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Monday, March 27, 2017

ANUPGCET 2017 -Acharya Nagarjuna University PGCET 2017 Notification

ANUPGCET 2017 Notification -Acharya Nagarjuna University PGCET 2017 NotificationPGCET 2017 Notification|  Acharya Nagarjuna University Post Graduate Common Entrance Test 2017 Notification\ Apply Online at|

 Acharya Nagarjuna University Guntur invites applications for the admissios into Post Graduation Courses offered on its Campus,PG Centre,Ongole and its affiliated colleges for the academic year 2017-18 through ANUPGCET 2017  .Details of courses offered ,eligibility conditions etc.are available in the information brouchure.The information brochure and online application are available on the website The application form can be filled online after going through the instructions therein.
ANUPGCET 2017 Notification -Acharya Nagarjuna University PGCET 2017 NotificationPGCET 2017 Notification| Acharya Nagarjuna University Post Graduate Common Entrance Test 2017 Notification\ Apply Online at| Acharya Nagarjuna University Guntur invites applications for the admissios into Post Graduation Courses offered on its Campus,PG Centre,Ongole and its affiliated colleges for the academic year 2017-18 through ANUPGCET 2017 .Details of courses offered ,eligibility conditions etc.are available in the information brouchure.The information brochure and online application are available on the website The application form can be filled online after going through the instructions therein./2017/03/

Cost of Application : Rs 600/-( Rs 500/- for SC/ST/PHC)
Submission of Online Application 22.02.2017onwards

Note - 1 :         SCHEDULE OF ANUPGCET – 2017
Cost of Application                  :         Rs.600/- (Rs.500/- for SC / ST / PHC)
(Application Fee Rs.100/- + Application Registration & Processing Fee Rs.500/-)
1.      Notification Released on                                                                                        : 22.02.2017

2.      Commencement of Submission of Online Applications                                           : 22.02.2017

3.      Last date for submission of Online Applications without Late Fee                           :10.04.2017

4.      Last Date for submission of Online Applications with Late fee of Rs.1100/-              : 20.04.2017
(Application Fee Rs.600/- + Late Fee Rs.500/-)

5.      Last Date for submission of Online Applications with Tatkal Fee of Rs.1600/-           : 01.05.2017
(Application Fee Rs.600/- + Tatkal Fee Rs.1000/-)

6.      Downloading Hall-Tickets from website (                                      : 01.05.2017 Onwards
7.      Schedule of Entrance Tests (Tentative)                                                                   : 5th to 7th May, 2017

Note – 2 : List of enclosures

The following Original Certificates are to be submitted at the Time of Counseling
1. ANUPGCET – 2017 Application, Hall Ticket
2. ANUPGCET – 2017 Rank Card
3. Transfer Certificate & Conduct Certificate from the college last studied
4. Degree Provisional Certificate / Original Degree
5. Degree Mark Memos of Three Years
6. Reserved Category / Permanent Caste Certificate issued in 2017 from Mee Seva (for SC, ST and BC Candidates if reservation is claimed)
7. S.S.C / Date of Birth Certificate
8. Intermediate or equivalent Certificate
9. Income Certificate issued in 2017 from Mee Seva (if fee concession is claimed)
10. Study Certificates (from 9th Class to Degree final year) / Residence Certificate of last Seven Academic Years (from Mee Seva issued in 2017) / Form-I or II or III or IV as given in Annexure - A pertaining to claim of Local Candidate
11. Copy of the Relevant Certificates issued from concerned authorities if Special Reservation is claimed under PH/ NCC/ SPORTS/ CAP
12. Migration Certificate (Student studied other than Acharya Nagarjuna University)
13. Declaration form as given in Annexure-B
14. Two sets Xerox copies of above mentioned certificates and Two Passport size photos
No Candidate will be allowed into the Counseling Hall without Provisional Certificate (P.C) and Transfer Certificate  (T.C).

NOTE: Candidates who are appeared and qualified in ANUPGCET-2017, They alone are eligible for Fee Reimbursement provided, they fulfill all other conditions of Govt. of AP Rules for Reimbursement.


