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Thursday, December 5, 2019

LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship Provided to Meritorious Students belonging to Economically weaker Families

Golden Jubilee Scholarship Scheme
ఎల్‌ఐసీ ‘గోల్డెన్‌’ ఛాన్స్‌.. స్కాలర్‌షిప్‌లకు దరఖాస్తులు షురూ
ఆర్థికంగా వెనుకబడిన ప్రతిభావంతులైన విద్యార్థులను ఉన్నత చదువులకు ఎల్‌ఐసీ గోల్డెన్ ఫౌండేషన్‌ భరోసా కల్పిస్తోంది. ఈ సువర్ణావకాశం దక్కించుకొనేందుకు దరఖాస్తులు చేసుకోండిలా.. .

LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarships 2024 : ప్రతిభావంతులైన పేద విద్యార్థులకు భారత జీవిత బీమా సంస్థ (LIC) సువర్ణావకాశం అందిస్తోంది. ఆర్థికంగా వెనుకబడిన కుటుంబాలకు చెందిన విద్యార్థుల ఉన్నత చదువులకు ఎల్‌ఐసీ సిల్వర్‌జూబ్లీ ఫౌండేషన్‌ (LIC GJF) భరోసా కల్పిస్తోంది. ఈ మేరకు అర్హులైన విద్యార్థుల నుంచి ‘ఎల్‌ఐసీ గోల్డెన్ జూబ్లీ స్కాలర్‌షిప్‌-2024’ వెబ్‌సైట్‌ ద్వారా స్వీకరిస్తోంది. అర్హులైన విద్యార్థులు డిసెంబర్‌ 22 వరకు దరఖాస్తులు చేసుకోవచ్చు. (Golden Jubilee Scholarship Scheme)

ఎవరు అర్హులు? 
2021-22, 2022-23, 2023 -24 విద్యా సంవత్సరాల్లో పదో తరగతి/ ఇంటర్‌/ డిప్లొమో లేదా తత్సమాన విద్యను పూర్తి చేసుకున్న విద్యార్థులు ఈ స్కాలర్ షిష్‌న‌కు అర్హులు. గుర్తింపు పొందిన విద్యా సంస్థల్లో కనీసం 60 శాతం మార్కులు లేదా తత్సమానమైన సీజీపీఏ గ్రేడ్‌తో ఉత్తీర్ణత సాధించి ఉండాలి. 2024 -25లో ఉన్నత విద్య అభ్యసించాలనుకొనే విద్యార్థినీ విద్యార్థులకు జనరల్‌ స్కాలర్‌షిప్‌లు అందించనుంది. మెడిసిన్‌, ఇంజినీరింగ్‌, గ్రాడ్యుయేషన్‌, ఏదైనా విభాగంలో డిప్లొమో చేయాలనుకుంటున్నా, గుర్తింపు పొందిన విద్యా సంస్థల్లో వొకేషన్‌ కోర్సులు చేయాలన్నా, ఐటీఐ చదవాలనుకున్నా ఈ నగదు భరోసా కల్పిస్తారు. కాకపోతే, అభ్యర్థుల తల్లిదండ్రుల/సంరక్షకుల వార్షిక ఆదాయం రూ.2,50,000 మించరాదు. వితంతువు/ఒంటరి మహిళలైతే ఆ కుటుంబ వార్షికాదాయం రూ.4లక్షల వరకు సడలింపు కల్పించారు. 

స్పెషల్ గర్ల్ చైల్డ్ స్కాలర్‌షిప్‌
స్పెషల్ గర్ల్ చైల్డ్ స్కాలర్‌షిప్‌ స్కీమ్ కింద దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోవాలనే విద్యార్థినులు 2021-23/2022-23/2023-24 విద్యా సంవత్సరంలో పదో తరగతిలో 60శాతం మార్కులు లేదా తత్సమాన సీజీపీఏ గ్రేడ్‌తో ఉత్తీర్ణత సాధించి ఉండాలి. ఇంటర్మీడియట్ లేదా 10+2లో చేరాలనుకునే వారు మాత్రమే దరఖాస్తు చేసుకోవాలి. యూజీ కోర్సులకు మాత్రమే ఈ ఉపకార వేతనాలను అందిస్తారు. పీజీ కోర్సులకు ఇవ్వరు.

