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Thursday, July 11, 2019

Tuition Fee Reimbursement for Employees and Teachers in Telangana vide Memo 9782 Dt:23-07-2018

Tuition Fee Reimbursement for Employees and Teachers in Telangana vide Memo 9782 Dt:23-07-2018

Tenth Pay Revision Commision Recommendations, 2015- Enhancement of reimbursement of education tuition fees from Rs. 1000 to Rs. 2500 per annum, per pupil, to the children, not exceeding two, of non-gazetted officers and Class IV employees studying in all classes from LKG to Intermediate/ 12th class-orders-issued vide GO.MS/No.27 school education Department, Dated: 24/09/2015

Tuition Fee Reimbursement for Employees and Teachers in Telangana vide Memo 9782 Dt:23-07-2018 /2019/07/Tuition-Fee-Reimbursement-for-Employees-and-Teachers-in-Telangana-vide-Memo-9782-Dt-23-07-2018.html
Tuition Fee Reimbursement for Employees and Teachers in Telangana vide Memo 9782 Dt:23-07-2018

Children Education Fee Reimbursement, Children Tuition Fee Reimbursement, Application form for Reimbursement of Tuition fee, Educational concessions to the children of employee, children Education concessions Fee Application Form, Claim of Educational fee reimbursement guidelines, TS GO.27 Education fees reimbursement

The recommendations of the Tenth Pay Revision Commission 2019 hereby enhance the reimbursement of tuition fees from Rs.1000 to Rs. 2500 per annum,in all the classes from LKG and inclusive of the 12 th class, subject to the other usual conditions regarding the submission of receipts, certificates, etc as per the existing rules and regulations from the Academic year 2015-16

Guidelines for claim of Education Fee Reimbursement:

  1. Employees who are drawing a pay in the time scale 26600-77030 and below are eligible for sanction Education fee Reimbursement
  2. Sanction orders should be supported by school fee receipts in original
  3. The school should be recognised by the Govt. of AP or TS
  4. If one of the parent is gazetted officer and the other is a non-gazette, concession is not admissible
  5. The claim is restricted to Rs. 2500 per child per annum in respect of students studying from 1st class to 12th class and limited scheme to 2 children of NGOs
  6. Bills shall be drawn on pay bill form TPTC Form 47
  7. The concession is applicable to all non-gazetted / class IV employees drawing salaries under 010 head

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DTA instructions on tuition fee
Tuition Fee Reimbursement Application 1
Tuition Fee Reimbursement Application2 
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