SBI POs Prelims Results 2019 (Probationary Officers Preliminary Exam Results) Released
SBI PO result 2019 on June 29. The prelims result of SBI PO has been declared online only. To check SBI PO result 2019 candidates have to enter registration/application number and date of birth. Candidates can check SBI PO result from this page by clicking on the link. The SBI PO 2019 result of prelims has been declared first followed by mains and final result & selection list for appointment. The SBI PO result 2019 of prelims has been declared before the schedule date i.e. July 7. The result of SBI PO 2019 mains exam to be declared in third week of August. The final list of selected candidates in SBI PO 2019 will be declared in second week of October based on which candidates will be appointed as Probationary Officer in Junior Management Grade Scale-I (JMGS-I). The SBI PO result 2019 has been declared for only those candidates who have secured qualifying/passing marks in each stage of entrance exam. Based on the SBI PO 2019 result, at each stage of examination (pre, mains & interview) adequate number of candidates from each category to be shortlisted for appearing in subsequent round of selection procedure.
SBI POs Prelims Results 2019 (Probationary Officers Preliminary Exam Results) Released
SBI PO Result 2019
The examination authority declares the result for each stage of examination separately. And based on the qualifying criteria at each stage, a certain number of candidates are selected for the next round of the recruitment process. Candidates can check SBI PO 2019 result dates for each stage from the table given below:
SBI PO 2019 Result Preliminary: June 29, 2019
Declaration of SBI PO Result 2019 Mains : Third Week of August 2019
Conduct of Group Exercise and Interview : September 2019
SBI PO 2019 Final Result :First Week of October 2019
How To Check SBI PO Result 2019?
The step-wise procedure to check SBI PO 2019 result is given below.
- Visit the official website of SBI –
- From the top right corner of the homepage, click on ‘Careers’.
- Click on the link for the recruitment of SBI Probationary Officers.
- Then click on ‘Recruitment of Probationary Officers in State Bank of India’ from the list.
- Click on the ‘SBI PO Result’ link.
- Enter Registration Number and Date of Birth.
- Click on the ‘Submit’ button.
- Your SBI PO Result appear on the screen. Download SBI PO Result and save it for future reference.
SBI PO Result 2019 Prelims
The SBI PO 2019 result for Preliminary exam has been announced on June 29. The result has been declared online, and candidates can check it by logging in with your login credentials. The result of SBI PO 2019 Prelims has been declared only for those candidates who have scored qualifying marks in the entrance exam. To qualify the exam candidates must secured high marks in each paper of English language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning Ability as there are no sectional qualifying marks. Moreover, candidates must have scored overall cut off score to pass the Preliminary exam. The qualifying marks for SBI PO 2019 Preliminary has been also announced by examination authority at the time of declaration of result. Also, the marks obtained in the Preliminary exam is not be taken into consideration while preparing the final selection list. As per the official notification, based on the SBI PO result 2019 among the total qualified candidates 10 times the number of vacancies (approx.) in each category has been shortlisted for the Mains exam. Therefore, approximately 20000 has been declared qualified in the Preliminary exam and eligible to appear in the mains exam.
SBI PO Prelims Result Calculation Procedure
The SBI PO result of Prelims has been calculated by using the following formula:
Total Score out 100 = (Number of correct attempts X 1) – (Number of Incorrect attempts X 0.25)
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SBI POs Prelims Results 2019