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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Telangana Aasara Pension Scheme Amount and Eligibility Criteria Go 17 and GO 34

Telangana Aasara Pension Scheme Amount and Eligibility Criteria Go 17 and GO 34

Aasara Pension – Eligibility & Application Procedure Telangana Asara Social Security Pension Scheme Comprehensive Guidelines: G.O.Ms No.34 Dated 28-05-2019 : Social Security Pensions-Asara Pensions _Social safety Net Strategy-Enhancement of Financial assisstance under Aasara scheme for the persons who are old and infirm,widows differently abled,weavers ,toddy tappers,HIV-AIDS patients ,Beedi Workers,single women and filaaria patients orders issued.

Telangana Aasara Pension Scheme

Government have issued orders on Social Security Pensions (Aasara Pensions) wherein detailed comprehensive guidelines for Aasara Pensions and eligibility criteria for sanction of the pension in
supersession of all orders issued in the past on the subject w.e.f., 01-10-2014. In para 4 (II) of the said G.O., Government have fixed the pension to the Old Age persons, Widows, Weavers, Toddy Tappers, Persons with HIV-AIDS @ Rs.1000/- and Disabled persons @ Rs.1500/- per month.

 In the references 2nd to 5th read above, Government have issued orderr by sanctioning financial assistance under Aasara Scheme to the Beedi Workers, Beedi workers non SKS (Samagra Kutumba Survey) P.F. Category, Single Women and Filariasis affected persons @ Rs.1000/- per month.

Government after careful examination of the matter hereby enhance the quantum of pension to the existing eligible pensioners and covered under various categories under Aasara Scheme with effect from June, 2019 payable in July, 2019 as follows. The operational guidelines except quantum of pension issued in the earlier G.Os. 1st to 5th read above shall be in force.

Name of the Programme
The new social safety net scheme proposed by the government shall be
called Aasara Pension Scheme and shall be effective from October 1, 2014. and Enhanced minthly pension (New pension)under Aasara shall Scheme w.e.f.June 2019

Pension Amount
Government hereby fix the pension amount per month for the following
categories of pensioners as detailed below:
Telangana Aasara Pension Scheme Amount and Eligibility Criteria Go 17 and GO 34 Aasara Pension – Eligibility & Application Procedure Telangana Asara Social Security Pension Scheme Comprehensive Guidelines: G.O.Ms No.34 Dated 28-05-2019 : Social Security Pensions-Asara Pensions _Social safety Net Strategy-Enhancement of Financial assisstance under Aasara scheme for the persons who are old and infirm,widows differently abled,weavers ,toddy tappers,HIV-AIDS patients ,Beedi Workers,single women and filaaria patients orders issued.

 Eligibility Criteria 

Type of Pension: Old Age
Eligibility : Age 65 years and above.
 Requirements during Verification : 
Age should be as per age criteria given above Should be established clearly by documentary evidence such as birth certificate, electoral roll, Aadhaar card or any document which shows the proof of age.
• If no document is available for the proof of age, the verification officer must be able to arrive through a rational assessment of the age by corroborating with other factors such as age of children, grandchildren’s marriage etc.
• In case of indeterminate persons, they shall be referred to Medical Board for assessment of age
through tests such as ossification and recorded documentation of the same

Type of Pension:  Weavers
Eligibility : Age 50 years and above.

Type of Pension:  Widow
Eligibility :  1. Age 18 years and above. 2. Death certificate of her husband. 3. Every year updation on remarriage for young widows (up to 45 Years)
Requirements during Verification :  • For widow pensions, the death certificate of the spouse is a must to be eligible. • Where the death certificate is not available a local enquiry may be made following which the death certificate as per the birth and death registration act will have to be obtained in the next three months. In case of remarriage, the Village Secretaries must certify every year that the individual has not remarried.

Type of Pension:Toddy Tappers
Eligibility : Age 50 years and above.
Requirements during Verification : • For Toddy tapper pensions the verification should be
confirmed whether the beneficiary is a registered member in the CoOperative Society of Toddy

Type of Pension: Pension to persons with HIVAIDS (ART pension)
Eligibility Who are undergoing Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART).
Requirements during Verification :  • Medical certificate from the concerned hospital that the
applicant is a person with HIVAIDS
• List of names can also be obtained from the ART Centre duly certified by the authority heading the center

