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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Memo No 108382 Inter Dist Transfers on Spouse/Mutual Ground in AP

Memo No 108382 Dt 31.05.2016 School Education Dept Inter District Transfers on Spouse / Mutual grounds in Andhra Pradesh Headmasters and Teachers working in Govt/ZPP/MPP schools Inter dist Transfers-orders issued

  1. CSE AP Hyderabad to transfers teachers as indicated in the list annexered for inter dist transfers on Spouse grounds as indidcated in the list annexured -II for the inter dist transfers on Mutual ground subject to the relevant original certificates and outcome of court cases if any and subject to that it must be ensured the correctness of full information on all the points specified in the revised Circular Memo No 7232 dated 04.08.2011 and also the percentage of non locals shall not exceed 15% including existing percentage under each category of posts and over all percentage in the district
  2. The Headmasters/teachers working in Govt/ZP/MP/ Schools are eligible for inter dist transfers under same management
  3. The candidate transfered shall take last rank in the new unit to which the transfer is effected and also foregon seniority in the local cadre from which transfer is effected 
  4. Click here to Download Memo No 108382 Dt 31.05.2016