AP Police Constable Mains Results 2019 Released: Merit List and Cut off Marks at slprb.ap.gov.in
AP Police Constable Mains Results 2019 Released: Merit List and Cut off Marks at slprb.ap.gov.in: AP Police Constable Mains written test was successfully conducted on 17th March 2019 and More than 64,574 of applicants had attended for the exam. Andhra Pradesh State Police Recruitment Board (APSLPRB) is responsible to organize this examination. APSLPRB conducted the written test in many examination centers across the AP State. This year the competition is high for the Constable, PC, Fireman and other posts. The organization released the mains exam answer keys of police constable exam on its official website, slprb.ap.gov.in. All the competitors who have not still checked the answer sheets and OMR sheets can go through the official website to evaluate the score by comparing the answer keys. Aspirants who are waiting for AP Police Constable result 2019 can wait for few more days. Soon, the organization will come up with the result date. Candidates competed for the preliminary examination can stay checking the APSLPRB website for more updates.
Andhra Pradesh State Police Recruitment Board (APSLPRB) is the police recruitment board that carries out the police posts in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The organization annually announces various posts to recruit the suitable aspirants into police jobs in AP state. The organization announced 3137 posts this year. Aspirants wishing to become police constable in the state of AP has applied from 5th November and 24th November. Hopefuls need to qualify the AP Police Constable written test, PET, PST, and interview rounds to get the AP Police Constable posts. after successful completion of PET, candidates had written mains exam so now people are finding to check their mains exams results to get recruited in constable posts.
Recruitment to the posts of SCT Police Constable (Civil) (Men & Women), SCT Police Constable (AR) (Men & Women), SCT Police Constable (APSP) (Men) in Police Department and Warder (Men) & Warder (Women) in Prisons & Correctional Services Dept., and Firemen (Men) in A.P. Fire & Emergency Services Dept., was notified vide Notification Rc.No.215/R&T/Rect.2/2018,Dtd:12-11-2018.
Candidates may download the scanned OMR sheet which will be available in the website www.slprb.ap.gov.in from 30-07-2019 to 01-08-2019 till 05.00 PM. Candidates have the option of request for “Verification” of paper by applying online and making payment of Rs.1,000/- (Rupees one thousand only) separately through online and submitting for “verification” on website “www.slprb.ap.gov.in”.
The Final Written Test was held on 17.03.2019 at 05 locations viz., Visakhapatnam, Kakinada, Cuntur, Kurnool and Tirupati. The candidates are advised to download their data and marks obtained by them in the Final Written Examination from the website “www.slprb.ap.gov.in” from 29-07-2019/8-00 PM onwards.
Along with the results, the conducting authority is going to release the merit list of qualified aspirants. The candidates shortlisted in the merit list are eligible to participate in the next rounds of the selection process. Candidates can check the Andhra Pradesh SLPRB Official website, slprb.ap.gov.in to check the result, merit list, and cutoff marks.
The minimum marks to be secured by the candidates in order to qualify in the Preliminary Written Test in both the papers is
40% for OCs;
35% for BCs;
30% tor SCs/STs/Ex-servicemen.
If a candidate fails to secure qualifying marks even in one paper, he will be disqualified. Total marks for these two Papers will not be counted for the purpose of qualification.
Step 1: Visit the website of APSLPRB, slprb.ap.gov.in or candidates can directly click on the following link.
Step 2: On the homepage, police constable Mains exam results 2019 link will be displayed.
Step 3: Click on the link and provide the necessary login credentials in the specified columns.
Step 4: Tap on the submit button.
Step 5: The result, score, and merit list will appear on the screen.
Step 6: Check the result and take a printout of the result for future proceedings.
Click Here To Download
AP Police Constable Mains Results 2019
AP Police Constable Mains Results 2019 Released: Merit List and Cut off Marks at slprb.ap.gov.in: AP Police Constable Mains written test was successfully conducted on 17th March 2019 and More than 64,574 of applicants had attended for the exam. Andhra Pradesh State Police Recruitment Board (APSLPRB) is responsible to organize this examination. APSLPRB conducted the written test in many examination centers across the AP State. This year the competition is high for the Constable, PC, Fireman and other posts. The organization released the mains exam answer keys of police constable exam on its official website, slprb.ap.gov.in. All the competitors who have not still checked the answer sheets and OMR sheets can go through the official website to evaluate the score by comparing the answer keys. Aspirants who are waiting for AP Police Constable result 2019 can wait for few more days. Soon, the organization will come up with the result date. Candidates competed for the preliminary examination can stay checking the APSLPRB website for more updates.
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AP Police Constable Mains Results 2019 Released: Merit List and Cut off Marks at slprb.ap.gov.in |
Andhra Pradesh State Police Recruitment Board (APSLPRB) is the police recruitment board that carries out the police posts in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The organization annually announces various posts to recruit the suitable aspirants into police jobs in AP state. The organization announced 3137 posts this year. Aspirants wishing to become police constable in the state of AP has applied from 5th November and 24th November. Hopefuls need to qualify the AP Police Constable written test, PET, PST, and interview rounds to get the AP Police Constable posts. after successful completion of PET, candidates had written mains exam so now people are finding to check their mains exams results to get recruited in constable posts.
Recruitment to the posts of SCT Police Constable (Civil) (Men & Women), SCT Police Constable (AR) (Men & Women), SCT Police Constable (APSP) (Men) in Police Department and Warder (Men) & Warder (Women) in Prisons & Correctional Services Dept., and Firemen (Men) in A.P. Fire & Emergency Services Dept., was notified vide Notification Rc.No.215/R&T/Rect.2/2018,Dtd:12-11-2018.
Candidates may download the scanned OMR sheet which will be available in the website www.slprb.ap.gov.in from 30-07-2019 to 01-08-2019 till 05.00 PM. Candidates have the option of request for “Verification” of paper by applying online and making payment of Rs.1,000/- (Rupees one thousand only) separately through online and submitting for “verification” on website “www.slprb.ap.gov.in”.
The Final Written Test was held on 17.03.2019 at 05 locations viz., Visakhapatnam, Kakinada, Cuntur, Kurnool and Tirupati. The candidates are advised to download their data and marks obtained by them in the Final Written Examination from the website “www.slprb.ap.gov.in” from 29-07-2019/8-00 PM onwards.
AP Police Constable Selected candidates Merit List
Along with the results, the conducting authority is going to release the merit list of qualified aspirants. The candidates shortlisted in the merit list are eligible to participate in the next rounds of the selection process. Candidates can check the Andhra Pradesh SLPRB Official website, slprb.ap.gov.in to check the result, merit list, and cutoff marks.
AP Police Constable Cutoff Marks
The minimum marks to be secured by the candidates in order to qualify in the Preliminary Written Test in both the papers is
40% for OCs;
35% for BCs;
30% tor SCs/STs/Ex-servicemen.
If a candidate fails to secure qualifying marks even in one paper, he will be disqualified. Total marks for these two Papers will not be counted for the purpose of qualification.
Steps to download AP Police Constable Mains Result:
Step 1: Visit the website of APSLPRB, slprb.ap.gov.in or candidates can directly click on the following link.
Step 2: On the homepage, police constable Mains exam results 2019 link will be displayed.
Step 3: Click on the link and provide the necessary login credentials in the specified columns.
Step 4: Tap on the submit button.
Step 5: The result, score, and merit list will appear on the screen.
Step 6: Check the result and take a printout of the result for future proceedings.
Click Here To Download
AP Police Constable Mains Results 2019