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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Telugu 6th to 10th Class Model Project Works Download

Telugu 6th to 10th Class Model Project Works Download
Hi Everyone... welcome to the page of . First of all we paatashaala team conveys our heartful thanks for visiting our page. Here in our website we update all the education and jobs information along with the studymaterials which are useful for the students and aspirants who are appearing for the competitive exams. In this regard today we have come here with Telugu 6th to 10th Class Model Project Works in front of you to Download. Hope this Telugu 6th to 10th Class Model Project Works will be very useful for the studens to get an idea on how to write a Telugu Project of her own.

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FA 3 Telugu Project Works Download

Formative Assessment 3 Telugu Project Works
In CCE Method Project works plays very important role in evaluation process. Every Formative Assessment should have project work. Teachers have to suggest project works to children and should superwise them to complete it. There is some particular process in doing project. Awarding marks also should be in a proper manner

FA 3 Telugu Project Works Download/2019/12/fa-3-telugu-project-works-download.html

What is a Project?
Children coming to a conclusion by collecting information, Observing, Analysing the date collected in a natural atmosphere.

Why Children should do Project Work?
Teaching Learning Process should be happened in pleasant atmosphere.

How should be a Project?
1. It should be at childrens level and there should be chance to divide work.
2. Resources should be available.
3. Low cost or no cost.
4. It should be implementable.

Steps in the Project
1. Name of the Project
2. Way of collecting information
3. Collected information
4. Resources
5. Process
6. Tabulation (Tables, Pictures, Questions)
7. Analysis and conclusion
8. Name of the group members
9. Presentation in the class

How should we award marks?
1. Collection of Data
2. Display of Data
3. Process
4. Tabulation
5. PresentationTelugu Project Works
6. Presentation

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6th Class Telugu Projects
7th Class Telugu Projects
8th Class Telugu Projects
9th Class Telugu Projects
9th Class Telugu Project
10th Class Telugu Projects