  2. Candidates who wish to take Admission into the P.G. Courses offered by Minority Colleges are also required to appear for the Entrance Test(s) conducted by the University.
  3. There is no provision for Revaluation, Retotaling or Personal verification of scripts of Entrance Tests.
  4. All candidates who apply for entrance test satisfying the eligibility criteria will only be allowed for the Entrance test.
  5. Any candidate allowed for entrance test, later found to be ineligible will not be issued Rank card. Even rank cards are issued in such cases, it will be cancelled later and such cases will not be entertained for Counseling.
  6. Mere allowing a candidate for the Entrance Test will not have any claim or right for admission into P.G. Courses. They have to satisfy the Eligibility Criteria given in Table-II. The decision of Admitting Authority is final in all such matters.
  7. Selected candidates (who were given Ranks) should bring all the Original Certificates along with one set  of attested Photostat copies of certificates listed in Note – 2 to the Counseling. He / She has to submit them and copies of certificates submitted will not be returned. If the original certificates are not  produced for verification at the time of counseling, the candidate has to forfeit his / her seats.
  8. Candidates admitted to Entrance test and subsequently getting admission by furnishing false / incorrect information / indulging into any other kinds of fraudulent methods are liable for prosecution and cancellation of their admission without notice.
  9. Hall Ticket and Rank Cards are should be retained by the Candidate even after the Entrance Test as it is required at the time of Counseling.
  10. There is no age restriction for Admission into any P.G. courses. However,  those  candidates  who crossed  the age of 30 years for OC, 34 years for BC, SC and ST are not eligible for claiming / applying  any Fee Reimbursement (As per Memo No.10537/SW. Edn.2/2011, dated: 01-11-2011).
  11. P.G. Degree holders of a particular Course / Subject are not entitled for admission into the Same Course
  12. / subject in A.N.U. Colleges including A.N.U. P.G. Centre, Ongole. However, a P.G. Degree holder who wishes to pursue another P.G. Course in a different discipline may be given admission but is not eligible for Hostel Admission, any Scholarship / Exemption of any fees applying for reimbursement etc.
  13. No Candidate is entitled to pursue more than one Full Time course at a time. If admitted, no candidate  can undertake any other Full-Time Assignment / Employment / Study of any other Full-Time Course simultaneously.

Steps to be followed in filling ONLINE ANUPGCET 2017 application form Online Application form filling process

1. The Online Application for ANUPGCET – 2017 is available at website
2. When you fill Online Application, you should have the following necessities with you.
(a) Your Mobile Phone.
(b) ANUPGCET – 2017 Information Brochure.
(c) Your documents pertaining to your personal details and academic records.
(d) Softcopy of scanned passport photo and signature.
3. Open the website from your browser(Internet Explorer / Chrome / Firefox).
4. Click on the link appearing as Click here to register for ANUPGCET – 2017 Online Application.
5. After clicking the required link, you will get a detailed menu options screen.
6. Before proceeding to fill the application, please download and read the Admission Information Brochure.
7. Click on Online Registration button appearing on top menu.
8. Select the Test Name(s) you to appear, degree passed/appearing and fill the required details with elective subjects, then you will find the list of eligible and not-eligible courses.
9. Then proceed to fill the Name and other personal details with present address and date of birth. Please fill the details as per SSC or equivalent certificate.
10. While entering the personal details, please give your correct MOBILE number and EMAIL address, because all the correspondence from Admission Authority (DOA) will be made to Mobile and Email only, No postal correspondence will be made under any circumstances.
11. After completion of registration details entry, your Mobile will receive SMS of a Security Code, please type the Security Code in the box provided in the Registration Form and immediately your screen will display a message as “VERIFIED” in green color.
12. Then click “Register & Proceed” button for filling the application with all academic and other details along with scanned Passport Photo and Scanned Signature (signed on white paper only).
13. Fill the entire Academic, Study, Reservation and other Personal Details and submit the application. Select the terms and conditions box, click the preview button. Now it displays the application preview. There it gives two buttons one for “Back-To-Edit” for Editing any mistakes done by you, Save and Print for continuing the application. Now it generates the Acknowledgement Receipt, Take the printout and pay the fee by online using SBI Collect. After payment of fee in bank, you will get a mail with all the details submitted by online as a PDF file. You have to take a printout of the same and retain the same until completion of admission.
Fee Payment Process : Click on Online Payment button. Now click on Online Payment through SBI Collect button. Read the instructions and click checkbox to proceed payment and click the proceed button.
14. Mow your mobile will receive a message “Your ANUPGCET – 2017 application is  submitted successfully with Application No : XXXXX with Payment Ref.Id : XXXXXXXX”.
15. If you want to pay by challan, you have to take a printed copy of the challan and pay the application fee at any branch of SBI. After payment of Challan, the applicant has to wait for one working day for getting your application successfully registered after which you will receive application to your registered email.
16. If you select the ONLINE PAYMENT and after successful payment is done using Debit/Credit card/Net Banking process. You will get an SMS to your registered mobile number and also get an email to your registered email id with complete application details as PDF file.
17. Please do not send the printed copy of application to the DOA. Yow preserve it until your admission process is completed.
18. You can get a printed copy of application at any time using your Application No as ID  and Date of Birth as Password using “Print Application” option.

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