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Thursday, November 19, 2015

AP DEECET 2015 Web Counselling DateSr & Admission1st, 2nd Phase

 Web Counselling Dates for AP DEECET 2015 Admission1st, 2nd Phase

First Phase, 2nd Phase #APDEECET 2015 #WebCounselling Dates, Schedule, Certificate Verification Dates/Schedule, Phase I and Phase II Web Counselling Schedule. AP State School Departments will issue the AP DEECET 2015 Web based admission process and certification verification schedule notification for conducting counselling through Web Based mode for admission into two year Diploma in Education Course for the academic year 2015-2017 in Govt DIETs and Private D.Ed Colleges.

So, D.Ed course 2015-2015 admissions will be taken up through web based counselling that is online admissions process by the Education department officials as per the given schedule.

The list of college like Government DIETs, Un-aided, Non Minority Colleges which did not opt for SW 2(Single Window 2) and range of ranks permissible for applying the admissions, Community or Special Category wise and Detailed admissions procedure will be available soon on the AP DEECET official website( Dates will be provided soon).

DEECET 2015 Candidates, who fall within the permissible DEECET Ranks can submit their performance of teacher training colleges through online from the link will be opened on official website. The web counselling and admission schedule of AP DEECET-2015  is being followed.

AP DEECET 2015 Web Counselling and Admission Schedule(Official)

 1. First phase of Counseling: 23-11-2015
2. Second phase of Counseling: 14-12-2015
3. Admissions for left over seats: 10-12-2015
4. First day of instruction: 08-12-2015
A. Phase-I
  1. Web Options: 23-11-2015 to 25-11-2015
  2. Allotment of Seats: 26-11-2015 to  28-11-22015
  3. Allotment of Seats College wise list display: 30-11-2015
  4. Counselling and Verification of Certificates: 01-12-2015 to 03-11-2015.
  5. First Instructions Day: 08-12-2015.
B. Phase-II
  1. Web Options:  14-12-2015 to 16-12-2015
  2. Allotment of Seats:  20-12-2015
  3. Counselling and Verification of Certificates: 08-12-2015 to 10-12-2015
  4. First Instructions Day:  08-12-2015

First phase of Counseling involves in the following steps
 1. Preparation of Seat Matrix,
2.  Submission of web based options by candidates(Giving Web Options),
3. Allotment of seats to candidates,
4. Issue of Provisional letters of admission(Download PAL),
5. Verification of certificates at DIETs(Attend Certificates Verification process) and
6. Issue of Final Admission letter( Download FAL)
8. Join in D.Ed /DIET College(Join in D.Ed College)
9. Acknowledgement Letter submission(Submit to Govt. DIET)

AP DEECET 2015 Admission Process
S.NoAP DEECET 2015 Important LinksGet Details
1First, 2nd Phase Web Counselling Date/
2How to fill Online Payment Form
for Giving Web Options

3How to give Web Options/
Web Based Selection of Colleges(User Guide) 

4Provisional Admission Letter,
Seat Allotment List and FEE Details

5Certificate Verification Dates/ Schedule

AP Deecet

6List of Documents for
Certificate Verification and Instructions


Andhra Pradesh DEECET 2015 for Admission into the two years D.Ed Course for 2015-2017 counselling will be started in two phases as per given schedule and after if seats remained can’t, spot admissions will be done also same methodology through online. For admissions under Category B, the Institutions of both governments shall notify all the details of seats under this category an conduct the admissions in a fair and transparent manner.

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