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Thursday, April 23, 2020

TDiSK App for IIT JEE NEET EAMCET Students - BIE Telangana

TDiSK  App for IIT JEE NEET EAMCET Students  - BIE Telangana

TDiSK: Learning app for Intermediate Students | TDISK Mobile App for Intermediate students of Telangana | TDiSK Learning App & DiSK Online Web portal for Intermediate Students| TDISK eLearning App for IIT JEE NEET EAMCET Aspirants - BIE Telangana | TDiSK - India's Best Learning app for +2, JEE,NEET| TDiSK Learning App and DiSK Online web portal – for Intermediate Students| TDiSK is Full Digital Study Kit for Intermediate, +2, JEE, NEET JIPMER, EAMCET, AIIMS, BITSAT and lot more.

TDiSK eLearning App for IIT JEE NEET EAMCET Aspirants - BIE Telangana

TDisk is a Digital Study Kit developed exclusively for Telangana Intermediate Students in association with Board of Intermediate Education, Telangana State. Board of Intermediate Education Telangana IIT JEE NEET మరియు EAMCET లకు సిద్ధమవుతున్న వారి కోసంeLearning  TDiSK Android App తో ముందుకు వచ్చింది. TDiSK - ఇంటర్మీడియట్, +2, JEE, NEET JIPMER, EAMCET, AIIMS, BITSAT మరియు మరెన్నో కోసం పూర్తి డిజిటల్ స్టడీ కిట్. కరోనా లాక్డౌన్ కారణంగా, విద్యార్థులు జాతీయ స్థాయి ప్రవేశ పరీక్షలకు సిద్ధం కావాల్సి వచ్చినప్పుడు ఇంట్లో ఉంటారు. టిడిస్క్ యాప్ ద్వారా విద్యార్థి మాక్ టెస్ట్
చేయవచ్చని బిఐఇ తెలంగాణ తెలిపింది. +2 JEE NEET EAMCET కోసం ఆన్‌లైన్ స్టడీ కిట్‌తో TDiSK eLearning App మరియు DiSk ఆన్‌లైన్ వెబ్‌పోర్టల్ http: // diskonline. తెలంగాణ బోర్డ్ ఆఫ్ ఇంటర్మీడియట్ ఎడ్యుకేషన్ నిపుణులు టిడిఎస్కె యాప్‌లో స్టడీ మెటీరియల్‌ను ధృవీకరించారు.

Lock Down దృష్ట్యా, ఈ సంవత్సరం వేసవి కోచింగ్ తరగతులను Onlineలో లేదా Offlineలో నిర్వహించలేకపోయింది. అందువల్ల, Online Video Class కోసం అన్ని జిల్లా అధికారులు, ప్రభుత్వ జూనియర్ కాలేజీల ప్రిన్సిపాల్స్, మరియు లెక్చరర్లు మరియు సబ్జెక్ట్ నిపుణులకు ఉచితంగా లింకులను అందించాలని నిర్ణయించింది. EAMCET, NEET, మరియు IIT-JEE ల కోసం చదువుతున్న మరియు హాజరయ్యే విద్యార్థులందరికీ ప్రసారం చేయాలి.విద్యార్థి కౌన్సిలర్ల సహాయంతో Online Video తరగతులను జిల్లా అధికారులు, ప్రధానోపాధ్యాయులు పర్యవేక్షిస్తున్నారు.

TDiSK: Learning app for Intermediate Students :

DiSK is a step forward in providing quality education with an app like this will enable access to quick and quality content for students to compete at a national level. TDiSK is an application exclusively developed for the intermediate students of Telangana. Experts from BIE Telangana have certified all the study material in DiSK. CloudEdz has been TS Govt partner in developing DiSK and TS Govt is extremely happy to be associated with a committed team that has seamlessly worked in ensuring the application is available on time. According to Govt Officials

TDiSK is a part of TS Govt larger vision for Digital Telangana, we are one of the first states to offer digital education to students at all levels. This initiative will augment our efforts in making government colleges transform on par with the private colleges. Particularly in rural/remote areas where internet connectivity is minimal, this app also works without internet with an onetime download of the application and it ready to be used according to Sri KTR

TDiSK App for IIT JEE NEET EAMCET Students - BIE Telangana TDiSK: Learning app for Intermediate Students | TDISK Mobile App for Intermediate students of Telangana | TDiSK Learning App & DiSK Online Web portal for Intermediate Students| TDISK eLearning App for IIT JEE NEET EAMCET Aspirants - BIE Telangana | TDiSK - India's Best Learning app for +2, JEE,NEET| TDiSK Learning App and DiSK Online web portal – for Intermediate Students| TDiSK is Full Digital Study Kit for Intermediate, +2, JEE, NEET JIPMER, EAMCET, AIIMS, BITSAT and lot more. TDiSK eLearning App for IIT JEE NEET EAMCET Aspirants - BIE Telangana/2020/04/tdisk-elearning-app-disk-online-web-portal-for-intermediate-students-download.html

Digital Education is a priority for the Government of Telangana. This initiative will help students get access to quality learning at the same time help them prepare for competitive exams at a national level. DiSK will also cut down costs associated with buying of books for competitive exam preparation. according to Sri Kadiyam Srihari.

