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Sunday, July 14, 2019

CTET Central Teacher Eligibility Test Results

CTET Central Teacher Eligibility Test Results
CTET Result  - Check Result & Score Card Date Here | CTET Result  Check CTET Marks Result  | CTET Results– Check CTET Result (,
CTET Results:
 Follow these steps after Qualifying CTET / CTET  Result released Know the scope of candidates after qualifying CTET  exam. Check here how to download CTET Scorecard.
CTET Central Teacher Eligibility TestResults 2019 at CTET Result 2019 - Check Result & Score Card Date Here | CTET Result Check CTET Marks Result | CTET Result 2019 (Date Available) – Check CTET July Result (, CTET 2019 Result (Expected) in August:/2019/07/
CTET Central Teacher Eligibility Test Results at 

CTET Result  is expected to be released by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)  The Result of CTET  will reveal the qualifying status of candidates and the marks attained by them out of the total 150 marks. The CTET Scorecard  will include total marks secured by candidates in aggregate as well as will declare the marks secured in each subject. Here are the contents of the CTET Scorecard . The CTET Result is generally announced by the CBSE around 6 weeks after the CTET exam. Going by the trend, it is highly anticipated that CTET Result  might get released on January 9th 2025.
The CTET  exam was conducted on December month 2024. The CBSE CTET Result will list the marks secured by a candidate in the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) in a CTET Score Card and will award the candidates with the CTET Certificate.

CTET Result:

 Details mentioned in CTET Scorecard 
- Candidate’s Name
- Candidate’s Roll Number
- Father’s name
- Mother’s name
- Category of the Candidate
- Subjects name
- Marks secured in each CTET subject
- Overall CTET Score
- CTET Qualifying Marks 

How to check CTET Result or download CTET Scorecard?

CTET Scorecard is awarded to the candidates who qualify the CTET exam. The scorecard is valid for seven years from the date of announcement of result. The CTET  Scorecard will be valid for 7 years Candidates can check their result
Check CBSE CTET Result  by following these steps:
Step 1: Visit the official website -
Step 2: Click on ‘CTET Result or CTET Score’
Step 3: Enter Roll Number
Step 4: View Result
Step 5: Download the CTET Scorecard & take a print out

CTET Certificate

The qualified candidates are awarded with the CTET Certificate, which is necessary for applying in the Central Government schools. The CTET Certificate is valid up to 7 years.

What to do after qualifying CTET?

 Applicability of the CTET Certificate
Qualifying CTET or obtaining CTET Certificate does not confer the right for direct recruitment or employment in the Central Government schools like KVS, NVS, Central Tibetan Schools, etc. CTET Qualifying Certificate is only one of the eligibility criteria for teacher appointment.

CTET Qualified candidates need to follow these steps to be hired as a teacher:

- Apply to Central Schools like Kendriya Vidhalaya, NVS, etc.
- Apply to the private schools which consider the CTET certification.
- Candidates can also apply to the schools owned and managed by the State Governments which do not conduct the State TET.

Who will be declared ‘Pass’ in CTET Result?

General category Candidates who score 60% and above in the CTET  examination will be considered as qualified. Going by this, candidates need to secure minimum 90 out of 150 marks. This qualifying percentage is relaxed for SC / ST / OBC category candidates. Have a look:

Minimum Qualifying Percentage 
Passing Marks
90 out of 150
82 out of 150

In case of SC/ST/OBC, the school management can grant concessions to candidates.

When and how are the CTET Scorecard & Certificate sent to candidates?

The CTET Scorecard and CTET Certificate are sent to candidates after the declaration of CTET Result online through post or speed post
Click Here to Download
CTET Results Dec 2024