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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Dramatising the Given Text: An Effective Learning Process

Dramatising the Given Text: An Effective Learning Process

 How to Dramtise a given text:

Follow the transaction process for reading the text i.e., individual reading followed by group reading and scaffolding
 Then, Identify different steps to dramatise the events in the text given
 1. Identify the various characters... 1. Ammu 2. Bittu 3. Fisherman 4. Farmer 5. Traveller
 6. Homemaker 7. a monkey
Then decide on the loctions and properties
 2. Here, the location is a village and we need properties such as a fishing net, a paper boat, a paper plough, a bundle of sticks, a traveller's bundle etc.
 3. Divide the play into scenes.
 1st scene. Ammu is writing her homework..
2nd scene... Ammu and Bittu meet the farmer 
3rd scene Ammu meets the fisherman
4th scene Ammu meets homemaker
5th scene Ammu meets a traveller
6th scene Ammu meets several birds and her friends at a tree
 4. Assign roles to the students and let them rehearse the dialogues.
 5. Let the students prepare the properties
6. Enact the drama they had rehearsed.

 Dramatising the Given Text  An Effective Learning Process : What Is a Tree ?

Thanks to Ramani Madam SRG for providing such useful videos which are very helpful  for the ground level Teachers to transact effectively in their classrooms

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