TDisk Contains the Following Modes of Learning:

  1. Text Books: High Quality Material prepared by Experts Video lessons, assessments.
  2. Doubts: Chat with experts to resolve your doubts; Ask unlimited doubts.
  3. Synopsis: Synopsis, tips, formulas across all subjects.
  4. MCQ Tests: Unlimited challenges and test performance reportsVideos: Entire subject classroom videos.
  5. Questions and Answers: Prepare for your Board Exams.
  6. Entrance Exams: JEE, EAMCET, NEET, CA-CPT – Unlimited Mock Exams
  7. All these help students preparing for regular and competitive examinations.
  8. Digital education is a priority for the State government and the initiative will help students get access to quality learning and prepare for competitive exams at a national level

TDiSk App Features:

  1. Separate login’s for Engineering/Medical aspirants for Detailed Analysis to improve speed and accuracy.
  2. App contains Unlimited Practice with over 100K Question bank.
  3. Up to date previous question papers and Grand Tests designed and curated by Experts.
  4. Aspirants. must download for JEE, NEET, EAMCET, BITSAT, MHCET, VITEEE, KCET… 
  5. Board of Intermediate Education, Telangana State is associated to develop TDiSK  a Digital Study Kit developed exclusively for +2 Students . 
  6.  Works OFFLINE without Internet (except for Video Lessons) if Downloaded.
  7. TDiSK is available for MPC (Maths, Physics, Chemistry), BiPC (Botany, Zoology, Physics, Chemistry), CEC (Commerce, Economics, Civics), MEC (Maths, Economics, Commerce), and HEC even
  8. Students can prepare for Entrance Exams like JEE, EAMCET, NEET and CA-CPT along with Board Exams
  9. An extended trial period of 90 days with full features unlocked.

Benifits of TDISK App : 

  1. TDiSK is usedul for the students to practice for all kind of entrance examinations like JEE/ EAMCET/ NEET/ CA- CPT.
  2. One can take and analyse his/her capabilities with respect to the subjects, chapter wise and topic wise as TDISK feature includes unlimited Mock Exams.
  3. TDISK feature also makes a student understand his/her weak areas loop holes and focus more on those to overcome the hiccups and perform well.
  4. DISK is an Exclusive and Ultimate Learning Resource HUB for Telangana Intermediate Students. 
  5. DiSK enables the students to practice for all kind of Entrance Exams – JEE, EAMCET, NEET and CA-CPT. A student can take unlimited mock tests and practice. 
  6. They can review the test and find the results along with Solution and Explanation. 
  7. Test performances can be reviewed in DashBoard – Chapter wise / Topic Wise. Students can take previous exams real-time with full review and analysis.

Text Book & Synopsis :

Videos: A student never has to worry about the classes missed during the 2-year tenure of Intermediate education. One can have access to a wide range of videos chapter wise and topic wise ensuring better conceptual understanding for the students. The chapters can be viewed repeatedly enabling access for multiple times.

TDISK App comes with  elaborate subject material evaluated by the experts of  Board of Intermediate Education, Telangana State. The textbooks are relevant to their syllabus and help the student to understand the subject in a better way.
The synopsis, in turn, is clearly rooted with the explanations to make the students understand the subject in a better manner along with the formulae and points to remember.
MCQs, Q&As : The extensive range of Multiple Choice Questions enable the students to practice the MCQ’s for a multiple number of times. By doing so, a student could assess his/her fluency on the topic.
There are More than 5000+ Videos in this TDISK App

Dashboard feature in TDISK App :

The dashboard provides performance analysis for the tests that users have taken in the application. This help user to find out their potential insights into the subject.
Students can boost up their performance and be ready to contend with their further exams or test to deal with.

ASK feature in TDISK App:

ASK is a feature which allows the student to talk to the  experts for any kind of problem Solution orsupport or assistance needed in the subject.
The Students can feel freely ask the doubt they have in their mind regarding their academic study.
Onboard Experts are always there to help the students.

How to Register in TDiSK App: 

  1. From Google Play Store Download the TDiSK App.
  2. Open the TDISK App.
  3. It will ask for Login for old users, If you are new user you must create account ( Registration)
  4. Now Enter  Primary details Name, Mail ID Phone Number Password
  5. Click on Register
  6. Content will be Downloaded according to the details you have given. 

Click Here to Download

TDiSK Andriod App
TDiSK Web Portal

TDiSK: Learning app for Intermediate Students ,Disk is a Digital Study Kit developed exclusively for Telangana Intermediate Students in association with Board of Intermediate Education, Telangana State. online text books, Online mock tests, neet syllabus, NEET Study Material, neet online test series, bie telangana, TDiSK - India's Best Learning app for +2, JEE,NEET