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Monday, June 20, 2016

Telangana Police Recruitment Board Physical Events Required Douments

TSLPRB SIs Physical Efficiency Test Required Documents Telangana POLICE RECRUITMENT BOARD For physical test  Schedule for Physical Effeciency Test from 25.06.2016 to 05.07.2016 The following  original certificates together with a set of legible  Xerox copies duly attested by a Gazetted Officer along with filled in online application form,Hall Ticket of Preliminary Written Test

Read: Schedule for Physical Effeciency Test from 25.06.2016 to 05.07.2016

TSLPRB Physical Efficiency Test Required Documents

  1.  Aadhaar Card/UIN
  2. SSC or equivalent certificate
  3. Degree or its equivalent certificate
  4. Intermediate or equivalent certificate and Degree Study Certificate (For SC/ST only those who have not passed Degree)
  5. Community certificate issued by competent authority of Government of Telangana.
  6. Certificate of Non creamy layer status for BC candidates issued by competent authority of Govt. of TS.
  7. Proof of residence certificate in the scheduled area for STs and Aboriginal tribes issued by competent authority of Govt. of TS.
  8. State Government employee service certificate
  9. Service certificate in the Army, Navy or Air Force of the Union of the India
  10. NCC instructor service certificate issued by the competent authority
  11. Retrenched temporary employee certificate in the State census dept issued by the competent authority..
  12. Study certificate (s) from 4 th to 10 th class
  13. Residence certificate issued by competent authority of Govt. of Telangana (In case where the candidate has not studied in any educational institutions)
  14. Ex-Servicemen certificate issued by the competent authority
  15. No objection Certificate for civil employment for in service personnel of Army, Navy, Air force due to be retire from service within one year from date of notification
  16. PE/PM/CPP/CDI/CoSPF/MoSPF/NCC/MSP certificates
  17. In case of widow, death certificate of her husband together with the affidavit that she has not re-married since.
  18. In case of divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands, a certified copy of the judgment/decree of the appropriate court to prove the fact of divorce or the judicial separation, as the case may be, along with an affidavit that they have not re-married since.
  19. Any other document applicable to you