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Saturday, February 20, 2016

APRS Entrance Notification-2016

APRS- Andhra Pradesh Residential Schools 5th Class Entrance Examinations-2016 Notification APREIS has released Notification for entrnce Examinations-2016 for 2016-17 academic year. Entrance Examination will be on 24.04.2016 at all revenue divisions from 11.00am to 1pm. Exam will be at 4th standard in Telugu and English Mediums
APRS- Andhra Pradesh Residential Schools 5th Class Entrance Examinations-2016 Notification APREIS has released Notification for entrnce Examinations-2016 for 2016-17 academic year. Entrance Examination will be on 24.04.2016 at all revenue divisions from 11.00am to 1pm. Exam will be at 4th standard in Telugu and English Mediums

  1. Age: BC and OC candidates should be born between 01.09.2005 to 31.08.2007 and SC, STs should be born between 01.09.2003 to 31.08.2007 
  2. Candidates should be read two classes in Govt/Recognised Pvt schools and now in should be in 4th class
  3. How to Apply: Application will be accepted through Online mode only at  from 19.02.2016 to 24.03.2016 with Rs 50/- Entrnce Fee