ఎంతమందికి ఇస్తారు?
దేశవ్యాప్తంగా మొత్తంగా 112 ఎల్ఐసీ డివిజనల్ కార్యాలయాలు ఉండగా.. ఒక్కో ఆఫీస్‌లో 30 మందిని చొప్పున షార్ట్‌లిస్ట్‌ చేస్తారు. వీరిలో 20 మంది (10 మంది బాలురు, 10 మంది బాలికలు)ని జనరల్‌ స్కాలర్‌షిప్‌నకు;  అలాగే, అర్హులైన మిగతా పది మందిని స్పెషల్‌ స్కాలర్‌షిప్‌ ఫర్‌ గర్ల్‌ చైల్డ్‌కు ఎంపిక చేస్తారు. 

ఎంత మొత్తం ఇస్తారు?
జనరల్‌ స్కాలర్‌షిప్‌నకు ఎంపికైన విద్యార్థులకు మెడిసిన్‌ (ఎంబీబీఎస్‌/బీఏఎంఎస్‌/బీహెచ్‌ఎంఎస్‌/బీడీఎస్‌) చదువుతున్న వారికైతే అర్హతలకు లోబడి ఏటా రూ.40వేలు ఇస్తారు.  రెండు విడతలుగా (రూ.20,000 చొప్పున) విద్యార్థి బ్యాంకు ఖాతాలో నేరుగా జమ చేస్తారు. ఇంజినీరింగ్‌ (బీఈ/బీటెక్‌/బీఆర్క్‌) విద్యార్థులైతే  ఏడాదికి రూ.30వేలు ఇస్తారు. ఈ మొత్తాన్ని రెండు విడతల్లో (రూ.15000చొప్పున) చెల్లిస్తారు. గ్రాడ్యుయేషన్‌, ఇంటిగ్రేటెడ్‌ కోర్సులు, డిప్లొమా, వొకేషనల్‌ కోర్సులు చేసేవారికైతే ఆ కోర్సు పూర్తయ్యేవరకు  ఏటా రూ.20వేలు చొప్పున ఇస్తారు.  ఈ మొత్తాన్ని రెండు విడతల్లో (రూ.10వేలు చొప్పున) బ్యాంకు ఖాతాల్లో జమ చేస్తారు.

