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Thursday, July 7, 2016

AP Annathapuram NHM RBSK Recruitment Notification for Medical Officers ANMs & Pharmacists

Ap Andhra Pradesh Ananthapuram District Medical and Health dept Recruitment Notification for National Health mission and RBSK Medical Officers, ANMs Phamracists Posts under contract basis Mobile Health Teams Important dates of Notification Documents to be produced, Qualifications, Selection Process. Application are invited for the Posts of Medical Officers, ANMs Pharmacists in National Haelth Mission for RBSK Rashtriy Bala Swasthya Karyakramam Staff in AP Ananthapuram district

Ananthapuram Vacancy Details
  1. Medical Officer (Male) : 27 Posts
  2. Medical Officer (Female) : 27 Post 
  3. Medical officer (Ayush) (Male) : 9 Posts
  4. Medical officer (Ayush) (Female) : 9 Posts
  5. Auxiliary Nurse Midwife : 36 Posts
  6. Pharmacist : 36 Posts 

Important Dates to Remember

Issue of Notification
Last Date for receipt of applications
Scrutiny of applications
12.07.2016 to 14.07.2016
Display of Merit List
14.07.2016 5 PM
redressing grievances
15.07.2016 to 16.07.2016
Issue of appointment orders

Qualifications for the respective Posts:

Medical Officer (Male & Female):

MBBS degree or an equivalent qualification as entered in the Schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act 1956 as subsequently amended

Medical Officer(AYUSH) (Male & Female):


Must possess a Degree in Ayurveda awarded by a University in India established or incorporated by or  under a central act or provincial act or an institution recognized by UGC or any Statutory Board of the State Government after having undergone a regular course of institutional study in respective systems, both in theory and practice for a period not less than four and half years recognized by a University or state government with one year compulsory internship.


Must possess a Degree in Unani awarded by  a University in India established or incorporated by or  under a central act or provincial act or an institution recognized by UGC or any Statutory Board of the State Government after having undergone a regular course of institutional study in respective systems, both in theory and practice for a period not less than four and half years recognized by a University or state government with one year compulsory internship.


Must possess a Degree in HOMEOPATHY awarded by a University in India established or incorporated by or  under a central act or provincial act or an institution recognized by UGC or any Statutory Board of the State Government after having undergone a regular course of institutional study in respective systems, both in theory and practice for a period not less than four and half years recognized by a University or state government with one year compulsory internship.


BNYS degree (or) a diploma in course in Naturopathy from Gandhi Naturopathy Medical College after regular study of 4 years or more, awarded by a University in India established or incorporated by or under a central act or state act or an institution recognized by the UGC  or any statutory board of the state government.

Auxiliary Nurse Midwife :

A)   SSC
B)   B) 18 months MPHW(F) Training Certificate recognized by AP Nursing and Midwives Council OR Two years Intermediate Vocational MPHW(F) Course and have completed one year clinical training in selected Government hospital in which these students have been permitted to undergo clinical training (OR) completed one year Apprenticeship Training in identified hospitals and awarded “Apprenticeship Completion Certificate” by the Board of Apprenticeship training GoI, Southern Region, Chennai.
Physical fitness for camp life 


A)   SSC
B)   Diploma in Pharmacy
C)   Registered with Pharmacy Council
Computer skills


The minimum age is 18 years and the maximum age is 44 years. The minimum and maximum age shall be reckoned as on 01-07-2016 with the following relaxations allowed for reckoning the maximum age limit as per rules:

i.              For S.Cs., S.Ts & BCs 5(Five) years.
ii.            For ex-service men 3(Three) years in addition to the length of service in armed forces.
iii.           Disabled persons 10(ten) years.


  1. Applications forms along with the instructions can be downloaded from official websites of respective districts.
  2. Filled in application forms shall be submitted in person or through registered post to the respective District Medical & Health Officers to the district to which the candidate is applying. Applications which are received after due dates will be summarily rejected. District Selection Committee is not responsible for postal delay
  3. A person can apply for more than one districts
  4. Self attested copies of the following certificates shall should be enclosed along with the application form

 Documents to be Produced

  1. S.S.C or Equivalent examination
  2. Intermediate or 10+2 examination
  3. Qualifying Examination Pass Certificate
  4. Marks memos of all the years (qualifying examination)
  5. Registration certificates of respective councils.
  6. Latest Caste certificate issued by the Tashildhar/MRO concerned
  7. Study certificate for the years from 4th class to 10th Class and in case of
    Private study residence certificate from the Tashildhar /MRO concerned
  8. PH certificate in respect of candidates Claiming reservation under PH Quota
  9. Relevant Certificates in respect of candidates claiming Ex Service man Quota
  10. 1 photographs duly pasted on the application form
  11. Acknowledgement Card

Salaries for the Posts in Consolidated Mode

  1. Medical Officers (Male): 30,000
  2. Medical Officers (Female): 30,000
  3. Medical officer(AYUSH)(Male): 22,000
  4. Medical officer(AYUSH)(Female): 22,000
  5. Auxiliary Nurse Midwife: 10,000
  6. Pharmacist: 10,000 
 Click here to Download Recruitment Notification for Medical Officers ANMs and Pharmacists