may visit detailed advertisement available on AAI website only.

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