స్పెషల్ గర్ల్ చైల్డ్ స్కీమ్ కింద ఎంపికైన విద్యార్థినులకు ఏడాదికి రూ.15వేలు చొప్పున ఇస్తారు. పదో తరగతి పూర్తయిన తర్వాత ఇంటర్‌, వొకేషనల్‌/డిప్లొమా కోర్సులను పూర్తి చేసేందుకు ఈ మొత్తాన్ని రెండు విడతల్లో (రూ.7500 చొప్పున) చెల్లిస్తారు. 
కొన్ని నిబంధనలివే.. 
పీజీ కోర్సులు అభ్యసించేందుకు ఈ స్కాలర్‌షిప్‌ స్కిమ్‌ (Golden Jubilee Scholarship Scheme) వర్తించదు.
ఏవైనా ఇతర ట్రస్టులు/ సంస్థల నుంచి ఇప్పటికే స్కాలర్‌షిప్‌ పొందుతున్నవారైతే ఈ స్కాలర్‌షిప్‌నకు పరిగణనలోకి తీసుకోరు. కేంద్ర /రాష్ట్ర ప్రభుత్వాలు ఇచ్చే స్కాలర్‌షిప్‌లకు ఎంపికైన వారికి ఈ నిబంధన నుంచి మినహాయింపు ఉంది.
దూరవిద్యా కోర్సులు లేదా పార్ట్‌టైం తరగతుల్లో చేరే విద్యార్థులకు ఈ స్కాలర్‌షిప్‌ వర్తించదు. అలాగే, సీఏ/సీఎస్‌/ఐసీడబ్ల్యూఏ లేదా స్వీయ విద్యా కోర్సులు చేసేవారూ అనర్హులే.
స్పెషల్ గర్ల్ చైల్డ్ స్కాలర్‌షిప్‌నకు ఎంపికైన విద్యార్థినులు ఇంటర్‌ మొదటి సంవత్సరంలో 50శాతం మార్కులు సాధిస్తేనే తర్వాతి ఏడాదికి రెన్యువల్‌ చేసుకొనేందుకు అవకాశం ఉంటుంది.
మెడిసిన్‌, ఇంజినీరింగ్ వంటి ప్రొఫెషనల్ కోర్సుల్లో చేరిన విద్యార్థులు, సాధారణ డిగ్రీ కోర్సుల్లో చేరిన వారు నిర్దేశించిన మార్కులను పొందితేనే మరుసటి సంవత్సరానికి స్కాలర్ షిప్ కొనసాగుతుంది. రెగ్యులర్ హాజరు శాతాన్ని కూడా పరిగణనలోకి తీసుకుంటారు.
కుటుంబంలో ఒకరికి మాత్రమే ఈ స్కాలర్‌షిప్‌ అందిస్తారు. ఒకవేళ కుటుంబంలో గర్ల్‌ చైల్డ్‌ ఉంటే ఇద్దరికీ అనుమతిస్తారు.
ఈ స్కాలర్‌షిప్‌ మంజూరు చేసినప్పుడు ఎల్‌ఐసీ విధించిన ఏ ఒక్క నిబంధనను ఉల్లంఘించినా సరే స్కాలర్‌షిప్‌ రద్దు అవుతుంది.
తప్పుడు సమాచారం/నకిలీ సర్టిఫికెట్లతో ఈ స్కాలర్‌షిప్‌కు ఎంపికైనట్లు రుజువైతే అతడు/ఆమె స్కాలర్‌షిప్‌ను రద్దు చేయడంతో పాటు వారి నుంచి ఆ మొత్తాన్ని రికవరీ చేస్తారు.
దరఖాస్తు చేసుకున్న విద్యార్థులు వారి ఆదాయ ధ్రువీకరణ పత్రంతో పాటు అఫిడవిట్‌ను సమర్పించాల్సి ఉంటుంది.
పూర్తి సమాచారం కోసం క్లిక్‌ చేయండి

LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship Scheme Provided to Meritorious Students belonging to Economically weaker Families /2019/12/LIC-Golden-Jubilee-Scholarship-Scheme-to-Meritorious-Students-belonging-to-Economically-weaker-Families.html
The objective of the scheme is to award scholarships to meritorious students belonging to Economically Weaker Sections so as to provide them with better opportunities for higher education and employment.

The scholarship is to be awarded for studies in India in a government or private college/university. It will also cover technical and vocational courses in Industrial Training Institutes/ Industrial Training Centres affiliated with the National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) and also Integrated Courses after XII Std.

For Regular ScholarAll candidates who have passed Class XII exam (or its equivalent – Regular/Vocational) / Diploma with at least 60% marks (or equivalent grade) in the  Academic Year 2024-25 and whose parents/guardian have an annual income (from all sources) not exceeding Rs.2,50,000 per annum* (please refer clause 6 
(i) – relaxation) are eligible to apply for scholarship. The grant is provided to students who are interested (and willing) to pursue higher education in the field of Medicine, Engineering, Graduation in any discipline, Integrated Courses, Diploma Course in any field or other equivalent courses, Vocational Courses through Government recognized Colleges /Institutes or courses in Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs). All candidates who have passed Class X exam (or its equivalent) with at least 60% marks (or equivalent grade) in the Academic Year 2021-22 and whose parents/guardian have an annual income (from all sources) not exceeding Rs.2,50,000 per annum. The grant is provided to students who are pursuing higher education in the field of Vocational / Diploma Courses through Government recognized colleges/ institutions or courses in Industrial Training Institutes (ITI). For Special Girl Child Scholar
•To encourage education to girl child, Special scholarship for Girl Child after class 10 for pursuing higher studies in Intermediate/10 + 2 pattern/ Vocational or Diploma Courses through Government recognized colleges/ institutions or courses in Industrial Training Institutes (ITI) for two years. Candidates who have passed Class X exam (or its equivalent) with at least 60% marks (or equivalent grade) in the Academic Year 2021-22 and whose parents/guardian have an annual income (from all sources) not exceeding Rs. 2,50,000 per annum.

