TGSWREIS Inter 1st Year in NON-COE Colleges 2024 Admission Notification in TS Social Welfare Residential Junior colleges
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TGSWREIS Inter 1st year Admission 2024 /TS Social Welfare Inter Admission 2024
TGSWREIS Inter Admission Notification 2024 – TS Social Welfare Inter 1st year Admission 2024 @ | TGSWREIS Inter 1st Year Admissions 2024 | Entrance Application – | TGSWREIS Admissions 2024 Notifications at | Telangana Inter Admission 2024 Entrance Exam Notification Telanagana Social Welfare Intermediate Admission Details | TGSWREIS- TS Welfare Inter Admissions 2024 Online Apply for MPS, BiPC, MEC,CEC,HEC Groups |
TGSWREIS Inter Admission Notification 2024 – TS Social Welfare Inter 1st year Admission 2024 @ | TGSWREIS Inter 1st Year Admissions 2024 | Entrance Application – | TGSWREIS Admissions 2024 Notifications at | Telangana Inter Admission 2024 Entrance Exam Notification Telanagana Social Welfare Intermediate Admission Details | TGSWREIS- TS Welfare Inter Admissions 2024 Online Apply for MPS, BiPC, MEC,CEC,HEC Groups |
On-line applications are invited for admission into Intermediate 1st year in TGSWR NON-COE Colleges functioning under the control of Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society, Hyderabad (TGSWREIS) for the academic year 2024-25. The Online applications will be received from 24-05-2024 to 31-05-2024 .
NOTE: The Vacancies arising after filling up the seats of TGSWR Institutions by the 10th passed out students of TGSWR Institutions are taken up in this Press Note

1. The students, who have passed SSC in March, 2024 / 10th class during the academic year 2023-24
on regular basis are eligible for admission into Intermediate in TGSWR NON-COE Colleges (General
and Vocational).
2. The annual income of the parent should not exceed Rs.2,00,000/- per annum (for Urban students)
and Rs.1,50,000/- (for Rural students). Income certificate issued by MRO to this extent should be
submitted at the time of admission.
3. The students from Telugu Medium (OR) English Medium are also eligible for the entrance test.
4. The age of the students should not exceed 17 years as on 31.08.2024. In case of SC and SC
Converted Christian students relaxation of age for 2 years will be allowed.
5. The students should produce all relevant original certificates at the time of admission and then only
the admission will be confirmed.
1. Community wise reservation. (As per G.O.Ms.No.20, Dated : 02.06.2016 of Scheduled Caste
Development (RS) Department)
2. 3% of overall seats shall be reserved to the Physically Handicapped (Orthopedically handicapped,
Hearing impaired and Visually handicapped, Loco-motor disabled) students irrespective of caste,
who can attend their work without anybody’s help based on the certificate issued by the Medical
Board. The persons more than 50% Handicapped are not eligible.
3. 3% of the overall seats are reserved for Orphan (both parents are not alive) students, irrespective of
Admission procedure / selection process:
1. The applicant must submit his / her application through ONLINE only by visiting website
2. The candidate need to pay an amount of Rs.100/- towards application fee irrespective of Caste.
This payment should be made through credit card / Debit card / NET banking.
3. Before filling the application through online, the candidate have to read the information/
prospectus already uploaded in the website
[*ADVICE : they can prepare a hard copy first and then fill through online to avoid mistakes].
4. Please upload the SSC short memo within 100 kb size only.
5. In the gate way itself the candidate has to select the Group interested (MPC, BPC, MEC, CEC, HEC
and Vocational), for getting admission in TGSWR Institutions.
6. The candidates shall be considered for admission into NON COE colleges (General and
Vocational) according to their GPA obtained in SSC and options given, based on the availability of
seats in these Institutions and based on the reservation pattern. The option once exercised is final
and cannot be changed. Seats in NON COE Colleges (General and Vocational) will be allotted
taking Erstwhile district as a unit for (MPC and BPC) and State as a unit for MEC, CEC, HEC and
7. The students are not allowed to change their group opted at the time of their admission.
8. The Candidates can choose NON COE colleges (General and Vocational), based on the Group
opted in the payment gateway.
