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Sunday, January 19, 2020

Visakhapatnam Steel Plant Recruitment 2024 for 250 Apprenticeship Apply Online

Visakhapatnam Steel Plant Recruitment 2024 for 250 Apprenticeship Apply Online

Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited (RINL)-VSP is seeking Graduate and Technician Apprenticeship Trainees from Engineering and Diploma graduates (passed in 2021/2022/2023/2024 only) in the following branches. Apprenticeship training lasts for one year. This is not a regular position, and it will be filled upon completion of one year of apprenticeship training under the Apprentices (Amendment) Act 1973. RINL-VSP is not obligated to give employment after apprenticeship training.

Candidates who meet all eligibility requirements may apply online for this apprenticeship training program using the Google Form link provided on the RINL- Vizag Steel Plant's official website.  The online application process through Google Form Link will close on January 9, 2025.

Post Name :
Graduate Apprenticeship Trainees (GAT) - 200 Posts
Stipend - Rs.9,000/-

Technician Apprenticeship Trainees (TAT)- 50 Posts
Stipend - Rs.8,000/- 

Educational Qualification:
1). Graduate Apprenticeship Trainees (GAT)
Degree in Engineering or Technology from a recognized university/institute

2). Technician Apprenticeship Trainees (TAT)
Diploma in Engineering or Technology from a recognized board or university

Candidates who have previously undertaken apprenticeship, are currently undertaking apprenticeship training, or are registered for apprenticeship training under the Apprentices (Amendment) Act 1973 are not eligible to apply.

Age Limit :
Candidate age should be Maximum 25 years

Process of Selection :
Candidates shall be called for Personal Interview on percentage of marks achieved in respective discipline/branch taking into consideration the respective reservation norms.

Duration of Training :
The duration of Apprenticeship training will be for a period of1(one) year as per Apprentices (Amendment) Act 1973.

Note : Selection Candidates will be posted at RINL-Plant at Visakhapatnam and other units of RINL (Ex, Mines at Madharam etc.,) based on the requirement in the respective unit/plant.

The interview schedule to the eligible shortlisted candidates will be communicated to candidate's Registered Mobile number and Email address only.

Application Procedure :
Candidates applying for the VIZAG Recruitment 2024 must first register on the MHRD NATS 2.0 Portal ( After registering, candidates must fill out the Google form included in the official notification. The entire application form must be received before the deadline of January 9, 2025. To receive the stipend from the Board of Apprenticeship Training, candidates should verify that their bank accounts are set up for Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT).

Last Date to Submission Online : 09.01.2025

For more Details Click Below Given Links


Visakhapatnam Steel Plant Recruitment 2021 for 319 Trade Apprentices Apply Online


Visakhapatnam Steel Plant Recruitment 2021 : Apply Online for 319 Trade Apprentices Vacancy.  Vizag Steel Plant – Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited (RINL) has announced notification for Engagaement of Trade Apprentices vacancies. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the following given Detailed Notification & Apply Online.

Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited (RINL) is the corporate entity of Visakhapatnam Steel Plant (VSP), India’s first shore-based integrated Steel Plant built with state-of-the-art technology and a prime producer of long steel products in the country having extensive market in infrastructure, construction, automobile, electrical and forging industry. With an annual turnover of ₹20,000 Crores, RINL is gearing up production to achieve rated capacity of 7.3 Mtpa Liquid Steel having three Captive Mines and 25 Marketing Branches Pan India. Forged Wheel Plant is another unit of RINL being commissioned at Raebareli, UP. 

Application are invited from eligible Indian National meeting the following qualification & other parameters for engagement of 319 Apprentices under the Apprentices Act, 1961 (as mentioned time to time) in the trades as mentioned below:

Vacancy Details and Stipend per month:

QUALIFICATION : ITI Pass with NCVT Certificate in concerned Trade.
Apprenticeship Training in an Industry as per the Apprenticeship Act, 1961/1973 as  amended from time to time or job experience for a period of 1 year or more are NOT ELIGIBLE.

Note: The candidates who have undergone Apprenticeship earlier or pursuing 

AGE Limit : Minimum age is 18 years and maximum age is 25 years as on 01.10.2020.

Application Fee:

Application fee of Rs. 200 (Plus GST @18%) per applicant of Un Reserved(UR), OBC & EWS  categories towards processing fee payable to RINL Account, while filling the On-line  Application Form. Howeverr ₹100 (Plus GST @18%) per candidate for SC, ST & PWD  Candidates. The Processing fee excluding GST shall be refunded to SC, ST & PWD Candidates  who attend the online test.