Note: The Regular scholarship should strictly be provided only to students who are going for under-graduation (or its equivalent including Integrated  Courses). This scholarship is not meant for post-graduation studies.
Scholarship shall be provided for the entire duration of the course for Regular Scholars and two years for Special Girl Scholar, subject to the candidate fulfilling the requisite eligibility conditions for renewal.

1) An amount of Rs.20,000/- per annum will be awarded to the selected Regular Scholar and shall be payable in three instalments.
2) An amount of Rs.10,000/ per annum will be awarded for selected Special Girl Child and scholarship shall be payable in three instalments.
The Scholarship amount will be transferred to Bank Account of the selected scholar through NEFT. In case the candidate is selected for scholarship, the Bank  Account details and IFSC code and copy of cancelled cheque with name of beneficiary is compulsory. In case of merged banks, the new IFSC Code of the Bank should be mentioned. The Bank Account to which the amount to be transferred has to be active and in case it is dormant, the same should be activated before the details are provided. Maximum balance allowed under the bank account should also be checked.

(i) Scholarship shall be awarded to the students who have secured not less than 60% marks or equivalent grade in the previous final examination and the annual income of whose parents/guardians from all sources does not exceed Rs.2,50,000/- per annum.
 Relaxations in upper limit of annual income criteria from the present Rs. 2.5 lakhs to Rs.4 lakhs shall be granted only in cases where a woman (widow/single mother/unmarried) is the sole bread earner of the family.
(ii) Selection of LIC Scholar will be on the basis of merit and family background such as percentage of marks in class 12th /10th and annual income of the family. Final Selection of candidates shall be done on merit based on the list of candidates eligible for selection in the descending order of marks obtained.
(iii) In case of tie in the percentage of marks, students whose parent is having lowest income shall be given preference.
(iv) Candidates who gain lateral entry in 2 nd Year Engineering Degree courses or take regular admission in the 1 st Year of Engineering Degree courses after completing Diploma shall be eligible for GJF Scholarship provided they have passed Diploma with 60% in the immediate preceding academic year.
(v) Candidates who change their stream after getting selected for Scholarship and the course duration is greater than the stream for which the student is selected, such students will continue to receive scholarship only for the duration for which they were originally selected. However, if candidate switches to a stream with lesser duration, then scholarship will be payable for the duration of the stream with lesser duration.
(vi) Candidates who are pursuing courses under any stream through Correspondence or Part Time (Evening or Night Classes) / private candidates shall not be eligible for Scholarship.
(vii) Candidates desirous of pursuing Diploma course in any stream after Class X will be allowed Scholarship under ‘Special Girl Scholar’ or ‘Regular Scholar’ category.
(viii) Candidates passing Class XII (vocational) and pursuing studies in any stream as approved under the Scholarship Scheme 2024 will be considered for scholarship.
(ix) The candidate should secure more than 55%marks in professional streams and 50% marks in graduation courses in Arts/Science/Commerce or equivalent grade in the previous final examination of the course for which scholarship is awarded, failing which the scholarship will be discontinued.
(x) Candidates selected under category ‘Special Girl Child’ should secure 50% marks in 11 th std to become eligible for renewal scholarship.
(xi) Scholarship will not be given to more than one student in a family.
(xii) The students should be regular in attendance for which the yardstick shall be decided by the competent authority of the school/college/university.
(xiii) Income certificate should be on self-certification basis by way of an affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper for self-employed parents and from employer for employed parents supported by documents (from revenue department) such as land held in the name of parents.
(xiv) If a student violates any terms and conditions of the scholarship, the scholarship may be suspended or cancelled.
(xv) If a student is found to have obtained a scholarship by false statement/certificates, his/her scholarship shall be cancelled forthwith and the amount of the scholarship paid shall be recovered, at the discretion of the concerned Divisional Administration of LIC.
(xvi) Out of the shortlisted candidates, Twenty (20) students will be selected under Regular Scholarship Scheme and ten (10) under Girl Child Scholarship Scheme depending upon merit and eligibility by the Divisional Office for grant of scholarships