Type of Pension: Differently Abled
(persons with disabilities)
Eligibility 1. Irrespective of age.
2. Disabled persons having a minimum of 40% disability under SADAREM assessment.
3. In case of Hearing Impaired, the minimum disability should be 51% (as per G.O.Ms No. 31
dt. 01-12-2009). (In case of a minor child, the pension shall be disbursed to the mother/father of the disabled child)
 Requirements during Verification  For disability pensions, persons with a SADAREM certificate showing the degree of disability 40% and above are eligible. • In case of Hearing impaired, the minimum disability should be 51%

B. Socio - economic criteria: Aasara pensions are meant only for disadvantaged families who, in old age or upon being widowed have no earning member in the family. Earning members in the families are expected by law to look after their parents. Similarly, persons with disabilities are severely stymied by their levels of handicap that renders them to be ineffective and excluded by society and family; therefore, they need financial support. Accordingly, there is a need for exclusion and inclusion criterion to be taken in to consideration for the grant of social security pensions under the Aasara Scheme. The persons belonging to the households fulfilling one or more of the following conditions listed below shall not be eligible for Social Security Pensions:

i. Having land more than 3.0 acres wet / irrigated dry or 7.5 acres dry.
 ii. Having children who are Government / Public sector / Private sector employment / Out-sourced / contract;
 iii. Having children who are Doctors, Contractors, Professionals and Self employed;
iv. Having large business Enterprise (oil mills, rice mills, petrol pumps, rig owners, shop owners etc.);
 v. Already receiving Government pensions or freedom fighter pensions;
vi. Owners of light and/or heavy automobiles (four wheelers and big vehicles.)
 vii. Any other criterion in which the verification officer may assess by the manner of lifestyle, occupation and possession of assets rendering the household as ineligible.

 C. The households under the following socio-economic criteria and falling in the above age group must be considered for inclusion and hence, eligible for a pension, provided they are not in the exclusion list:
 i. Primitive and Vulnerable Tribal Groups;
ii. Women headed households with no able bodied earning members;
 iii. Households having persons with disabilities;
 iv. In respect of all pensions except disabled and widows, only one member (preferably the women) per household shall be eligible for a pension;
 v. Landless agriculture laborers, rural artisans/craftsmen (such as potters, tanners, weavers, blacksmiths, carpenters), slum dwellers, persons earning their livelihood on daily basis in the informal sector like porters, coolies, rickshaw pullers, hand cart pullers, fruit / flower sellers, snake charmers, rag pickers, cobblers, destitute’s and other similar categories irrespective of rural or urban areas;
vi. Homeless, houseless households residing in temporary informal establishments or huts especially in urban areas; vii. Households headed by widows or terminally ill persons/disabled persons /persons aged 65 years or more with no assured means of subsistence or societal support and able bodied earning member.
 Care should be taken not to miss out on any eligible person from the poorest of poor households like those who are living in thatched / plastic roof huts, landless and asset less poor living on daily wages and subsistence levels. 

IV. Requirements for the Sanction of a Pension: Each pensioner will have to submit the following documents for sanction of a pension:
i. The applicant should be eligible as per the guidelines given above in para II
ii. Photograph
iii. Aadhaar number – (If Aadhaar number is not available they shall secure one in the next three months)
iv. Savings Bank account number and IFSC code either from a bank or local post office
 v. Age certificate
vi. Death certificate in case of widows. (Where death certificate is not available the Panchayat Secretary shall conduct a detailed enquiry and submit a report. However, the death certificate shall be obtained in the next three months and uploaded in the online system.
vii. SADAREM Certificate in case of persons with disabilities 40% or above and 51% in respect of the hearing impaired

V. Identification of eligible pensioners: verification of the applications will be done by the Gram Panchayat or the respective municipal/Deputy Commissioner of the GHMC.
i. The Gram Panchayat Secretary / Village Revenue Officer in the rural area and Bill Collector in Urban area will receive applications;
 ii. The Gram Panchayat Secretary in rural areas and the Bill Collector in the Urban areas will be entrusted with the task of verifying these applications and certifying them;
 iii. The designated Mandal Parishad Development Officer / Municipal Commissioner/ Deputy/Zonal Commissioner Officer shall scrutinize the verified applications to assess their eligibility and sanction them a pension based on the guidelines given time to time by the Government.
 iv. While identifying beneficiaries as listed in para C above, the data as per the household survey, the census population figures & percentages for old age, widows and handicapped shall be kept in mind for each Panchayat, mandal, and municipality, besides ensuring equity among the various social categories such as SC, ST, BC and OC communities.
v. Wrongful identification and certification of beneficiaries if identified in the social audit or surprise verification of beneficiaries will be severely dealt with and disciplinary action initiated on all concerned besides recovery of the amount paid. These shall include wrongful certificates issued under SADAREM in respect of persons with disabilities.

