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Friday, September 20, 2019

National Voters Service Portal (NVSP) Check Status, Name in Voter ID List, Election Card Status, Online Registration Forms Download @

National Voters Service Portal (NVSP) Check Status,  Helpline,Voter ID, Election Card,
Online Registration Forms Download @

Electors Verification Program (EVP) : 2019

National Voters Service Portal (NVSP) Status Check 2019 | Voter ID status @ | EVP Verification program: NVSP is an online service to provide help to all the voters and citizen of India. 
Election Commission of India offers online voter registration for Indian citizens above 18 years of age. An Indian citizen can enroll himself/herself as general voter and fill Form 6 online at National Voters' Service Portal.Citizens who have filled an nvsp voter ID card application form for registering their names in the NVSP voter list, can track their Voter ID status application form through NVSP service portal Now they do not have to visit the BLO or any other concerned officials to find information about the application status.

National Voters Service Portal (NVSP) Check Status, Helpline,Voter ID, Election Card, Online Registration Forms Download @ /2019/09/National-Voters-Service-Portal-NVSP-check-status-elector-rolls-Online-Register-download.html

Electors Verification Program (EVP) Voter ID correction and verification 2019: 

Election Commission of India (ECI) launched its mega Electoral Verification Program (EVP) on 1st of September 2019 across the country. This mega launch took place in all the state and Union Territories of India. The program aimed to update and authenticating electoral details through crowdsourcing. In this article, we have provided details of EVP program, how to update voter ID details though EVP, add family member, objective of Voter ID EVP scheme.

Name of the program ;                     Electors Verification Program (EVP) 2019

Article category :                                  How to do correction and updating through EVP program in 
                                                                          Voter ID and addition/removal of family member

Governing Body :                                                   Election Commission of India (ECI)

Launch of EVP program :                                           1st September 2019

Commencement of EVP 
verification program :                                                   1st September 2019

Last date for EVP verification  :                                     15th October 2019

Verification Process :                                                   Online and Offline

Official portal        :                                                  National Voter Service Portal (NVSP)

Official website of ECI   :                                                 

This program was launched at all the levels viz.- State/UT level by 32 Chief Election Officers (CEOs), District level by about 700 District Election Officers (DEOs) and at around 1 million Polling Stations by Booth Level Officers (BLOs) / EROs. Along with this, it was also launched simultaneously at all the voter awareness forums of govt. and non-govt. organizations and all ELC platforms of Colleges and schools.

The program has started from 1st September and will continue till 15th October 2019.

Under this program, the existing electoral and prospective electoral will be able to alter, add, modify, and verify details in their electoral roll by logging on to the NVSP portal, mobile app, and various other facilitation centers. Each electoral will get a username and password through which he/she can also update details about their family member. These details will be further verified by the concerned Block Level Officer (BLOs)/ EROs. With this process, voter get easy access to the electoral details of their and their family members which they can authenticate and get rectified in case of any mistake.

The main objective behind the launch of this program is to improve the condition of electoral roll in the country by removing errors & DSE and to improve the level of communication between commission and voters along with providing them better electoral services and facilities.    

Election Commissioner Ashok Lavasa also explained the importance of healthy EVP and said just like FIT INDIA campaign launched a few days back was meant to keep all the citizens healthy EVP is launched to improve the health of electoral roll entire the country.  To give a start to this program, the employees of Commission authenticated and verified their electoral details along with the details of their family.

How to apply Online for New Voter ID Card:

Applicants can apply through Offline or Online mode for registering their names in the voter list and to obtain a voter ID. Those who are eligible can follow the procedure given below to apply online-
  1. Visit official website – Applicants need to visit first.  
  2. On homepage, candidates have to click on Apply online for registration of new voters i.e. Form-6.
  3. NVSP Form-6 will appear on the screen and applicants have to fill all the details in space provided. They have to enter the personal details, current address, permanent address, and any other necessary information and also have to upload required documents.
  4. Once they filled the details carefully, they have to fill the declaration and have to click on replies.
  5. After the verification of all details and documents, Voter ID will be issued to the voters. They can track the NVSP application status by following the aforementioned procedure.

Also Read

To apply for Duplicate Voter ID Card, follow the below given Steps.

  1. Visit the State Electoral Officer’s site.
  2. Look for EPIC-002 Form and download (Each state have different form format)
  3. Fill up this form and attach supporting documents like FIR, Address and Identity Proof whatever necessary.
  4. Submit application form to the nearest electoral office
  5. On successful of your submission collect the reference number.    
  6. On verification, your application is passed to next level.
  7. You can track the duplicate voter ID card application status online via link provided above.
  8. You will be receive Duplicate Voter ID Card SMS when ready. 
  9. Visit electoral office to collect it.

How to check Your Name in the NVSP Voter list.

Applicants can check their names in Voter List/ Electoral Roll through online mode. They can follow the given procedure-

  1. Visit Website
  2. Click on relevant link
  3. On the homepage, click on “Search Your Name in Electoral Roll” link at the left side of the NVSP website as shown in the given picture.
  4. Then Enter your Details.
  5. Now, applicants have to fill all the relevant details in the field provided. 
  6. After entering all the details, they have to enter the captcha code and click “Search” button.
  7. Check all the details carefuly.
  8. If voter’s name will be there in the electoral list, then the complete voter information will appear on the screen. Voters can now check and verify the details. 


Register for New Elector
Search Name in Voter List
Application Status
Download Electoral Roll