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Saturday, March 7, 2020

BRAOU Degree Exams Time Table 2021

BRAOU Degree Exams Time Table 2021
Dr B R Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU) Degree Exams Fee Payment & Online Registration Form. Dr B R Ambedkar Open University has Released the BRAOU Degree Exams  U.G. (3YDC-OLD BATCHES) for III, II & I Year B.A., B. Com. B. Sc., (3YDC) Spell – I Fee Payment notification and the exams dates. Candidates those who are studying the Degree course in this Distance mode education they can pay the exam fee through online mode at web portal. The Open University has invited to pay the Degree Exams fee for appearing the annual examinations.
Dr.B.R.AMBEDKAR OPEN UNIVERSITY UG EXAMINATION ONLINE REGISTRATION FOR Spell-I /2020/03/Braou-Degree-exams-time-table-hall-tickeats-download.html

It is notified that the III, II & I Year B.A., B. Com. B. Sc., (3YDC) Spell – I APRIL/MAY,2021 Examinations of this University are scheduled as mentioned below for the old batches Registered from the Academic Year 2017, 2018 & 2019 Year batches
BRAOU Degree Exams Time Table 2021 for CBCS UG Semester wise Exams
BRAOU Degree exams Time table 2021 released. BRAOU would conduct Degree annual exams for CBCS UG Semester wise Degree course as per the time table 2021. BR Ambedkar Open University, BRAOU announces annual ug exams schedule/degree exams time table, Exams fee due dates, braou degree annual exams hall tickets.
Latest Update: Ambedkar Open University degree examinations will be held from the March 13. Second year examinations will be held on 21-03-2021. Exams timing from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Candidates should observe this subject and appear for the examination in a timely manner.
Dr BR Ambedkar Open University exams official said in a statement that the examinations, which are scheduled to be held in Both Telugu states on March 13 to 27.
BRAOU Degree Exams Time Table 2021
Dr BR Ambedkar Open University Degree (CBCS) exams will start from 13-03-2021 to 27-03-2021.
CBCS Degree Exams
2nd Semester 1st year Degree Examinations from 13-03-2021 to 19-03-2021.
4th Semester 2nd Year Degree Examinations from 21-03-2021 to 27-03-2021.
BRAOU is suggested to download the hall tickets from the University website 2 days before the examination date. For more details you can contact their respective study center or varsity website
Dr B R Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU) has announced BRAOU Degree Exams Time Table 2020 and dates for annual (First Spell /Second Spell) U.G. Examinations (B.A/B.Com/B.Sc) to be held in September and also announced Semester wise Degree Examinations of the First, Second and Third Year Degree Courses.
The Degree examinations while the First, Second and Third-year degree examinations will be held from as per the announced schedule by Ambedkar Open University. The timings of examinations are available in the notification. Students are advised to visit the portal of and click on U.G. examination registration form for spell-I /Spell II for registration.
BRAOU Degree Semester Exams Time Table (New Batches)
Semester Wise Exam Nam and Exam Schedule
2nd Semester Degree Examinations (I YEAR) 13-03-2021 to 19-03-2021.
4th Semester Degree Examinations (II YEAR) 21-03-2021 to 27-03-2021.
Degree Examination Timings 2.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M              
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