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Monday, December 2, 2019

The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) notification inviting recruitment of sportsmen and women in CISF against sports quota

The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) Notification Inviting Recruitment of Sportsmen and Women in CISF against Sports Quota

CISF Recruitment 2019: The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) has released an official notification inviting all the interested, eligible candidates for the recruitment of sportsmen and women in CISF against sports quota. All the male/female citizens of India can apply for Head Constable (General Duty) in Central Industrial Security Force against sports quota for the year 2019 on or before December 17. Meanwhile, candidates from North East region can apply till 24.12.2019.

The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) Notification Inviting Recruitment of Sportsmen and Women in CISF against Sports Quota /2019/12/CISF-Recruitment-for-300-Head-Constable-Mal-and-Female.html

The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) has released an official notification inviting all the interested, eligible candidates for the recruitment of sportsmen and women in CISF against sports quota.

EDUCATION QUALIFICATION: 12th pass from a recognised educational Institution with credit of representing State/ National/ International in games, Sports and Athletics. 

AGE LIMIT : Between 18 to 23 years as on 01.08.2019. (The candidate should not have been born earlier than 02.08.1996 and later than 01.08.2001)

Relaxation - Relaxable upto 05 years for SC/ST and upto 03 years for OBC candidates. (Relaxable upto 40 years in the case of departmental candidates as on 01.08.2019)

CISF Recruitment 2019: Vacancy details

Total posts: 300 posts

Applications are invited from the Male/Female citizens of India to fill up 300 vacancies of HEAD CONSTABLE (GENERAL DUTY) in Central Industrial Security Force against SPORTS QUOTA for the year 2019. The discipline wise detail of vacancies are as under:-

Name of the post:
  1. Weight Lifting
  2. Athletics
  3. Boxing
  4. Basket ball
  5. Gymnastics
  6. Hockey
  7. Hand ball
  8. Shooting
  9. Swimming
  10. Football
  11. Volley ball
  12. Wrestling
  13. Taekwondo
  14. Kabaddi
  15. Judo

Selection procedure CISF Recruitment 2019:

Trial test in sports events: Those who fulfill the eligibility criteria will be put through the trial test in the sports event to which he/she belongs. The trial test will be qualifying in nature. This organisation will not be responsible for any accident/injury caused to the candidate during the course of trial/test.

Proficiency test: Those who qualified in Trial test will be put through the Proficiency Test of 40 marks. The minimum cut off marks in Proficiency Test for all events /sports will be 20 marks. Those who fail to secure the qualifying marks will be issued rejection slip. Additional marks out of 10 will be accorded to the candidate having meritorious certificate/achievement in the respective sports event.

Medical examination: Finally selected candidates will be medically examined and their appointment in the CISF would be subject to their fitness in the medical examination as per the instructions issued from time to time

Final selection procedure:

Final Selection of candidates will be made strictly according to merit taking into consideration the performance of the candidates during the course of Proficiency Test and the achievement/performance of the candidates during the last edition will also be taken into consideration.

How to apply for CISF Recruitment 2019:

All the candidates need to apply through offline application procedure only. The application for the discipline mentioned in (column no 1) will send their applications to the authority mentioned against each at (column no 2) along with requisite application fees.

Enclosures required to be attached with application duly self-attested:-

  1. Matriculation certificate in support of age
  2. All Certificates in support of educational qualifications
  3. Caste Certificate viz SC, ST OBC or EWS
  4. Certificate in support of belonging to hill/tribes men/woman, if seeking relaxation in height and chest as per Appendix-"F"
  5. Sports certificates related to the event/discipline
  6. Two recent passport size photographs
  7. Application fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred only) in the form of Postal Order/DemandDraft drawn in favour of the officer mentioned under column 3 above and payable at the post
  8. office as mentioned under column 4. SC/ST & Female candidates are exempted from application fees.

Note : Application should be sent so as to reach the concerned application receiving DIsG of CISF as shown in the above mentioned para-8 by 17.12.2019 (05:00 P.M) and in case of residents of North East region by by 24.12.2019 (05:00 P.M) along with attested photo copies of certificates.

Application received after due date/ incomplete/ unsigned/ without photograph or proper enclosure will be summarily rejected. Person serving in Government/Semi Government department should produce "No objection Certificate" from their present employer as per format given in Annexure-"3".

Important Dates to Remember:

The Last date to apply: 17.12.2109
Closing date for North East Region: 24.12.2019

Also Read: CBSE Recruitment 2019: 357 vacancies for various posts, check details here


Official Notification
Official Website