ONLY ONLINE APPLICATIONS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED THROUGH THE LINK ON THE HOME PAGE at Once online application is submitted, the candidate will get acknowledgement on the email ID provided by him in the online application. Further correspondence will be made by the Divisional Office which is mentioned in the acknowledgement mail. The candidate should ensure to submit his correct email id and contact number for communication at a later date, if required. For further details, candidates may refer to the document “Instructions to candidates for online submission of application for GJF Scholarship Scheme 2024-25.”

Last date for online application is 22.12.2024

LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship Scheme Provided to Meritorious Students belonging to Economically weaker Families
LIC Golden Jubilee Foundation was established on 2006 October and registered with Charity Commissioner under Bombay Public Trust Act 1950 with the objective of Promoting Education, Health, Relief of Poverty or Distress and Advancement of other objects of General Public Utility.
LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship Scheme Provided to Meritorious Students belonging to Economically weaker Families /2019/12/LIC-Golden-Jubilee-Scholarship-Scheme-to-Meritorious-Students-belonging-to-Economically-weaker-Families.html

The objective of LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship scheme is to provide financial support to meritorious students belonging to economically weaker families for pursuing higher studies in India in a government or private college/ university. It will also cover technical and vocational courses in Industrial Training Institutes/ Industrial Training Centres affiliated with the National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) of classes at Graduation level.
Students who have passed Class XII exam or its equivalent and are interested to pursue higher education in the field of
1) Medicine, Engineering, Graduation, in any discipline, Diploma Course in any field or other equivalent courses.
2) Vocational Courses through Government recognized Colleges/Institutes or courses in Industrial Training Institutes (ITI). are eligible to apply for the LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship scheme.
For category 1 - Candidates who have passed Class XII exam or equivalent with at least 60% marks or equivalent grade in the previous final examination and annual income of whose parents/guardian from all sources does not exceed Rs. 1,00,000/ per annum.
For category 2 - The basic educational qualification is relaxed to Class X or equivalent with at least 60% marks subject to income ceiling of parents/guardians.
Students having the lowest family income shall be given preference in the ascending order. 
Scholarship Rate
1) An amount of Rs.20,000/- per annum will be awarded to the selected Regular Scholar and shall be payable in three Quarterly instalments.
2) An amount of Rs.10,000/ per annum will be awarded for selected Special Girl Child pursuing studies in the 10 + 2 Course and scholarship shall be payable in three quarterly instalments. The Scholarship amount will be transferred to Bank Account of the selected scholar through NEFT. Therefore in case the candidate is selected for scholarship, the Bank Account details and IFSC code and copy of cancelled cheque with name of beneficiary is compulsory.
1. Only online applications are accepted. Hence please do not send hard copies of online applications as it is not required.
2. Students who have passed Class Xth examination with 60% marks in Academic year 2019-20 are eligible for the Regular scholarship scheme only if they are pursuing vocational courses through Government recognized colleges/Institutions or courses through ITI. Further details regarding marks etc are given under Golden Jubilee Scholarship scheme.
3. Students who have passed Class XIIth examination with 60% marks in Academic year 2019-20 are eligible for the Regular Scholarship only if they are pursuing higher education in the field of Medicine,. Engineering, Graduation in any discipline, Integrated Courses, Diploma Course in any field or other equivalent courses, Vocational Courses through Government recognized colleges / institutes or courses in Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs). Further details regarding marks etc are given under Golden Jubilee Scholarship scheme.
