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Thursday, October 10, 2019

Haj 2020 Announcement-Guidelines-Apply online

Haj 2020 Announcement-Guidelines-Apply Online

Haj Committee of India has Released an Announcement  for HAJ 1441(H0-2020 -Apply Online Here

  1. The process of application for Haj 2020 through Haj Committee of India shall commence online from 10-10-2019  and the last date to  apply is 10-11-2019.
  2. Applictions well be accepted online onluy,  either directly or through State Haj Committee.
  3. The appplicants must be in possession of machine readable valid Indian International Passport isssued on or before last date of receiving Haj Application Forms(HAF) and valid upto 20-01-2021.
  4. Applicats can fill the online application on Haj Committee website or through Haj committee mobile app HCOI.
  5. Applicants must read the guidelines carefully and select the Embarkation point as per their concenience and airfare amount.Options once selected for category of Accomodation and Adani (Qurbani) will not be allowed to change.
  6. Applicants can fill in their applictions themselves through Cyber cafes, Haji suvidha kendras as state Haj Committee office as per their convenience.
  7. For any difficulty applicant may contact Haj information centre 022-22107070

Haj Committee of India has Released an Announcement for HAJ 1441(H0-2020 -Apply Online Here/2019/10/

Hajj 2020 Online Form Starts from10th October 2019 to 10th November 2019
Online Fee only :300
Use Personal Mobile Number for OTP..

For More Info Please Visit

Click Here to Download

Haj 2020 Announcement
Haj 2020 Guidelines
Haj 2020 How to fill  online
Haj 2020 Apply Online