Fee shall be remitted through payment gateway by using Debit Card / Credit Card / Net Banking 

1. Selection process would consist of a Computer Based Test (CBT). Duration of Test shall be of 120 minutes i.e. two hours duration comprising both Aptitude and Technical segments.
2. Computer Based Test shall be of Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ’s)consisting of 4 options with one correct option. Candidate has to choose the correct option. 

For more Details Click On Below Given Detailed Notification Link.

Candidates meeting the above prescribed eligibility criteria should visit our RINL’s website under the link “Careers” and Click on the Registration Link pertainingto “Engagement of Trade Apprentices – 2020”( Advt. No.: RINL/VSP/L&DC /Trade 2021(1))during the period from 26.06.2021 till 17.07 .2021 by 18:00 hours. 

Date of issue of Website Notification : 26.06.2021
Date of opening of online application : 26.06.2021
Last date of submission of online application : 17.07.2021
Tentative date of Computer Based Test : 08.08.2021 

Important Links :

Vizag Steel Plant Recruitment Notification 2020 – Apply Online for 188 Management Trainee Vacancy

Vizag Steel Plant 2020 - Apply Online for 188 Management Trainee Vacancy Vizag Steel Plant – Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited (RINL) has announced notification for the recruitment of Management Trainee (Technical) vacancies. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply Online.

Vizag Steel Plant Recruitment Notification 2020 – Apply Online for 188 Management Trainee Vacancy Vizag Steel Plant 2020 - Apply Online for 188 Management Trainee Vacancy Vizag Steel Plant – Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited (RINL) /2020/01/


The selection process will consist of Online Test followed by Personal Interview.
 Eligible candidateswill be required to appear for a Online Examination, information of which will be provided in the Admitcard. Candidates shortlisted on the basis of their performance in the Online Test will be intimated to appear for Personal Interview .
Online Test:
1. Online test will comprise of General Awareness, Numerical Ability/Aptitude, General English Data-Interpretation, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning and separate paper for each discipline.Each segment (Aptitude & Technical) shall consists of 100 questions with one marks for ever right answer. No negative marks for giving wrong answer. Candidates should secure 50% in each segment (40% for SC, OBC & PwD candidates) separately for qualifying the online test.
2.  Eligible registered candidates will have to appear for Online test at designated centre at their own
3. Online Test will be held simultaneously at Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata Kakinada, Mumbai, Patna, Ranchi, Rajahmundry, Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam,
Vijayanagaram. Candidates are required to choose one of these cities as Test Centre and no
change under any circumstances will be allowed subsequently. The Company however reserves
the right to add/delete any centre and allocate appropriate centre to the candidate at its discretion.
Candidates are requested to visit the website regularly for this information.

Personal Interview:
Candidates shortlisted on the basis of their performance in the Online Test will be intimated to appear for Personal Interview (which may be held at short notice). Please visit the website for information on the same.


Candidates selected as Management Trainees will be placed on training for one year. After successful completion of training, the candidates shall be placed under probation for one more year.


1. Selected candidates will be offered a Basic Pay of  Rs.20,600/- p.m. in the Pre-Revised Pay Scale of Rs20,600-3%-46,500. On successful completion of training  they may be placed in the Pre-Revised Pay Scale of Rs 24,900-3%-50,500/-.
2. The emoluments will include Basic Pay, Dearness Allowance, Perks & Allowances. They will also beentitled for other perquisites and benefits such as PF, Gratuity and other perks & allowances as per rulesof the Company in vogue. In addition, the Company provides benefits like Leave encashment, housing and free medical facility for self and dependents as per rules in vogue. As this would be direct recruitment on initial basic, the Company will not bear any liability on  account of Salary/ leave salary/ pension contribution etc., of previous employment, if any. As per rules  of the Company. House Rent Allowance will be paid only where Company accommodation is not available.


1. Processing fee of Rs 590/- (Including GST @18%) for UR & OBC candidates and Processing fee ofRs. 295/- (Including GST @ 18%) for SC & PwD candidates
2. Fee shall be remitted through payment gateway by using Debit Card/ Credit Card/ Net Banking.
3. To avoid last minute rush, candidates are advised to apply well in advance.
4. Application fee, excluding GST, shall be refunded to SC candidates who attend the Online Test.

