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Monday, May 18, 2020

COVID-19 Essential Services Digital Pass @

COVID-19 Essential Services Digital Pass

ఎమర్జెన్సీ Health Problem మరియు అత్యవర  సమయం లో ప్రయాణించుటకు  పోలీస్ శాఖ ద్వారా ఆన్లైన్ లో పాస్ పొందవచ్చు *TS POLICE PASS MANAGEMENT*

ఈ లాక్ డౌన్ సమయంలో మీరు ఎక్కడికైనా వెళ్లాల్సి వస్తే, తెలంగాణ పోలీస్ డిపార్ట్ మెంట్ ప్రవేశపెట్టిన *ఆన్ లైన్ పాస్ సర్వీస్ ను* వినియోగించుకోండి. Get the Details Here

COVID-19 Essential Services Digital Pass
(Rachakonda and Khammam Police Commissionerates ONLY)

All digital organizational vehicle and employees passes with validity till 17th May 2020 will be automatically renewed till 31st May 2020. Please download the renewed passes after 10:00 PM on 17th May 2020.

All individuals can only apply for the reasons - Medical/Health Reasons and Death in Family ONLY.

TS Police Vehicle Pass Issue FAQs during Lockdown period Version 

COVID-19 Essential Services Digital Pass ఎమర్జెన్సీ Health Problem మరియు అత్యవర సమయం లో ప్రయాణించుటకు పోలీస్ శాఖ ద్వారా ఆన్లైన్ లో పాస్ పొందవచ్చు *TS POLICE PASS MANAGEMENT* ఈ లాక్ డౌన్ సమయంలో మీరు ఎక్కడికైనా వెళ్లాల్సి వస్తే, తెలంగాణ పోలీస్ డిపార్ట్ మెంట్ ప్రవేశపెట్టిన *ఆన్ లైన్ పాస్ సర్వీస్ ను* వినియోగించుకోండి. Get the Details Here COVID-19 Essential Services Digital Pass (Rachakonda and Khammam Police Commissionerates ONLY) COVID-19 Essential Services Digital Pass ఎమర్జెన్సీ Health Problem మరియు అత్యవర సమయం లో ప్రయాణించుటకు పోలీస్ శాఖ ద్వారా ఆన్లైన్ లో పాస్ పొందవచ్చు *TS POLICE PASS MANAGEMENT* ఈ లాక్ డౌన్ సమయంలో మీరు ఎక్కడికైనా వెళ్లాల్సి వస్తే, తెలంగాణ పోలీస్ డిపార్ట్ మెంట్ ప్రవేశపెట్టిన *ఆన్ లైన్ పాస్ సర్వీస్ ను* వినియోగించుకోండి. Get the Details Here COVID-19 Essential Services Digital Pass (Rachakonda and Khammam Police Commissionerates ONLY)

Who needs a pass?
a. No pass is required for travel to local petrol bunk, kirana or superstore, pharmacy etc.,
within a 3 kilometre radius of your place of residence.
i. However, you should present your proof of id and explain your travel when
asked by a lockdown enforcement authority and provide clarifications as
ii. You will also have to adhere to one family one-member policy wherein only one
member from a household is allowed to venture out, that too, only for buying of
essential items for living. As far as feasible, reduce need for venturing outside by
clubbing your purchases and buying them all at one go

b. No Pass is required if you have to undertake Animal Care, including, if you are a Pet Shop
Owner, Kennel Owner, Veterinary Clinic Owner, Cattle Farm Owner, Cattle Care Farm
owner, zoo worker and such [AND], if your establishment is within 3 kilometres of your
place of resident.
i. If the establishment is beyond 3 kilometres, you can apply for an Animal Care
Pass under Personal Pass Request online

c. No pass is required if owing to a Medical Emergency or a Police Emergency, you are
traveling by a 108 or are being escorted by Police Personnel or are visiting a Police
Station regarding a Police Emergency.
d. No pass is required in case of a death related emergency, where there is no time to wait
for a pass to be issued. Under such circumstances, please directly meet the SHO of your
Police Station and ask for a letter with appropriate details. The letter should be on the
official letterhead of the PS, along with multiple contact numbers. You should also retain
the receipt number of the application you have filed regarding issue of letter.

2. How many Kinds of Passes are there?
a. There are three kinds of passes currently:
i. A Personal Pass
ii. An Organizational Pass for its Vehicles
iii. An Organizational Pass for its employees not travelling in a Vehicle for which an
Organizational Pass for vehicles has been issued (Ex: Personal Vehicles of

3. What is a Personal Pass
a. Personal Pass is required in the following scenarios:
i. if you need to travel beyond the 3 kilometre radius for Health emergencies or
Death in family related reasons only.
ii. When you are a small business owner (ex: pharmacy or kirana store etc.) and
your establishment belongs to the exempted list.
iii. If you or your organization or group wishes to provide voluntary support to
citizens in various forms (including food and other services), you may apply for a
Personal Pass and mention "Volunteer Activity" as purpose. For issue of Vehicle
Pass for Volunteer Activities, please read under Volunteer Activities section of
FAQ for more clarity.
iv. If you are an employee working in an exempted organization (ex: Petrol bunk
etc.), you will need an employee pass acquired through your Employer.
Personal pass will be applicable only to Small Business Owners and not to

What is an Organizational Pass ?
a. An organizational pass is required when an exempted organization wants Travel Permit
for the following reasons:
i. For Vehicles carrying goods meant for the organization or delivering essential
goods as per exempted list for its customers
ii. For Employee Travel for official purpose by own transport and not through a
vehicle for which a Vehicle Pass has been issued
iii. For Vehicles that will carry its employees from place of residence to workplace,
and will meet the occupancy criteria applied during lockdown period.

5. How long does it take to issue a pass?
a. The Pass Issue authorities will attempt to process all pass requests within 2 working
days. Priority will be provided to organizations involved in essential services delivery.

6. What is the validity of an issued Pass ?
a. The Validity of the Pass will be mentioned on the pass itself
b. Currently, the provision is to issue a pass for a day, a date period or for the entire
lockdown, based on kind of pass being asked for

7. How many passes will be issued to individuals or organizations?
a. For organizations, the total number of Vehicle pass that will be issued will be equivalent
to not more than 1% of its total workforce in the state of Telangana.
b. For the purpose of calculation of workforce count, essential support staff who are off
role, and ordinarily work in the establishment can also be accounted for.
c. The total pass count will include Employee Vehicle Passes that will be requested by the
organization to enable Employees traveling by own vehicles for work. This cap is not
applicable for small business units such as kirana stores, pharmacy, clinics etc.
d. For Individuals, only one pass per reason per date window will be issued.

Click Here for Details

For such type of FAQ Click Here
Volunteer Enlistment Form
Apply for Essential Services Digital Pass