Classes for X Students will be telecasted through DOORDARSHAN Saptagiri Channel
This is to inform all the X class students of their schools to attend the classes at their home through DOORDARSHAN Saptagiri Channel from 08.04.2020 onwards in two session i.e, from 10.00 am to 11.00 am (Ist session) and from 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm (IInd session) daily. All the DyEOs and MEOs are requested to instruct the Head Masters of High Schools (ZPHS, Govt. High Schools and Municipal along with all other managements schools)

Students can watch the lectures in Doordarshan-Saptagiri Channel during this time. They can note down their doubts, if any and contact the respective School Teachers for clarification, if require. One day in a week may be ear-marked by Doordarshan-Saptagiri channel for clearance of doubts through "phone-in" programme. The students can get their doubts clarified by making phone calls to the experts using the phone number announced by Doordarshan-Saptagiri Channel shortly. The doubts clarification Session will also be telecasted in Doordarshan-Saptagiri Channel.
In this connection all the DyEOs, MEOs and HMs should see that all the students of X class should attend the above mention classes without fail. This should be treated as MOST URGENT. Proceedings will follow.
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In this connection all the DyEOs, MEOs and HMs should see that all the students of X class should attend the above mention classes without fail. This should be treated as MOST URGENT. Proceedings will follow.
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