 Eligible and interested candidates would be required to apply Online only through RINL website under the link “Careers”. No other means/mode of application shall be

Important Dates

Starting date for Online registration - 24.01.2020
Closing date for Online registration - 13.02.2020
Closing date for Payment Gateway - 14.02.2020

Steps for Applying


1. Only Indian nationals are eligible to apply.
2. Only Online applications through website will be accepted. No other form
of application will be accepted.Pg 6 of 7
3. All qualifications should be from a recognized Board/University/Institution in India. All
certificates should be in English or Hindi.
4. Wherever CGPA/OGPA/DGPA or letter grade in a degree is awarded, equivalent percentage of
marks should be indicated in the application (online) as per norms adopted by University/Institute.
In case University/ Institute does not have norms for converting CGPA/OGPA/DGPA into
percentage, the candidate should submit documentary proof to that effect. In such cases, the
criteria adopted shall be CGPA of 6.75 out of 10 would be considered as 60% and 5.75 out of 10
as 50%.
5. The details entered by the candidate at the time of registration are final and binding.
6. The candidates are advised to ensure, while applying, that they fulfill the eligibility criteria and
other requirements mentioned in this advertisement and that the particulars furnished by them are
correct in all respects. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment process that the candidate
does not fulfill the eligibility criteria and/or does not comply with other requirements of this
advertisement and/or he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information or has suppressed any
material fact(s), his/her candidature is liable to be rejected. If any of the above shortcoming(s)
is/are detected, even after appointment, his/her services will be terminated without any notice.
7. Category (GEN/SC/OBC/EWS/PWD) once entered in the Online Application Form will not be
allowed to be changed and no benefit of other category will be admissible later on.
8. Candidates should produce the required certificates in original in proof of Age, Caste,
Qualification, etc. at the time of interview failing which their applications will be rejected.
11.9. Candidates employed in Government departments / PSEs / Autonomous Bodies have to produce
No Objection Certificate (NOC) at the time of interview.
10. The final selection is subject to the candidates being medically fit as per Company’s Medical
11. Appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their passing the Company’s Medical
Examination as per standards prevailing at the time of Medical Examination.
12. Candidates should visit our website regularly for further communication.
13. Candidates are bound by the rules and regulations made for the purpose of selection and to be
made in future by Company as and when warranted.
14. Depending on the requirement, the Company reserves the right to cancel / restrict / enlarge /
curtail the recruitment process as well as the number of positions keeping in view the Plant’s
needs without any further notice and without assigning any reason thereof.
15. The Company reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason what so
16. The decision of RINL in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance, rejection of the application,
issue of call letters, mode of selection, interview, verification of testimonials and selection will
be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry or correspondence will be entertained in
this connection.
17. Canvassing in any form shall disqualify the candidature.
18. Any candidate submitting false declaration/certificate or indulging in malpractices during
selection process will be disqualified and also debarred from future recruitments.
19. The candidates selected against this advertisement shall be liable to be posted anywhere in RINL
units including any of Company’s Captive Mines or Marketing Branch Offices located all over
20. In case of any dispute, the case shall be settled in the Courts of Visakhapatnam Jurisdiction only.
Pg 7 of 7
21. Complaints, if any, regarding the above recruitment may be lodged on Vigilance Toll Free No.
1800 425 8878 and/or on our website under the link “Contact Us”-
22. In case of any problem in filling up the Online Application, the candidate may contact on
telephone no. 0891-2740405 on working days between 9.00 A.M. to 5.30 P.M and e-mail to the

విశాఖ స్టీల్‌ప్లాంట్‌లో 188 మేనేజ్‌మెంట్ ట్రెయినీ పోస్టులు
విశాఖ ఉక్కు కర్మాగారంలో 188 మేనేజ్‌మెంట్‌ ట్రైనీ (ఎం.టి) పోస్టులకు జ‌న‌వ‌రి 16న‌ ప్రకటన విడుదలైంది.
 సిరామిక్స్‌ విభాగంలో 4,
కెమికల్‌ 26, సివిల్‌ 5,
ఎలక్ట్రికల్‌ 45,
ఇన్‌స్ట్రుమెంటేషన్‌ అండ్‌ ఎలక్ట్రానిక్స్‌ 10,
మెకానికల్‌ 77,
మెటలర్జీ 19, మైనింగ్‌ 2
పోస్టులు ఉన్నాయి.

దరఖాస్తులను ఆన్‌లైన్‌లో జ‌న‌వ‌రి 24 నుంచి ఫిబ్రవరి 13వ తేదీ వరకు చేసుకోవచ్చని అధికార వర్గాలు తెలిపాయి. రిజర్వేషన్లు, పరీక్ష ఫీజు తదితర వివరాలకు సంస్థ అధికారిక వెబ్‌సైట్‌లో సంప్రదించాలని సూచించాయి.

Click Here to Download
Official Notification
Apply Online (available from 24.01.2020)
Official website