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Thursday, December 12, 2019

ECIL - Electronics Corporation of India Limited Recruitment of Graduate Engineer Trainees Through GATE-2018 & 2019 SCORE

ECIL - Electronics Corporation of India Limited Recruitment of Graduate Engineer Trainees Through GATE-2018 & 2019 SCORE

ECIL - Electronics Corporation of India Limited, a leading Public Sector Company (A Unit of Department of Atomic Energy) engaged in the area of Strategic Electronics with thrust on innovation &indigenization. ECIL has diversified into strategic sector such as Nuclear, Defence, Security, Aerospace, Information Technology, Telecom and e-Governance. ECIL pioneered a number of products and technologies including Solid State Television, Digital Computer, Cockpit Voice Recorders, Electronic Voting Machines, Programmable Logic Controllers, Earth Station and Deep Space Network Antennas. ECIL has close collaboration with national R&D laboratories as well as academic Institutes and has been involved in the projects of national importance.

ECIL - Electronics Corporation of India Limited Recruitment of Graduate Engineer Trainees Through GATE-2018 & 2019 SCORE /2019/12/ECIL-Electronics-Corporation-of-India-Limited-Recruitment-of-Graduate-Engineer-Trainees-Apply-Online.html

ECIL has openings for dynamic and result-oriented young engineers with post-training placements at ECIL Headquarters in Hyderabad or in any of Zonal/Branch/Site Offices located across India. The areas include Design & Development, Projects, Marketing, Production, QA and Field of Engineering.

Educational Qualification:

First Class Engineering Degree with minimum 65% marks in aggregate (Second Class with 55% for SC/STs) from AICTE approved Colleges / Recognized Indian Universities in the relevant discipline. Candidates having Post Graduation qualification in Engineering are not eligible to apply for these Posts.


a) Candidates belonging to General/OBC category (including non-creamy layer)/EWS have to pay a non-refundable application fee of Rs. 500/-(Rupees Five Hundred only). Applicable Bank
charges/Taxes, if any, has to be borne by the candidates.

b) SC, ST, PWD, and regular employees of ECIL, which includes Technical Officer on Fixed Term Contract (currently engaged with ECIL) are exempted from payment of Application fee. 

  1. Eligible candidates have to apply ‘ON-LINE’ through ECIL website “”. The on-line application process will be operational from 06.12.2019 (14:00 hrs.) to 04.01.2020 (16:00 hrs.).
  2. After applying on-line, the candidate is required to take the print out of registered on-line application form with system generated application serial number. Please note down your application serial number for the post applied, for future reference without fail. The candidate can take re-print of his/her registered on-line application form before the last date for On-line registration. Write the system generated on-line application serial number on the Application Fee receipt for future reference.
  3. The candidate has to quote advertisement number, post name and On-line system generated application number for all future correspondence.

The following documents shall be produced in original with a set of photo copies for Document
Verification during Personal Interview along with self-attested photo copies.
  1. On-line registered application form duly signed and with recent colour passport size photo affixed.
  2. All original certificates in support of his / her date of birth, qualification, latest caste certificates etc., if any along with a set of photo copies.
  3. A valid certificate for Persons with Disabilities (PWD).
  4. If claiming age relaxation as candidate from J&K, relevant certificate.
  5. GATE 2018 OR GATE 2019 Score Card as applicable.
  6. GATE 2018 OR GATE 2019 Admit Card as applicable.
  7. Call letter for Personal Interview.
  8. Candidate employed in Central/State Government/Public Sector Enterprises/Autonomous bodies, should mandatorily produce the NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE or route their application through proper channel at the time of interview failing which they will not be allowed to appear for the Personal Interview.
  9. Copy of Application Fee remittance (For both Online/Offline modes), where ever applicable.

  1. Making payment of Application Fee (where applicable) ONLINE-MODE:
  2. Prior to payment of Application Fee, the candidate has to take care on his / her eligibility mentioned in the advertisement and proceed for payment of Fee.
  3. If any mistake is made by the candidate on payment of Application Fee, there will be no refund under any circumstances.
  4. General [UR], OBC, & EWS candidates are required to pay a fee of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five hundred only) as Application Fee subject to meeting the eligibility criteria as notified in the advertisement.


Commencement of On-line Registration of application by candidates : 06.12.2019 : 14:00 Hours

Last date for On-line Registration of application by candidates : 04.01.2020: 16:00 Hours

For More Details Click Below Given Links

Detailed Notification
Apply Online
Official Website