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Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Application for the Post of Staff Nurses/Ministerial Services/Paramedical/Lab Technicians and Others Download Application form

Application for the Post of Staff Nurses/Ministerial Services/Paramedical/Lab Technicians and Others Download Application form

Government of Andhra Pradesh 
Siddhartha Medical College, Vijayawada, Krishna District

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for recruitment to the posts of filling up existing vacancies & additional sanctioned posts of Staff Nurses, Ministerial services, Paramedical, Lab Technicians, Class-VI and Pharmacists on outsourcing/contract basis under the control of Director of Medical Education, A.P., Vijayawada to work in Super speciality Hospital, Siddhartha Medical College, Vijayawada initially for a period of one year. 

Candidates those who are interested can go through the below given Official Notification and apply for the following given vacancies. Download the Application Form and fill up all the details and attest the required certificates. applications should be submitted in person/Registered post duly enclosing the  certificates duly attested by the Gazetted officer along with the application. The last date of application is on 18.08.2020.

For all the details click below and watch the video

Vacancy Details :
  1. Staff Nurses  -  108
  2. Senior Assistants - 02
  3. Store Keeper cum Clerk - 05
  4. Junior Assistants - 04
  5. Data Entry Operator - 05
  6. Telephone Operator - 03
  7. Receptionist - 03
  8. O.T.Technician - 06
  9. Lab Technician Grade-II - 05
  10. Lab Attendant - 03
  11. Radiographers - 03
  12. Medico Social Worker Gr-II - 02
  13. Pharmacist Grade-II - 03
  14. Medical Records Officer - 01
  15. Medical Records Technician - 02
  16. Attenders (O.S) - 04
  17. MNO's - 10
  18. FNO's - 10
  19. Stretch Bearer - 04
Academic & Technical Qualification
1). Staff Nurse :  Intermediate with Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery or B.SC Nursing Degree, M.SC (N)from the institution established under Nursing Council of India Rules and Computer knowledge.
2).  Senior Assistant :  Any Degree from Recognized university with M.S. office.
3).  Store Keeper cum Clerk : Any Degree from Recognized university with M.S office.
4).  Junior Assistant :  Any Degree from Recognized university with M.S office.
5).  Data Entry Operator : Any Degree from Recognized university with PGDCA.
6).  Telephone Operator :
(a) Must possess intermediate Examination or its equivalent  qualification
(b) Must possess a certificate issued by the District Manager, Telephone that the candidates has sufficient knowledge and experience to operate the Telephone Exchange.
7).  Receptionist : Any Degree from Recognized university with PGDCA and speaking skills.
8).  O.T.Technician : O.T. certificate from recognized institution with experience.
9).  Lab Technician Gr- II :
(a) One year L.T Course after intermediate(or)
(b) Two years Diploma in Medical Lab Technology Course after SSC(or)
(c) B.SC with Medical Lab Technology as one of the optional subject.
10).  Lab Attendant : Passed SSC and Vocational MLT Certificate.
11).  Radiographers : Diploma/ Certificate course in Radiographic Assistant.
12).  Medico Social Worker Gr-II : Degree with diploma in Medico Social work from recognized university.
13).  Pharmacist Gr-II :
1) Intermediate
2) 2 years Diploma in Pharmacy Course recognized by  Govt. of Andhra Pradesh. Must have Registered with Andhra Pradesh Pharmacy Council. 
14 ). Medical Records Officer : 
(a) A degree of B.A., B.Sc., or B.Com. or any equivalent Bachelor Degree of a recognized University; and preference shall be given to a Graduate with statistics as a subject.
(b) Preference shall be given to candidates with Hospital experience for a minimum period of six months.
15).  Medical Record Technician :
(a)Pass in Intermediate or any other equivalent Examination of a recognized University;
(b) Pass in Lower Grade Typewriting Examination or knowledge of typewriting with minimum speed of 40 words per minute. 
16).  Attenders (O.S) : Passed SSC
17).  MNOs  : Passed SSC with recognized First Aid Certificate
18).  FNOs  : Passed SSC with recognized First Aid Certificate
19).  Stretcher Bearer :  Passed SSC

The minimum and maximum age shall be reckoned as on 01.07.2020 with
relaxations allowed by the government. The candidates should not have completed 42 year of age as on 01.07.2020
a) For SC’s /ST’s and BC’s relaxation will be for 05years.
b) For Ex-Servicemen 03 years in addition to the length of service in armed forces
c) For physically Challenged Persons 10 Years.

Each applicant must pay application process fee of Rs.200/-(Rupees Two hundred
only) to the 33662200006560 of Syndicate Bank, SMC Branch, Vijayawada IFSC Code
(SC, ST & PH categories are exempted from payment of fee)

NOTE: Original receipt/counter foil shall be enclosed to the application .Other wise the same will summarily be rejected.

The candidates should download the application from the website
and submit the filled in applications with all relevant enclosures by registered post /in person and handover in inward Tappals section in the office of the Siddhartha Medical College, Vijayawada on or before 05.00 PM on 18.08.2020.

Guidelines and instructions for filling up of application:
The filled applications should be submitted in person/Registered post duly enclosing the following certificates duly attested by the Gazetted officer along with the application form at inward Tappals section in the office of the Siddhartha Medical College,Vijayawada, Krishna Dist from 12.08.2020 to 18.08.2020 on working days in working hours i.e 10.30 AM to 5.00 PM. The application without signature of the applicant or without any of the following enclosures will be summarily rejected.

Click Here

Download Official Notification
Download Application Form
Official Website

Also Read : YSR Pelli Kanuka Scheme 2020: Application Status & Apply Online