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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Tswreis Guest Faculty Recruitment 2019 TS Social Welfare

TSWREIS Guest Faculty Recruitment 2019 (TS Social Welfare)

TSWREIS Guest Faculty Recruitment 2019 (TS Social Welfare): Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society, Hyderabad invites applications from the eligible women cadidates to work as Guest Faculty in TSW Residential Degree Colleges for women for the academic year 2019-20. Applications are invited from the eligible women candidates in the following subjects of  1) Telugu  2) English  3)  Economics  4) History)  5) Mathematics  6) Physics)  7) Political Science  8) Chemistry)  9) Statistics)  10) Zoology  11) Botany  12) Computer Science 13) Commerce, and 14) Micro Biology, to work as Guest Faculty in TSW Residential Degree Colleges for women for the academic year 2019-20.

TSWREIS Guest Faculty Recruitment 2019 Details

  1. The charges for On-line application is Rs.300/- which shall be paid by the candidate through Credit card / Debit card / NET banking
  2. The last date for submission of On-line application is 13.06.2019.
  3. The probable date for personal Interview / Demo 17.06.2019.
  4. Interested candidates may apply from the website
  5. The medium of instruction in TSWR Junior Colleges is English only. Therefore, those who can teach in English medium only need apply.
  6. The candidates teaching experience in Vocational Colleges shall be preferred.
  7. The selected candidates will have to perform duty as per the Residential pattern (as assigned by the Principal)
  8. Women candidates shall be given preference for Girls Institutions.
  9. All the candidates should attend for the personal Interview / Demo on 17.06.2019 (or) any other date as fixed by the Secretary, TSWREIS. Change, in date if any, shall be intimated to the Candidate through SMS to the registered Mobile No. However, the candidates are directed to check the Website often for latest development.
  10. The Venue shall be communicated to the candidates on their Registered Mobile through SMS


Rc.No.Acad-11/3420/2018, Dated: 01.06.2019

On-line applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the Guest Faculty for the Vocational Intermediate Courses. The cost of On-line application is Rs.300/- which shall be paid y the candidate through Credit Card/Debit Card/NET Banking. The last date for submission of application through Online is 13.06.2019. The prospectus and the eligibility can be checked from the site from 05.06.2019.


                                                                                         Sd/- JOINT SECRETARY (ACADEMIC)

Tswreis Guest Faculty Recruitment  2019:
TSWREIS _ Guest Faculty (Last date to apply is 13.06.2019):  Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society, Hyderabad invites applications from the eligible candidates to work as Guest Faculty TSW Residential Junior Colleges for the academic year 2019-20.

తెలంగాణప్రభుత్వం, సెక్రటరీ కార్యాలయం, తెలంగాణ సాంఘిక సంక్షేమ గురుకుల విద్యాలయాల సంస్థ, హైదరాబాద్ Guest Faculty Recruitment notification ను విడుదల చేసినది. ఒకేషనల్ ఇంటర్మీడియట్ కోర్సుల కొరకు గెస్ట్ ఫ్యాకల్టీ కొరకు అర్హత గల అభ్యర్థుల నుండి ఆన్లైన్ దరఖాస్తులు కోరబడుచున్నవి. ఆన్లైన్ దరఖాస్తు ధర: రూ.300/ దానిని క్రెడిట్ కార్డు, డెబిట్ కార్డు / నెట్ బ్యాంకింగ్ ద్వారా అభ్యర్థి చెల్లించాలి. ఆన్లైన్ ద్వారా దరఖాస్తు దాఖలుకు ఆఖరు తేది: 13.06.2019. ప్రాస్పెక్టస్ మరియు అర్హతను సైట్ లో 05.06.2019 నుండి చూడవచ్చును

టీఎస్‌డబ్ల్యూ గురుకులాల్లో ఫ్యాకల్టీలు: తెలంగాణ సాంఘిక సంక్షేమ గురుకుల కళాశాలల్లో వివిధ సబ్జెక్టుల్లో ఖాళీగా ఉన్న గెస్ట్ ఫ్యాకల్టీ పోస్టుల భర్తీకి టీఎస్‌డబ్ల్యూఆర్‌ఈఐఎస్ నోటిఫికేషన్ విడుదల చేసింది.

పోస్టు పేరు: గెస్ట్ ఫ్యాకల్టీ

సబ్జెక్టులు: Vocational Intermediate Courses

అర్హత: సంబంధిత సబ్జెక్టుల్లో కనీసం 55 శాతం (ఎస్సీ/ఎస్టీ అభ్యర్థులు 50 శాతం) మార్కులతో మాస్టర్ డిగ్రీ లేదా తత్సమాన పరీక్షలో ఉత్తీర్ణత. నెట్/స్లెట్, సెట్, ఎంఫిల్, పీహెచ్‌డీ ఉన్నవారికి ప్రాధాన్యం ఇస్తారు.

పే స్కేల్: రూ. 25,000/- (పనిని బట్టి వేతనం ఉంటుంది)

అప్లికేషన్ ఫీజు: రూ. 300/-

దరఖాస్తు: ఆన్‌లైన్‌లో

ఎంపిక: విద్యార్హతలు, రాతపరీక్ష, డెమో,ఇంటర్వ్యూ.

రాత పరీక్ష తేదీ: .... 17.06.2019.

