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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Painting competition on Water Conservation for 6,7, 8th Class School Children

6th Nationwide Painting competition on Water Conservation for 6,7, 8th Class School Children

School, State and National Level Painting Competitions on Water Conservation 2015 - 6th Nationwide Painting competition on water conservation for Students - Guidelines - Campaign on water conservation awareness: Govt of India, Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Central Ground Water Board, To, The Principal/ Head Master, Guidelines for 6th National Painting Competition on Water Conservation - 2015 for school Children of 6th, 7th and 8th Standards

The Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation is conducting 6th Nationwide painting competition on Water Conservation for the students of 6th 7th and 8th Standards to make the children aware about the need of conserving this precious resource and at the same time involving their parents and teachers in this noble cause. The Painting competition willbe held in three stages, namely SCHOOL, STATE and NATIONAL Levels. The following are the guidelines for your information.

School Level Painting Competition

1. The school level competition is for the students of 6th, 7th and 8th standards only.
2. The theme for the painting competition is :
1. Stop River Pollution (or)
2. Nirmal Nadi (or)
3. Groud water with arsenic and other contamination issues (Ground Water Pollution)

3. School Principals / Head Masters are requested to organize painting competition of 2 hours duration at their schools on any date between 05.10.2015 to 09.11.2015.

4. Paintings may be made preferably on A4/A3 size paper, though there is no restriction on type / size of paper, paints, crayons, water colour, etc. Drawing materials for the school level would be provided by the schools/students and no cost in this regard would be borne by the Ministry of Water Resources / CGWB.

5. All paintings must contain the following details at the back of the drawing sheet - which includes Signature of the Principal in the following format.
  Name of the Student  Father’s / Mother’s Name  Tel/Mobile No. of Parents
  Standard  Roll No  E-mail ID of Student (if any)
School Name & AddressSchool Located in Urban/RuralSchool Tel No / Mob. No./Email
  District  StateSignature of the School Principal

6. Paintings not signed by the school Principal or sent directly by student / parent will not be accepted.

7. Three (3) best paintings (1st,2nd,3rd) only are to be selected from each school by the respective schools principals / Head Masters and the same are to be forwarded along with the list of participants to the REGIONAL DIRECTOR, CENTRAL GROUND WATER BAORD, MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES, SOUTHERN REGION, GSI POST, BANDLAGUDA, HYDERABAD-500068 on or before 13.11.2015

8. All participants of school level competition will be given a participation certificate signed by Regional Director, CGWB and Principal / Head Master of respective school.
For any further queries / clarifications you may contact Dr. B. Umamaheswara Rao, Scientist- D, CGWB, SR, Hyderabad (Mobile no. 8331896371). or Sri. V.V.Vidyadhar, Cell :9440583824 It is requested to motivate the students in your school to participate in the painting competition enmasse to make this program scuccessful. Regional Director, Central Ground Water Board, Southern Region, GSI Post, Bandlaguda, Hyderabad - 500068; Tel : (O) 040-24225200, Fax (O) : 040-24225202. Email :

Painting Competition on Water Conservation 2015 at School, State, National Level