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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

IBPS RRB PO Result 2019 releases @ Check Officer Scale I, II and III Posts

IBPS RRB PO Result 2019 releases @ Check Officer Scale I, II and III Posts

IBPS RRB Result 2019 (Officer Scale-1/PO) releases @ by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS). Candidates who appeared for the exam can check their result now on the official website. IBPS RRB Prelims exam for Officer Scale I (PO) and Office Assistants (Clerk) was conducted in the month of August 2019. Lakhs of candidates appeared for the exams. IBPS Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) VIII recruitment drive aims to fill over 8000 vacancies to the posts of Office Assistant, Officer Scale I, Officer Scale-II and Officer Scale-III. 

IBPS RRB PO Result 2019 releases @ Check Officer Scale I, II and III Posts /2019/09/

IBPS RRB Prelims 2019 examinations were conducted on 4th August (PO/Officer) and 17th August (Clerk/Office Assistant) to fill a total of 8354 vacancies in the Regional Rural Banks (RRB). Candidates who qualify the IBPS RRB recruitment drive will be selected for the posts of Office Assistant (Multipurpose), Officer Scale-I, Officer Scale-II (Agriculture Officer), Officer Scale-II (Marketing Officer), Officer Scale-II (Law), Officer Scale-II (CA), Officer Scale-II (IT), Officer Scale-II (General Banking Officer), and Officer Scale – III.

Steps to download IBPS RRB Results 2019:

Step 1: Go to the official

Step 2: Click on the link for the IBPS RRB results.

Step 3: Fill in your details and search for your results.

Step 4: Download the results and save a copy for further reference.

Lakhs of candidates appeared for the IBPS RRB Prelims 2019 in the month of August 2019. As per the candidates’ feedback, the difficulty level of the IBPS RRB PO Prelims exam was ‘Moderate’ and IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims exam was ‘Easy to Moderate’. Candidates were able to make around 60-70 good attempts out of a total of 80 questions from Reasoning & Numerical Ability sections in both the examinations. Here we have provided the IBPS RRB Prelims Expected Cut off 2019 after considering the total number of candidates appeared for the exam, total vacancies and difficulty level of the exam. Have a look:

IBPS RRB PO Prelims Cutoff
IBPS RRB Clerk Prelims Cut off

Candidates, who are sure about their performance in the RRB Prelims exams and think that they might secure the qualifying cut off marks, should now start preparations for the IBPS RRB Mains Exam 2019. 

Revised Schedule of IBPS RRB Prelims Result 2019

The IBPS RRB Result 2019 was delayed earlier. IBPS released a short notification on its official website informing candidates about the revised schedule of IBPS RRB PO/Clerk Prelims Result 2019. Institute of Banking Personnel Selection will share the revised schedule of the IBPS RRB PO/Clerk Prelims Result on its official website soon. The IBPS Notice reads, “Revised schedule/subsequent updates will be available on authorised IBPS website The candidate must visit authorised IBPS website regularly to know about the same.”


IBPS RRB Prelims Results
Direct Results Link