9. The selections will be done, based on the GPA secured by the student in SSC.
10. If more than one Candidate obtains same GPA then DOB will be taken into consideration and if the
DOB is also same then the GPA secured in subjects will be taken into consideration.
11. The admission into these colleges shall be according to the GPA obtained in SSC, duly considering
the preferences of Group / College exercised by the candidate in the ONLINE application.
Other Information:
1. The provisional selection of the candidate shall not be vested with any right to the candidate to
secure admission. The admission shall be confirmed only on producing of the required documents
as stated in the online application and in accordance to prospectus (failing which admission will
be cancelled).
2. Any information regarding this selection shall be sent to the registered Mobile Number of the
candidate through SMS. Hence, the candidates are directed not to change the Mobile Number.
3.The 2nd Language in all these Institutions shall be Telugu only.
4. Selected students will get all benefits extended by SC Development Department such as free
boarding, lodging, dresses, stationary, amenities, Cosmetic charges, books, Medical care and
Examination Fee etc., as per the decisions of the Government of Telangana State from time to
The result of the candidates shall be intimated through SMS to the given Mobile Number.
For any other information, the candidates shall contact Help-line number: 1800-425-45678
Last date for submission of applications through ONLINE is: 31-05-2024
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Online Application
Official Website
TSWREIS Inter 1st Year Admission Notification 2020 in TS Social Welfare Residential Junior colleges
Official Website
TSWREIS Inter 1st Year Admission Notification 2020 in TS Social Welfare Residential Junior colleges
TSWREIS Inter 1st year Admission 2020 /TS Social Welfare Inter Admission 2019
TSWREIS Inter Admission Notification 2020 – TS Social Welfare Inter 1st year Admission 2020 @ | TSWREIS Inter 1st Year Admissions 2020 | Entrance Application – | TSWREIS Admissions 2020 Notifications at | Telangana Inter Admission 2020 Entrance Exam Notification Telanagana Social Welfare Intermediate Admission Details | TSWRIWS- TS Welfare Inter Admissions 2020 Online Apply for MPS, BiPC, MEC,CEC,HEC Groups |
TSWREIS 2020 Inter First year Admissions: TSW Residential Inter Admission 2020. Telangana social Welfare junior inter Admission 2020 .(TSWREIS) Telangana social welfare Residential Education Institution society has announced the TSWR inter Admissions notification 2020.The TSWREIS Official are invited the online application for both boys and girls from the eligible SSC
passed for Admissions into Junior Intermediate into TSWRJC Institutions academic year 2020 in the state. The following are the instructions to apply for admission:
Admission procedure / selection process:
1 Date of Notification 05-Sep-2020
2 Applications will be available 05-Sep-2020
TSWREIS Inter Admission Notification 2020 – TS Social Welfare Inter 1st year Admission 2020 @ | TSWREIS Inter 1st Year Admissions 2020 | Entrance Application – | TSWREIS Admissions 2020 Notifications at | Telangana Inter Admission 2020 Entrance Exam Notification Telanagana Social Welfare Intermediate Admission Details | TSWRIWS- TS Welfare Inter Admissions 2020 Online Apply for MPS, BiPC, MEC,CEC,HEC Groups |
TSWREIS 2020 Inter First year Admissions: TSW Residential Inter Admission 2020. Telangana social Welfare junior inter Admission 2020 .(TSWREIS) Telangana social welfare Residential Education Institution society has announced the TSWR inter Admissions notification 2020.The TSWREIS Official are invited the online application for both boys and girls from the eligible SSC
passed for Admissions into Junior Intermediate into TSWRJC Institutions academic year 2020 in the state. The following are the instructions to apply for admission:
1. Admissions are provided in 1st year B.SC (MPC/MSCS/BZC/MBZC), B.Com
(Computers) / B.A (HEP) Degree Courses only for the academic year 2020-21.
