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Friday, February 28, 2020

NVS TGT Interview Schedule/Call Letter Download

NVS TGT Interview Schedule/Call Letter Download

NVS TGT Results/Interview Schedule/Call Letter Download from Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti has released NVS TGT 2019 interview schedule on February 26, 2020. Candidates who have qualified the written examination can check the interview schedule through the official site of NVS at

NVS TGT Interview Schedule/Call Letter Download /2020/02/

In continuation to the notice uploaded on Samiti's website on 21.02.2020, the interviews i.r.o. candidates shortlisted for interview for the post of TGTs (Hindi, English, Maths, Science & Social Studies) under Direct Recruitment Drive, July, 2019 are fixedw.e.f. 16.03.2020 to 28.03.2020 at the venues mentioned below. The details regarding interview schedule for the post of TGTs are given below.

The list of candidates shortlisted for interview alongwith date of interview, venue, reporting time, Board No. is enclosed herewith for information. All concerned are requested to attend the interview on the scheduled date, time and venue. Call letter to all the candidates shortlisted for interview for the said post is being uploaded on website/ sent through e-mail on their registered email address, as the case may be. If any candidate whose name mentioned in the notice dated 21.02.2020 does not receive call letter to attend interview, he/she may contact at Phone Number (s) 0120-2405969-73 Extn. 2038 & email: However, candidates concerned are requested to visit the website of the Samiti for latest updates in the matter and check their e-mail mentioned in the online application form regularly. Final merit list will be prepared by giving weightage of 80% and 20% to marks obtained by the candidate in Computer Based Test (CBT)and interview respectitively.

Click Here for

NVS TGT Interview Schedule
NVS TGT Interview Call Letter