దరఖాస్తుకు చివరితేదీ: జూన్ 13



Vocational Courses

QUALIFICATIONS: Masters Degree with a minimum of 55% ( 50% in case of SC/ST candidates) of marks in the relevant subjects is required. Additional qualifications like Ph.D/NET/SLET/M.Phil will be preferred.

SELECTION ; Based on Written Test, Demonstration, Interviews,  and Additional Qualifications.

Mode of Apply : Online

Last date for submission of application: 13.06.2019.

Date of Written Test: 17-06-2019

Tswreis Guest Faculty Recruitment 2019 (TS Social Welfare)

Applying Link:

Instructions to Candidates applying for Guest Faculty Position in TSWR Colleges:

Applications are invited from the women candidates in the subjects of Vocational  Courses to work Guest Faculty in TSW Residential Colleges for Women for the academic year 2019-20.
Candidates with B.Tech qualifications with 60%  of marks possessing exceptional abilities shall also be considered to engage classes in computers subject.
A Masters Degree with minimum of 55% ( 50% in case of SC/ST candidates) of marks in the relevant subjects is required. Additional qualifications like Ph.D/NET/SLET/M.Phil will be preferred.
The last date for submission of applications is 13.06.2019
Interested candidates have to apply online through
The selection will be made on the basis of performance.

The Written Test will be conducted  for a duration of  1 hr and 30 mts

Model of Question Paper:

Question No.1: On the subject concerned (UG Level) : 15 Marks
Question No.2: On the subject concerned (PG Level) : 15 Marks
Question No.3: On Contemporary issues : 10 Marks
Question No.4: On recent trends in Higher Education : 10 Marks

Demonstration (10 marks) Interviews(10 marks)
Additional Qualifications : ( Ph.D - 5 marks )  (NET-5 marks) ( SLET-5 marks) & (M.Phil-5marks)

The Candidates are informed to pay an amount of Rs.250/- (Rupees two hundred and fifty only) through online towards examination fee.

The written test will be conducted on.....i.e, Sunday from 2.00 3.30 p.m. in the Telangana Social Welfare Residential Institutions in Hyderabad.

The Remuneration payable is Rs.25,000/- (Rupees twenty five thousnd only) per month depending on the work load in the subject concerned i.e, Number of periods to be engaged in a week by theselected candidates in the subject.

Tswreis, Ttswreis Guest Faculty/Subject Associates Recruitment 2019 in TS Social, Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions, Selection of part time Guest Faculty/Subject Associates in COEs of  TSWREIS & TTWREIS 2019: It is to inform that, TSWREI & TTWREI Societies have converted certain institutions in to COEs for providing quality coaching to the JEE Mains/Advanced and NEET aspects to the children of poor families. In this regard senior subject faculty and subject Associates (Academic Assistant) @ 5 to each institution are required to work in the following COEs in Telangana State.

Rs. 200/- DD: For Senior Subject Faculty nd Subject Asasociates (Academic Assistant):
The Candidates have to pay Rs.200/- through D.D in the favour of the Secretary, TSWREIS and Secretary, TTWREIS, separately. The D.D. No has to be uploaded in the online application. The D.D has to be handed over to the invigilator on the date of examination. The D,D can obtained at any Nationalized Bank.

Download of TSWREIS & TTWREIS Subject Associates Recruitment Exam Hall Tickets:
Post Details:
a). Subject Associates (Academic Assistant):
1) Maths  2)  Physics  3)  Chemistry  4)  Botany  5)  Zoology
b). Senior Subject Faculty:
1) Maths  2)  Physics  3)  Chemistry  4)  Botany  5)  Zoology

a). Eligibility of Subject Associates (Academic Assistant):

1.  Candidates having Masters Degree with First Class.
2.  Achievements, if any related to selection of students in JEE Mains/Advanced and NEET
3.  If any experience certificate in teaching JEE Mains/Advance and NEET.
4.  If any experience to prepare the successful candidates for JEE Mains/Advanced and NEET Exam.

b).  Eligibility for Senior Subject Faculty:
1.   Candidates having Masters Degree with First Class.
2.   Achievements, if any related to selection of students in JEE Mains/Advanced and NEET
3.   Minimum 5 years of  experience in teaching JEE Mains/Advance and NEET.
4.   Experience to prepare the successful candidates for JEE Mains/Advanced and NEET Exam.

Selection Process: 
a)  Proficiency in the Subject.
b)  Deeper Idea about JEE/NEET Examination Pattern.
c)  Communicative Skills.

1.  Senior Subject Faculty : The Senior Subject Faculty havae to attend Interview and Demo on ......................... at TSWR COE (B0, Gawlidoddi,  from10.30 a.m onwards.

2.  Subject Associates (Academic Assistant): The applying Subject Associates (Academic Assistant) have to attend Written Test compulsorily after qualifying the test, they will be called for Demo and interview @ 1:2 Ratio.

Terms & Conditions:
1.  Women faculty will be given to work in girls COEs.
2.  Mere applying for the post shall entitle the candidates for any claim to the respective faculty/subject associates.
3.  The selected faculty will have to perform all the Residential pattern duties assigned to them by the Principal.

How to Apply:
1.  Interested candidates have to apply through online for TSWREIS:

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Tswreis Guest Faculty Recruitment 2019 
Apply Online
Apply Online for TSWREIS TTWREIS Recruitment.Official Website