Monday, November 9, 2015

AP HPT/TPT Annual Exams 2015 Time Table for 2013-2014 batch

AP HPT/TPT Annual Exams 2015 Time Table for 2013-2014 batch

AP LPT 2015 Exams Time Table, LPT 2013-14 Batch Exams 2015 Time Table, HPT/TPT Annual Exams 2015 Time Table, Language Pandit Training Annual Exams 2015 Time Table,  HPT/TPT/UPT Annual Exams 2015 Schedule.

#AP LPT Courses  Annual Exams 2015
Language Pandit Training (HPT /TPT / UPT) Course Annual Examinations 2014 Schedule that is Time Table will be issued soon in the month of October, 2015 by the Office of the Director Government Examinations, Andhra Pradesh. These HPT /TPT Annual Exams will be held in the month of November this year for regular batch and failed candidates that means old batch candidates also came take part in this examinations. These examinations will be held from 10 am to 1.00 pm and the dates will be announced soon in October 2015 Part B Exams will be held from 2 pm to 3.30 pm.

Candidates are advised to the hall tickets can be obtained from their Colleges or Private Teacher Training Institutes. This Hall Ticket is entry pass of the examination hall. So, Candidates must keep their hall ticket while you are going to the examination hall.

LPT Course 2015 Official Exams Time Table
Paper No
30-11-2015IEducation in Emerging India  10 am to 1.00 pm
01-12-2015IIEducational Psychology10 am to 1.00 pm
02-12-2015IIIPart-A: School Management 

Part-B: Information and Communication Technology
10 am to 1.00 pm 

2 PM to 3.30 PM
03-12-2015IVMethod of Teaching10 am to 1.00 pm
04-12-2015VPart-A: Capacity building Physical health Education, 1. Art Education, Work Education 

Part-B: Language Development for TPT / UPT Comparative grammar for HPT
9.00 Am to 12.00 Noon

2 PM to 3.30 PM
AP LPT/Language Pandit Course(TPT/HPT) Exam Fee Due Dates 2015
AP HPT/TPT Annual Exams 2015 Time Table for 2013-2014 Batch