Saturday, November 14, 2015

AP SSC Exam 2016 10th Class March Exams Fee Details

AP  SSC Exam 2016 10th Class March Exams Fee Details Last Date 18-11-2015
AP SSC Public Exams Fee Particulars , AP School Education , 10 the Class  March 2016 Examination fee Due Dates , SSC Exam Subject Wise fee Particulars , SSC Exam fee Head of Accounts , HMs Instructions , DDO fee payment instructions , DDO code , SSC Exam fee Regular students , Supplementary Students Fee Particulars  

 AP SSC exam fee last date 2016, ap 10th class exam fees 2015-16

Andra Pradesh  Director of School Education issued  SSC Exam March 2016 Fee Particulars and due dates . AP  DSC announced 10the Class Public Exams Fee payment dates schedule . Last date of SSC Exam fee without fine 16-11-2015 .AP SSC examination fee for all subjects is Rs 125. Who are appper students three or less than three subjects exam fee is Rs 110 and above three subjects it is Rs 125.

Andra Pradesh  Director if School Education Rc.No. 149/B-2/2015  Dt. 26-10-2015

Instructions to SSC Candidates :

  1. Fee for Regular candidates for all subjects is Rs.125/-
  2. Fee for upto three and less than 3 subjects is Rs.110/-
  3. Fee for more than 3 subjects is Rs.125/
  4. Fee for Vocational candidates is Rs.60/- in addition to Regular Examination fee of Rs.125/ prescribed for SSC academic courses.

OMR cum ICR application forms have to be used for March 2016, Exams, which will be supplied to schools. Notification of  SSC / OSSC / VOCATIONAL Public Examinations , March,2016 fee Particulars. The following are the due dates for remittance of Examination fee for Regular / Private Once failed Candidates for the SSC Public Examinations to be held in March, 2016. All recognized schools Heads of institutions have to remit the fee in the prescribed Treasury Challan only enclosing a list of candidates to it.

Important note of DDOs :

I. If any of the above dates are declared Public Holidays, the next immediate working day may be reckoned for the purpose.
2. Due dates of remittance of Examination fee will not be extended further under any circumstances.

 Head of Account Fee Payments :

  1. 0202 - Education, Sports, Arts & Culture.
  2. 01 - General Education
  3. 102- Secondary Education
  4. 06 - Director, Government Examinations,
  5. 001 - User Charges.
  6. DDO CODE: 25000303007 
  7. AP  SSC 2016 March Exams Fee Due Schedule Copy Download 

    * SSC Public Exam Complete information in Official website Click here