VI. Sanction of pensions and Issue of Pension Card: After verification reports have been submitted by the verification officers, the MPDOs in rural areas, Tahsildars (Hyderabad district) / Municipal Commissioners in urban areas and Dy. Commissioners in GHMC areas shall:
 i. Broadly assess the recommendation reports and correlate the same with the SKS survey data (exclusion and inclusion criterion) and the census figures assessed and allocated for each mandal by the District Collector for old age, widows and handicapped persons for the mandal.
 ii. MPDO’s shall ensure that the poorest of the poor are identified from amongst the verified list covering all social categories such as the SC, ST, BC and OC communities and are strictly covered in that order. Adequate care should be taken that no eligible beneficiary is left out.
 iii. After satisfying the above criterion, the MPDO/ Municipal Commissioner/ Deputy Commissioner of the GHMC concerned shall enter the data in the Aasara software, specially designed for this purpose and submit the same online to the District Collector for according administrative sanction (all process will be completed online).
 iv. After final approval by the District Collector, MPDO’s shall ensure that Aasara Pension cards are distributed for the relevant category by affixing the photo of the beneficiary. Necessary arrangements shall be made to ensure that the details are printed on the card through the Aasara Software.
v. The GPs should necessarily maintain an A Register and a B Register, specifying the existing pensioners and those who are eligible but have not been considered for a pension. As and when there is a vacancy and a person can be accommodated, the person who is accommodated first should be considered based on the following criteria- oldest among those listed, SC/ST, landless with a preference to women, especially deserted women in all categories. The same should also be available online to ensure that the eligibility process has been scrupulously followed.

VII. Aadhaar Seeding: All payment’s for pensions shall be disbursed only biometrically subject to the following:
 i. Where Aadhaar number is available for a beneficiary, they shall be immediately seeded for enabling biometric authentication based payment through the Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AEPS);
ii. Where beneficiaries do not have an Aadhaar number they shall secure one with the help of the local administration and furnish the Aadhaar number by 31-01- 2015. From 1st February, 2015 payments can be effected only through biometric authentication;
 iii. The disbursement of pensions shall be made through biometric authentication using Aadhaar number. For this purpose, either the best finger detection (BFD) or IRIS authentication may be used to effect payments;
iv. In rare cases such as those who are bedridden, or upper extremities are affected badly, the pensions shall be disbursed by Gram Panchayat secretary /Bill Collector using his own biometrics, however this shall be done only in rare cases and all such cases should be cleared by a competent higher authority;
 VIII. Release of Amounts for disbursal of pensions: MPDO’s will have to forward the details of all beneficiaries selected, online to SERP for release of the amount to the Districts for disbursement as follows:
 i. Centralized acquittances’ along with proceedings shall be generated in the software at the state level and placed in the web for seeking approval on the proceedings by the District Collector through the Project Director, DRDA;
 ii. The Project Director, DRDA shall take the approval of the District Collector on physical file and upload the file in the Aasara Software;
 iii. Fund Transfer Request shall be generated by SERP and the Fund Transfer Order generated automatically will transfer the funds electronically to the Disbursing Agencies from the SSP State Nodal Account operated by the Chief Executive Officer, SERP;
iv. The MPDOs / Tahsildars (Hyderabad district) shall download the acquittances from the logins provided to them and take printouts to handover to the Disbursing Agencies;
v. The pensions shall be disbursed at GP / disbursing point level by the Customer Service Provider (CSP) in the areas covered by the disbursing agencies;
vi. The signed acquittances shall be returned to the MPDO / Tahsildars (Hyderabad district) by the Disbursing Agencies;.
vii. In cases where there is a change of pensioner status such as death of a pensioner, widow who is remarried and change in disability status, the same shall be reported by the Customer Service Provider (CSP)/ Branch Post Master (BPM)/Gram Panchayat Secretary (GPS) every month. The MPDO shall be responsible for deleting these names on an immediate basis;
 IX. Disbursal of Pensions: Each pensioner shall have a bank account into which the amount shall be remitted.
 i. In larger municipalities where ATM facilities are abundant, the pensions may be remitted in the bank accounts of the beneficiaries to enable them to draw using ATM cards;.
ii. In rural areas where banks exist, the pension can be deposited in the local banks or the post offices and shall be disbursed through biometric authentication either using the best finger detection or the iris scan. For this purpose, each pensioner will have to be registered in the biometric device for disbursal through biometric authentication;
iii. As far as possible, the disbursement of pensions should be done in a public place such as the school building or the Gram Panchayat Building;

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GO Ms No 34
GO Ms No 17