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Thursday, August 8, 2019

TS DEECET Certificates Verification dates and web Counselling

TS DEECET Certificates Verification dates and web Counselling

TS DEECET 2nd Seat Allotment Order 2019: TS DEECET is an entrance test of state level, which is conducted annually to offer admission to candidates who are eligible for doing, diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed) and Diploma in Pre-School Education (DPSE) In government and private institutes of Educational Training, in Telangana State. In this article, we have covered all the data of TS DEECET 2nd Seat Allotment Result, how to download allotment order, counselling process, and other important points. Read the full article to get good idea of TS DEECET 2019 process. Around 26 thousand candidates appeared for this exam. The exam was conducted on 22nd May 2019 for the admission in the academic session of 2019-2020. The results of the examination have been announced, and the candidates can check it by visiting the official website.

TS DEECET Certificates Verification dates and web Counselling /2019/08/TS-DEECET-Certificates-Verification-dates-for-web-Counselling.html

After the results are announced, the officials check the candidates DEECET Rank, and then they tally it with the number of vacancies in the college; this is how the seat is allotted to the candidate. Then the selected applicants can download their provisional Allotment order so that they can get the admission in a college after paying their tuition fees. If the applicant is not happy with the college, they are allocated, during the first phase of seat allocation. Then they can wait for the second phase of counseling.

The counseling procedure for both phases is the same. After the seat Allotment result, the applicants should submit their TS DEECET 2019 2nd Phase allotment order at the college while is assigned to them, with the original documents to approve your seat. Candidates who are not happy with phase 2 result can wait till phase 3 results

All the qualified candidates should attend for certificate  verification at Government DIETS in their Districts concerned principals: see below mentioned dates.

Submission of web based preference of colleges by the candidates as per rank obtained in TS DEECET 2019, see below mentioned dates.

All the candidates who have secured Rank in TSDEECET for admission into two year D.EI.Ed (Diploma in Elementary Education) and D.P.S.E. (Diploma in Pre-School Education) for the academic batch 2019-20 through web counselling are informed that, the 1st/2nd/3rd phase of web based counselling will be taken up as per the schedule, which is available on the website. The eligible candidates who intended to take admission shall submit their preferences through the website as below mentioned details.

The candidates are advised to give more preferences, so as to get more chances for allotment of seat. The schedule and detailed procedure may be downloaded from the above website.

2nd Phase TS DEECET 2019 Counselling Dates as follows:

2nd Phase TS DEECET 2019 Certificates Verification is from : 18.08.2019 and 19.08.2019.
2nd Phase TS DEECET 2019 Web Options is from : 20.08.2019 to 22.08.2019.
2nd Phase TS DEECET 2019 Seat Allotments is on : 24.08.2019 and 25.08.2019.
2nd Phase Reporting to colleges and college Fee Payment on 26.08.2019 and 27.08.2019.

3rd Phase TS DEECET 2019 Web Counselling Dates as follows:

3rd Phase TS DEECET 2019 Certificates Verification is from : 08.08.2019 to 12.08.2019.
3rd Phase TS DEECET 2019 Web Options is from : 13.08.2019 to 20.08.2019.
3rd Phase TS DEECET 2019 Seat Allotments is from : 22.08.2019 to 24.08.2019.
3rd Phase Reporting to colleges and colege Fee Payment on 26.08.2019 and 27.08.2019.


TS DEECET Counselling