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Saturday, June 25, 2016

TS Model Schools Admission Notification-2016 for Left over vacancies

Rc 550 TS Model School Admission Notification 2016 for Left over Vacancies from VI to X  School Education – Model Schools – Spell-II  - Admissions Schedule for Classes VI to X & Intermediate 1st year for  the Academic Year 2016–17in 182 Telangana Model Schools – Instructions to all the DEOs in the State & respective Principals of Model Schools - Schedule Announced 

With reference to the subject read above and in continuation to the earlier Proceedings of this office in reference 2nd read above, all District Educational Officers & Principals of Model Schools in the State (except Hyderabad District) are informed that, in order to fillup the left over seats in all the Telangana Model Schools for Classes VI to X & Intermediate 1st year, the following Admission Schedule is announced :

  1. Identifying and Notifying left over seats by the concerned Principals. : 25-6-2016
  2.  Submission & Receiving of online Applications : 27-06-2016 & 28-6-2016.
  3. Entrance  Test at respective Schools. ; 01.07.2016
  4. Preparation and Display of selection list at respective Schools. : 02-07-2016
  5. Verification of original certificates of the selected candidates, finalizing admissions at respective School level. : : 03-07-2016
In this context, all the District Educational Officers in the State (except Hyderabad) are hereby informed to issue necessary instructions to the Principals of Model Schools in their Districts for taking up the admission process at their respective Schools duly providing wide publicity at their concerned villages and Mandals duly utilizing all possible media resources. The Principals of Model Schools are directed to take immediate necessary action strictly adhering to the above schedule without giving any scope for deviation.
Hence, all the Principals of Model Schools in the State are requested to co-ordinate with the concerned MEO’s and HMs of Secondary Schools at their locality and also take necessary assistance from one PGT/TGT and Computer Operator of the concerned school for smooth functioning of the Admission process for the academic year 2016-17 as per the above schedule and report compliance to this office at once. This has got the approval of Director of School Education & Ex-Officio Project Director, Model Schools, Telangana ,Hyderabad.