4. For the special Girl Child scholarship scheme, students should have passed Class Xth examination with 60% marks in Academic year 2019-20 and interested to pursue higher
education in Intermediate /10 + 2 pattern.
5. Students, who have passed their exams under CBSE or any other Board having Grading System, should enter the percentage equivalent to the grades allotted by the Board
while filling up the relevant columns in the application.
6. Bank details are not mandatory at this stage. However in case you are submitting the bank details kindly ensure that they are accurate and your Account is active. Please confirm account number details where Zero is wrongly entered as Alphabet “O”.
7. Once online application is submitted, the candidate will receive an acknowledgement at his/her E-mail Id.
8. Mobile Number of the candidate is compulsory.
9. After the last date, the applications received will be processed by the respective Divisions. In case the candidate is shortlisted, further communication regarding submission of application form and documents etc will be sent to the E-Mail Id given by the candidate. Hence you are requested to ensure that correct address and E-Mail id etc are 
given by you before submitting the form.
10. In case you are eligible and are not successful in submitting your online application and are getting a message "We are unable to process. Please contact the LIC office", kindly clear the cache memory and try again.
11. Kindly check whether you have filled up all the information correctly before clicking on the submit button 
(i) Scholarship shall be awarded to the students who have secured not less than 60% marks or equivalent grade in the previous final examination and the annual income of whose parents/guardians from all sources does not exceed Rs.1,00,000/- per annum.
(ii) Selection of LIC Scholar will be on the basis of merit and family background such as percentage of marks in class 12th /10th and annual income of the family. Eligible Students having the lowest income shall be given preference in the ascending order.
(iii) The candidate should secure more than 55%marks in professional streams and 50% marks in graduation courses in Arts/Science/Commerce or equivalent grade in the previous final examination of the course for which scholarship is awarded, failing which the scholarship will be discontinued.
(iv)Scholarship shall not be given to more than one student in a family.
(v)The students should be regular in attendance for which the yardstick shall be decided by the competent authority of the school/college/university.
(vi)Income certificate should be on self-certification basis by way of an affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper for self-employed parents and from employer for employed parents supported by documents (from revenue department) such as land held in the name of parents.
(vii) If a student violates any terms and conditions of the scholarship, the scholarship may be suspended or cancelled.
(viii) If a student is found to have obtained a scholarship by false statement/certificates, his/her scholarship shall be cancelled forthwith and the amount of the scholarship paid shall be recovered, at the discretion of the concerned Divisional Administration of LIC.
(ix) LIC Golden Jubilee Foundation will lay down the detailed procedure for processing and sanctioning of scholarships to eligible students.
(x) The scheme shall be evaluated at regular intervals by the LICGJF.
(xi)The regulations can be changed at any time at the discretion of the Board of Trustees of LICGJF.
ONLY ONLINE APPLICATIONS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED THROUGH THE LINK ON THE HOME PAGE. Once online application is submitted, the candidate will get acknowledgement at the email ID provided by him in his online application. Further correspondence will be made by the Divisional Office which is mentioned in the acknowledgement mail. The candidate should ensure to submit his correct email id and contact number for communication at a later date, if required. Bank Account details and IFSC code are not compulsory at this stage.
Last Date for Online Application is  31.12.2022
Contact Details
LIC Golden Jubilee Foundation
‘Yogakshema’, Nariman Point, Mumbai – 21.
Fax No.022-22884103
Email: Contact Now
W ebsite :
For queries related to Golden Jubilee Scholarship Scheme kindly contact the nearest LIC Office.
Click Here to Download for Golden Jubilee Scholarship Scheme Notification
Instructions to Candidates
Official Website
Apply Online