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Saturday, September 22, 2018

DTA Telangana Instructions on ELs Encashment and Education Fee Reimbursement of Teachers and Employees

DTA Telangana Instructions on ELs Encashment and Education Fee Reimbursement of Teachers and Employees

Directorate of Teasuries and Accounts Telangana State instructed all DTOs and STOs not to admit without submitting Xerox copy of Previous STO Fly Leaf which is evidence to proof not claimed erlier. Also instructed regarding Children Fee Reimbursement saying that not to admit any Fees Recruitment bills from Teachers and Employees until further clarification

DTA Telangana Instructions on ELs Encashment and Education Fee Reimbursement of Teachers and Employees/2018/09/dta-telangana-instructions-on-els-download-copy.html
DTA Telangana Instructions on ELs Encashment and Education Fee Reimbursement of Teachers and Employees

Telangana DTA Instructions

Memo No F4/565 ,Dt:22.09.2018_Surrender of Erned leave and Drawl of Education  Concession Bills--instructions issued -Reg

 all the Treasury Officers are hereby instructed not to admit the Surrender of Earned Leave Bill,in r/o Teachers/employees unless a xerox copy of the Earlier Station Fly leaf is enclosed to the Bill duly attested by the Treasury Officer of previous treasury.

all the treasury officers are Instructed to not to admit arrears claims under education concession. As per these orders all the Education Concession claims shall be admitted with prospective effect only. Under any circumstances the arrear claims shall not be accepted till receipt of clarification from GoTS.

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