2. The 87 vacancies (SC-58, Minority-6 & ST-23), available presently in all above 1st year
degree courses, will be filled through following screening tests, mentioned below, for
securing admissions.
A) A written exam on academic subjects of Intermediate.
B) Physical Fitness Tests.
C) Psycho Analytical Tests
D) Medical Tests
E) Lecturette
F) Interview
3. The Secretary, TSWREIS is competent authority to modify the above no of seats,
subject to availability of merit post the entrance test.
The girl students who appeared/passed for IPE-2020 with 60% and above marks from
any recognised Jr.College for the academic year 2019-20 are eligible to write the
entrance test and appear for Physical and Medical Screenings.
1. Entry is only for girls who are 16 years or more on 1st July of the year of admission.
2. NCC / Games & Sports / Ex-Servicemen / Orphan – Students belonging to all these
four categories are allotted one seat per category within the concerned community
quota as per reservation.
3. English medium students will be given preference.
4. Applicant height should be more than 152 cms.
5. The annual income of the parent shall not exceed Rs.2,00,000/- per annum (for
Urban students) and Rs.1,50,000/- (for Rural students) as certified by the MRO.
6. The students from Telugu / English media are eligible for this entrance test.
7. The admission for the selected students would be confirmed only after submitting
following certificates in original along with one set of Xerox copies at the time of
a) Caste Certificate b) Income Certificate c) Transfer Certificate
d) Bonafide Certificate e) Marks Sheet / Pass Certificate of Intermediate
f) Aadhar Card g) Passport Photos (5) h) Arogya shree/ Ration Card
The students (only Boys) who appeared/passed in class X examination from any
recognised school for the academic year 2019-20 are eligible to write the entrance
test and appear in Physical and Medical Screening.
The annual income of the parent shall not exceed Rs.2,00,000/- per annum (for
Urban students) and Rs.1,50,000/- (for Rural students) as certified by the MRO.
The students from Telugu / English media are eligible for this entrance test.
The age of the students of all communities (SC,SC – CC, ST, BC, Min, OC/EBC) shall not
exceed 16 years as on 31.08.2020, i.e they should be born before 31.08.2004.
The admission for the selected students would be confirmed only after submitting
following certificates in original along with one set of Xerox copies at the time of
a) Caste Certificate b) Income Certificate c) Transfer Certificate
d) Study Certificate e) Marks Sheet/Pass Certificate of Class X
f) Aadhar Card g) Passport Photos (5) h) Arogya shree/ Ration Card
1 SC 75%
2 BC-C 2%
3 ST 6%
4 BC 12%
5 Minorities 3%
6 OC/EBC 2%
TOTAL 100%
1. The applicant must submit his application only through ONLINE by visiting website
2. Candidates have to pay registration fee of Rs.100/- for submission of application
through ONLINE from any Internet centre through NET banking / Credit Card / Debit
3. Before filling the application through online the candidate has to read the
information / prospectus already uploaded in the website
[*ADVICE: They can prepare a hard copy first and then fill online to avoid mistakes].
4. Candidates should upload their passport size photo and signature in *.jpg or *.jpeg
formats within size of 100 kb.
5. The candidates shall be considered for admission based on their merit in the caste
6. The Candidates are advised to download their Hall tickets immediately after
uploading the online application to appear in written and Physical & Medical Tests .
2. Candidates have to pay registration fee of Rs.100/- for submission of application
through ONLINE from any Internet centre through NET banking / Credit Card / Debit
3. Before filling the application through online the candidate has to read the
information / prospectus already uploaded in the website
[*ADVICE: They can prepare a hard copy first and then fill online to avoid mistakes].
4. Candidates should upload their passport size photo and signature in *.jpg or *.jpeg
formats within size of 100 kb.
5. The candidates shall be considered for admission based on their merit in the caste
6. The Candidates are advised to download their Hall tickets immediately after
uploading the online application to appear in written and Physical & Medical Tests .
1 Date of Notification 05-Sep-2020
2 Applications will be available 05-Sep-2020
3. Last Date to Apply : 30.09.2020
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